The Christensen Chronicle
2004 Year in Review                      Volume 5 Issue 1
Dear Friends and Family,

Our Christmas letter has become an early Easter letter this year, but we figure you probably have more time to read it now than in mid-December anyway.  We each have our own contributions to share with you, but some family highlights include:

April 27-the birth of Josiah Daniel Christensen, our third boy and precious bundle.  We named him after two of the most godly men in the Bible and we pray he may live up to those names.  Grandma Sherry watched his older brothers for three days straight, but we think she's recovered by now.

July 2-17-vacation that included a 50th anniversary party in Grand Rapids, MI, visits in Michigan, New York and Pittsburgh, and Grandma Pawson's 90th birthday celebration with all of Heather's family.

Sep 16-18-camping trip to a nearby state park with all five of us in a tent for two nights with record lows, but boy did we have fun!

Thanksgiving-with some of Heather's family in Pittsburgh. 

Christmas-three trips to Montello and tossing the tree the day before Josiah learned to crawl. 

Those were all fun events, but of course, life occurs in between holidays and vacations. For us, life involves changing diapers, reading stories and inventing even more, mowing the lawn, raking leaves or shoveling snow, washing clothes and dishes, serving in our church and finding a little time for some hobbies. These aren't the kinds of things you write about in a newsletter, but that's where life happens and we are finding that every moment of every day is an opportunity to truly live life, as defined by God, the Author of life-to love Him with all our hearts and to love others and each other with the love that only God through Christ can supply. 
Life's pretty simple, really.
The Christensen Boys with Big Smiles!
Ian's Inklings
Ian spent the first month of 2004 as "Bilbo Baggins."  He dubbed Sean "Gandalf" and Erik & Heather as Fili & Kili (the dwarfs).  When Grandpa Daryl asked him what happened to the new ball glove he got for Christmas, he answered, "Well, it's a long story.  First I wanted it, then Erik wanted it, then I took it from Erik, and then the dwarf took it and put it away."  Ian has role played numerous other characters throughout the year.  It got to the point that his teachers at church would welcome him into class by asking him who he was today.

Daddy's been reading "The Chronicles of Narnia" to the boys and we've all been loving it.  Ian often plays the role of the protagonist, so he's quick to be Aslan, King Peter or Prince Caspian.  But when Erik dubbed Mommy "the White Witch," Mommy drew the line and said, "We will have no White Witches or Gollums in our house. And I'm not too keen on being a troll either!"

Ian's big accomplishments were going 21 days in a row without sucking his thumb to earn a suit of armor, and he's excited that he's starting to do "school" with Mommy and learn to read.
Erik's Entries
Erik has learned to talk this year.  He likes to make lists.  He'll often name each of us in his prayers and if he gets mixed up, he'll start all over.  Early on he was our little Italian.  He'd come into the kitchen and say, "I like-a some-a cookie, Daddy!"  When Mommy gave him an apple slice with the skin on it, he exclaimed, "Skin is not good for your body, Mom!"  He particularly likes McDonald's french fries but is not too interested in their "hammerburgers."  Girls are "golols" and almost every sentence starts with "At least..."  Recently he asked Ian if he could play trucks with him.  Ian's answer:  a resounding "NO!"  To which Erik with clear enunciation replied, "What would Jesus do, Ian?!"  Ian didn't want to answer that one, but it's a question we should all ask ourselves on a regular basis!
Joey's Jottings
I'm 10 months old and I'm a smiley boy!  Mommy & Daddy say my grin fills my whole face.  The Christmas tree just escaped my grasp this year, but in one month's time I've mastered crawling, sitting myself up and pulling myself up to a standing position.  I'm pretty excited about my one tooth too.

Well, I arrived on April 27 after two false starts.  Mommy says God stopped her contractions until her doctor and a friend could both be there for the delivery.  I was 7 lbs, 9 oz and 21 � inches long and I just keep growing.  I like to clap my hands, squawk, say "Mum, mum, mum" and try to keep up with my brothers.  They can make me laugh more than anybody else!
We're Cool Stuff!
Sean's Stuff
People often ask me if I like to fish as much as my dad.  Since I'm not sure that's possible, I always say no, but I'm glad for a few excursions this past year.  Ian and I did a half day with my brother Steve and had a blast.  I caught a huge channel cat and it was Ian's first time in a boat. Later in the summer Ian and Erik and I practically had the bluegills jumping in our bucket fishing the Fox River with Grandpa Daryl.   As usual, I enjoyed my times gardening, mushroom picking, duck hunting and bird watching. Putting in a new patio door was our major house project for the year. In May I was ordained as a minister of the gospel, which is the final step after being licensed.  Our church added a second associate pastor, which has freed me to create and teach an adult class called CrossTraining: a series of four, 10-week classes focusing on basic Christian beliefs, how to study the Bible, a survey of the Old and New Testaments, and Christian living.  I am loving it and my students are too.  If I had to write my preferred job description, it would be exactly what I'm doing.
Heather's Happenings
Changes are everywhere. Our boys are taller and our family keeps growing. As Ian would say "We're a 5 family now!" Joey has been a tremendous joy and blessing to us.  We're so thankful to the Lord for giving us our three presents from Jesus.  Taking care of these three presents has kept me busy!  But I try to squeeze in an occasional scrapbooking night or a good book now and then.  I continue to enjoy our church's ladies Bible study and leading our missions team.  My time has been stretched to help plan and co-lead our church's 2nd missions trip to Guatemala this coming summer.  We plan to go as a family and desire your prayers for God's guidance, protection and provision over every detail of the trip.

Life is full of adjusting to changes.  As we look forward to the start of our homeschooling experience come September, we know there will be adjustments in store for us, but we are excited to set off on a learning adventure as a family.

We're delighted to know that God is the author of change and He is in complete control over every situation.  It is our prayer that as we face each day, we will do so with the strength God provides and bring joy and pleasure to Him.
Thank you for the blessing you are to our family.  Our prayer for you is that you may experience the life and joy of God in every aspect of your day, as Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).
Family of Five!
With love,
Sean, Heather, Ian, Erik & Josiah
(c) 2005 Sean & Heather Christensen
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