The Christensen Chronicle

Christmas 2001                              Volume 2 Issue 1
Dear Friends and Family,

We hope this Christmas letter finds you well.  I heard a news reporter say in October, "America needs Christmas," referring to the solace this season offers to a nation changed by terrorism.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace and celebrating his birth offers us the hope we need.  We want justice to be served to the terrorists, and rightly so, because justice serves peace.  Yet Christmas reminds us that God's mercy has triumphed over justice-we deserve just punishment for our active rebellion against God and our complacent rejection of his word.  Even so, he sent his only Son to earth to show us the ways of God and then make the way to God by dying on the cross for our sin, satisfying God's justice with his own sacrifice.  The terrorists, and millions of Muslims, know nothing of a God of such love.  It is our prayer that you will know the love of the Prince of Peace this Christmas.

Ian's Corner
I've had a wonderful year, and I've learned so much.  I'm 20 months old, and I can say many words and make lots of animal noises.  I love to read and look at books, and I particularly notice people wearing hats or boots.  Mom and Dad are sometimes surprised by all that I know.  They are working hard to teach me what is good and right.  My most exciting news is that I'm going to have a baby brother soon!  I sometimes pat Mommy's tummy and say "baby boy."  I'm looking forward to having a baby in our house and a friend to play with!

Heather's Happenings
After surviving the first three months of pregnancy, I now feel great!  We are looking forward to the arrival of our second little boy.  His due date is April 2.  We'd all appreciate your prayers for a healthy baby and mom and a smooth delivery!  I've been keeping busy with all that's involved with being a wife and mom.  It's been a joy to be at home taking care of my family.  I've also taken on the leadership of our church's missions team, and I continue to help out with the children's ministry at church.  As an alternative to attending a women's Bible study this year, I've enjoyed reading through the Bible in a year with Sean.  We're on the home stretch now!  What a blessing to have the Word of God in our language and in our hands!  We continue to pray for those who've never heard of Jesus and who do not have the Bible in their language.

Sean's Stuff
After three years of teaching Bible, math, and computers at the local Christian high school, I finished my time there with Heather, Ian, and I chaperoning the senior trip to Dauphin Island, Alabama and New Orleans.  Somehow Heather and I managed to escape getting a tan, but everyone had a good time.  Afterward I spoke at graduation and then enjoyed seven weeks of being unemployed!  We traveled to Pittsburgh, where Heather's parents and grandpa live, and to Maine, where three of Heather's four brothers live.  It was a much needed vacation and a very enjoyable time with family.

On July 15 I changed from being Pastor Sean, the guy with the seminary degree who goes to our church, to Pastor Sean, Discipleship Pastor at Faith Community Church in Janesville, WI.  I serve with a wonderful staff and a gracious and appreciative congregation.  I love what I am doing; in fact, I have not been this satisfied with my life and ministry since my junior year at UW-Whitewater, back in 1992.  My office is at home, which Heather likes, but Ian has mixed feelings about because I have to say "no" to his "read to me" requests so often.  Heather and I still plan on being missionaries; that is very much in our sights, but at least five years off.  For now our mission field is Rock County, Wisconsin.
We've spent countless hours on the internet and along Janesville's streets searching for a home.  After finding four homes that we have liked, each one better than the one before, and being disappointed each time, we've come to several conclusions.  First, if God closes the door on what we think is best, then he has something even better in store for us, and it will be worth waiting for!  Second, we praise God that we have a home in heaven that's already paid for by Christ's death on the cross, secured for us by his resurrection from the dead, it's in a great neighborhood, has no mortgage, interest or insurance payments and never needs repair!  This is by no means uniquely for us, such a home has been provided for any and all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  As you can tell, we're working to focus our thoughts on God's grace and the wonderful gift of his Son this Christmas.
With love,
Sean, Heather and Ian
(c) 2001 Sean & Heather Christensen
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