How Sean and Heather Can Serve You
*    Share about Haiti and/or missions in your school, kid's club or Sunday School class.

*    Preach a message of encouragement and missions in your church service.

*    Assist your church's missions committee in vision, promotion, missionary support and care.

*    Advise young people (and old people!) interested in missions.

*    Meet with your pastor to encourage him in ministry and share ideas, resources and biblical insights (remember, that's what we're going to Haiti to do, we are doing the same right here!)

*    Meet with pastoral or missionary couples or children who need encouragement or counsel.
Sean has 12 years of pastoral ministry and Christian education experience,  15 years of discipleship and missions moblizing experience and 5 years of campus ministry experience.  He has done missions ministry in Germany, Guatemala and Haiti.

Heather is a missionary kid, pastor's kid and pastor's wife and served as a full-time missionary for 5 years.  She has done missions ministry in Belgium, Mexico, Haiti and Guatemala.

Sean and Heather love to share with children and adults of all ages.
Contact Us, We Are Eager to Serve!
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