2 / 19th Battalion
8th Division
Malaya - Singapore Island  - Thailand - Burma - Labuan - Sandakan - Japan
1941 - 1945


Click on the below underlined links to access the following pages

 Headquarters Company Page
 A Company Page
 B Company Page
 C Company Page
D Company Page

Links to other 2 / 19th Pages in progress

For any Inquiries or loans and donations of copies ( or originals )
of old photographs, information etc., suitable for publishing
on the internet about the 2/19th Battalion, AIF
please contact Bob Middleton by E-mail at
[email protected]

and I will get back to you ASAP

Photographs and other items so loaned will be returned to their original owners,
so please supply your return address with any items sent.

We have compiled a database on all members
with as much information about them as possible
contained therein. If a member is mentioned in
the Battalion History, then this information is
recorded in their relevant section of the database.
However, as there are multiple surnames of various
names, e.g., Jones, White etc., it is difficult to
establish to which person the history is referring.
Our sincere apologies for any errors.

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This page was published by   for the 2/19th Battalion, A.I.F.

 RHM & Associates Pty Ltd
PO Box 365
Minto NSW 2566
Phone +61 2 9820 3724
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