Question: Where does the money from adoptions/Donations go?
Answer: Directly back to the care of our animals. In nearly ALL cases the adoption fee doesn't even come close to the cost of caring for an animal for the 3 week quarantine, Much less if it needs any sort of vet care.

Question: What becomes of animals who come to you sick?
Answer: We get them the best possible treatment regardless of cost. If they are too ill to be treated they are put down humanely and a memorial added to our Rainbow Bridge

Question: What about agressive animals?
Answer: If we cannot find a handler experienced enough to take them on, They remain here for the course of their natural lives.

Question: Do you ever reject animals?
Answer: Unfortunately yes. All animals are on a case by case basis. Sometimes we have to say no for the safety of our staff or other animals. Most times we are unable to take a vicious dog because or animals are allowed to roam free on the property however an iguana or snake would be confined to a cage and would pose no threat if handled properly. As I said, It's all on a case by case basis.

Question: What animal do you recieve the most?
Answer: Iguanas. Followed by large constrictors. Which is why there are seperate sections for these animals on my site and links on where you can get real information on the care and behaviour of these animals.

Question: How do people find out about you?
Answer: Most of them come to my site via other links, Some of them see ads in local papers and some just by word of mouth.

Question: What if lightining struck your house, Your car was stolen, Your staff all quit ....
Assuming this leads up to "What if you just can't continue" The answer would be to move all my animals to other no kill rescues till I was again on my feet. I would never abandon my kids or have them put to sleep and I would no sooner have that for my animals.

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