Seal Births 1930 - 1939

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Year Qtr. Given Name Surname Mothers Name Reg. District Vol. Page Notes
1930 March David L W Seal Larkins Lambeth 1d 421
1930 March Dorothy M Seal Bond Epsom 2a 32
1930 March Grace E K Seal Hammond Reading 2c 568
1930 March Harold K Seal Sanders Belper 7b 1003
1930 March Joan A Seal Cox Hinckley 7a 80
1930 March Joan M Seal Coomber Godstone 2a 409
1930 March Mary Seal McGuinness Oldham 8d 1129
1930 March Pauline J Seal Matthews Godstone 2a 384
1930 March Peter J Seal Swannell Sevenoaks 2a 1340
1930 March Joan Seale Lott Cardiff 11a 459
1930 March Joyce W Seale Lake Malling 2a 1305
1930 March Keith A Seale Day Derby 7b 875
1930 March Leslie Seale Qusen Birmingham N 6d 647
1930 March Edith F Seales Seales Walsingham 4b 345
1930 March Kenneth F Seales Main King's L 4b 389
1930 March Rita Seales Grindle S Shields 10a 1211
1930 June Betty E Seal Seal Cranbrook 2a 1030
1930 June Catherine Seal Green Wigan 8c 91
1930 June Donald C Seal Gilbert W Ham 4a 476
1930 June Hazel Seal Farmer Mt Bosworth 7a 126
1930 June Jean H Seal Edwards Nottingham 7b 712
1930 June June Seal Yarnell Doncaster 9c 1348
1930 June Kenneth J Seal Ward W Bromwich 6b 1211
1930 June Mervyn T Seal Fishlock Bath 5c 677
1930 June Michael Seal Hurford Axbridge 5c 606
1930 June Mildred E Seal Berry Tadcaster 9c 1593
1930 June Peter D Seal Bedwell Steyning 2b 390
1930 June Phyllis N Seal Skinner Sevenoaks 2a 1485
1930 June Robert C Seal Seal Strood 2a 1300
1930 June William J Seal Dyment St Thomas 5b 72
1930 June Francis J Seale Glen Derby 7b 965
1930 June Norman H Seale Chapman Foleshill 6d 1094
1930 June Stella P Seale Coyle Croydon 2a 692
1930 June Malcolm Seales Riddell S Shields 10a 1291
1930 June Robert C Seales Guy S Shields 10a 1321
1930 June Pamela D M Seall Wallis Portsmouth 2b 694
1930 Sept. Eileen M Seal Aukland Hemsworth 9c 269
1930 Sept. Frederick R G Seal Peach Bournemouth 2b 1014
1930 Sept. Graham R Seal Dawson Uxbridge 3a 77
1930 Sept. Gwynneth M Seal Lloyd Samford 4a 1572
1930 Sept. Harold K Seal Tarling Bedwelty 11a 119
1930 Sept. Hazel B Seal Pullen Kidderminster 6c 149
1930 Sept. June R Seal Gibbs Eton 3a 1642
1930 Sept. Keith R Seal Avriall Winchester 2c 263
1930 Sept. Kenneth Seal Hewitt Leeds North 9b 442
1930 Sept. Leonard G Seal Benefield Belper 7b 999
1930 Sept. Leslie H Seal Seal Lewisham 1d 1325
1930 Sept. Mabel Seal Giles Salford 8d 515
1930 Sept. Margaret F Seal Cripps Bromley 2a 1060
1930 Sept. Mary L Seal White Poole 5a 389
1930 Sept. Noreen  Seal Phillips Pontypridd 11a 1034
1930 Sept. Pamela A Seal Thurlow Hammersmith 1a 286
1930 Sept. Peter F Seal Potter Lambeth 1d 504
1930 Sept. Doris Seale Cook Sevenoaks 2a 1435
1930 Sept. Gwendoline M Seale Tolfrey Southwark 1d 1
1930 Sept. Henry J Seale Johnson Dartford 2a 1088
1930 Sept. James Seale Greavy Manchester N 8d 568
1930 Sept. John J Seale Prior Lambeth 1d 520
1930 Sept. Patricia M Seale Bourner Croydon 2a 707
1930 Sept. Peter J Seale Bourner Croydon 2a 707
1930 Sept. Betty I Seales Richardson Camberwell 1d 1105
1930 Sept. Harry Seales Finn S Shields 10a 1370
1930 Sept. Richard D Seall Seall Wisborne 5a 333
1930 Sept. Audrey Seals Jones Basford 7b 348
1930 Sept. Audrey M Seals Ferney Lewisham 1d 1413
1930 Sept. Herbert J Seals Bedford Shardlow 7b 819
1930 Sept. Kenneth R Seals Scott Ashbourne 7b 1084
1930 Dec. Alan Seal Stiles Croydon 2a 612
1930 Dec. Charles A Seal Elliott Greenwich 1d 1133
1930 Dec. David H Seal Watkins Birmingham N 6d 741
1930 Dec. Dorothy J Seal Jeans Cardiff 11a 666
1930 Dec. Edna Seal Nield Barton I 8e 732
1930 Dec. Elizabeth E Seal Howes Kingston 2a 851
1930 Dec. Eric C Seal Daley Birmingham N 6d 630
1930 Dec. Geoffrey Seal Woodcock Keighley 9a 232
1930 Dec. George F Seal Farrow Godstone 2a 389
1930 Dec. Gillian D Seal Potter Kidderminster 6c 128
1930 Dec. Graham A Seal Brown Birmingham N 6d 873
1930 Dec. Jean Seal Ward Newcastle T 10b 130?
1930 Dec. John Seal Taylor Manchester N 8d 769
1930 Dec. Joseph E Seal Thompson Tamworth 6b 595
1930 Dec. June M Seal Dear Southampton 2a 103
1930 Dec. Kenneth T Seal Harvey W Ham 4a 346
1930 Dec. Keturah E J Seal Webb Stoke N'Ton 1b 485
1930 Dec. Margaret I Seal Baldwin Sevenoaks 2a 1363
1930 Dec. Maud S L Seal Wilkes Lambeth 1d 315
1930 Dec. Neville J Seal Long Sevenoaks 2a 1369
1930 Dec. Peggy L Seal Collier Finsbury 1b 818
1930 Dec. Ruth M Seal Shepherd Hinckley 7a 90
1930 Dec. Thomas E Seal Cook Southwell 7b 681
1930 Dec. Victor H Seal Rosser Aylesbury 3a 1591
1930 Dec. William A J Seal Seal Dartford 2a 1105
1930 Dec. Arthur Seale Worker Derby 7b 918
1930 Dec. John Seale Newman Kingston 2a 831
1930 Dec. Pamela A Seale King Sheffield 9a 866
1930 Dec. Lilian L Seales Clay Camberwell 1d 969
1930 Dec. Hardy Seals Travis Mansfield 7b 242
1930 Dec. Winifred A Seals Richardson Leeds North 9b 331
1931 March Beryl M Seal Williamson Leicester 7a 286
1931 March Brian A Seal Hardiman Worcester 6c 205
1931 March Clifford N Seal Dilkes Blaby 7a 41
1931 March Derrick Seal Roberts Nuneaton 6d 991
1931 March Edith J Seal Bragg Poplar 1c 556
1931 March Eileen Seal Carr Leeds North 9b 375
1931 March Joan Seal Couch Kensington 1a 204
1931 March Joan M Seal Hammond Reading 2c 578
1931 March John H Seal Best Tynemouth 10b 378
1931 March Pamela H Seal Wilson Stoke N'Ton 1b 459
1931 March Philip J Seal Probert Newport M 11a 342
1931 March Reginald D Seal Dearing Islington 1b 438
1931 March Rose P Seal Marshall Nottingham 7b 663
1931 March Male Seal Seal Derby 7b 901
1931 March Arthur A Seal Simmons Tonbridge 2a 1379
1931 March Dennis H Seal Woodhams Tonbridge 2a 1417
1931 March George Seal Hubbard Meriden 6d 930
1931 March Rita Seal Lovell Surrey ME ??? See Sept 1935
1931 March Eric H Seal Wraight Edmonton 3a 980
1931 March Elsa D Seal Pulford Eccleshall B 9c 681
1931 March Vera E D Seal Bullingham Depwade 4b 283
1931 June Brian A Seal Carter Basingstoke 2c 358
1931 June Daphne J Seal Sutton Edmonton 3a 1166
1931 June Derek L Seal Swire Barton I 8c 802
1931 June Douglas H Seal Thorne Kingston 2a 910
1931 June Edward J Seal Kemsey Dartford 2a 1197
1931 June Eileen B Seal Bowler Uxbridge 3a 60
1931 June Joan E Seal Wood Woolwich 1d 1414
1931 June Kenneth E Seal Walford Nuneaton 6d 1007
1931 June Leslie Seal Seal Sheffield 9c 832
1931 June Marie O Seal Seal Rochford 4a 1210
1931 June Norah Seal Thorpe Hemsworth 9c 252
1931 June Norman R Seal Barnes Wells 5c 559
1931 June Pamela W Seal Swire Barton I 8c 803
1931 June Peter B Seal Dodding Preston 8e 694
1931 June Peter L Seal King St Geo H Sq 1a 529
1931 June Peter St C Seal Tawney Alverstoke 2b 907
1931 June Philip A Seal Rowsell Paddington 1a 28
1931 June Stanley W Seal Sansom Amersham 3a 1564
1931 June Sylvia Seal Horsey Edmonton 3a 1076
1931 June Thomas A W Seal Kerridge Dartford 2a 1165
1931 June Vera J Seal Lane St Olave 1d 196
1931 June Winifred J Seal Watson Birmingham N 6d 643
1931 June Adrian L A Seale Barrell Upton 6c 214
1931 June Lawrence W Seale Moloney Barton I 8c 788
1931 June Alan Seales Riddell S Shields 10a 1239
1931 June Doreen M Seales Grindle S Shields 10a 1277
1931 June Patricia E Seals Dawson Scarboro 9d 595
1931 Sept. Betty Seal Mills Hemsworth 9c 285
1931 Sept. Doris Seal Whiffin Dartford 2a 1215
1931 Sept. Elizabeth V Seal Page Leeds South 9b 648
1931 Sept. Florence R Seal Flevell Rochford 4a 1152
1931 Sept. Geoffrey Seal Briggs Belper 7b 1035
1931 Sept. Gerald S Seal Seal Birmingham N 6d 520
1931 Sept. Gordan J Seal Croxson Coventry 6d 1057
1931 Sept. Gwendoline M Seal Etherton Bournemouth 2b 1056
1931 Sept. Jean E I Seal Bax Southampton 2c 12
1931 Sept. John M Seal Rees Pontypridd 11a 1012
1931 Sept. John W O Seal Hedges Dartford 2a 1218
1931 Sept. Joseph E Seal Bowler Derby 7b 1006
1931 Sept. Joyce Seal Harding Hinckley 7a 90
1931 Sept. Mary Seal Ellerby Grimsby 7a 902
1931 Sept. Arthur W Seale Fullen Tonbridge 2a 1488
1931 Sept. Gladys Seale Abernethy York 9d 48
1931 Sept. Leslie J Seale Ratcliffe Battersea 1d 650
1931 Sept. James E J Seales Bunting Aylsham 4b 120
1931 Sept. June S Seales Ward Deptford 1d 1116
1931 Sept. Jean E Seals Heath Hackney 1b 654
1931 Dec. Barbara Seal Womersley Manchester N 8d 684
1931 Dec. Eileen P Seal Sutton Dorchester 5a 413
1931 Dec. George A Seal Yeats Dartford 2a 1001
1931 Dec. Grace L Seal Elliott Greenwich 1d 1063
1931 Dec. Joan Seal Jeans Cardiff 11a 659
1931 Dec. June P Seal Worth W Ham 4a 259
1931 Dec. Lilian F Seal Crangle Epsom 2a 14
1931 Dec. Malcolm A Seal Bridgman Tetbury 6a 510
1931 Dec. Marian Seal Lord Manchester N 8d 644
1931 Dec. Naomi Seal Shulman Hackney 1b 577
1931 Dec. Peter D Seal Lock Leicester 7a 315
1931 Dec. Richard Seal Orr Manchester S 8d 13
1931 Dec. Samuel G Seal Carter Melton M 7a 430
1931 Dec. Stanley Seal Hughes Hemsworth 9c 231
1931 Dec. Anthony Seale Underwood W Ham 4a 499
1931 Dec. Florence M Seale Callaghan Croydon 2a 668
1931 Dec. Margaret J Seale Collins Neath 11a 1206
1931 Dec. Patricia M Seale Seale Salford 8d 313
1931 Dec. Reginald F Seales Todd Romford 4a 651
1931 Dec. Terence A Seales Purbrick Camberwell 1d 959
1931 Dec. Thomas C Seales Boyd Liverpool 8b 229
1931 Dec. Winifred Seals Seagrave Mansfield 7b 147
1932 March Albert L Seal Partridge Hemsworth 9c 236
1932 March Antony C G Seal Greer Hartley W 2c 308
1932 March Arthur F Seal Cripps Bromley 2a 997
1932 March Barbara Seal Giles Barrow S 7a 224
1932 March Bernard Seal Ward Hemsworth 9c 243
1932 March Beryl Seal Cox Hinckley 7a 77
1932 March Derek H Seal Sweet Sevenoaks 2a 1368
1932 March Derick L Seal Dilks Blaby 7a 45
1932 March Dorothy W Seal Ward W Bromwich 6b 1068
1932 March Francis K Seal Berry Tadcaster 9c 1444
1932 March Frederick R G Seal Seal Croydon 2a 482
1932 March Harry Seal McGuinness Oldham 8d 1037
1932 March Leslie Seal McGowan Kingston 2a 774
1932 March Leslie W Seal Winspear Birmingham S 6d 297
1932 March Malcolm J C Seal Seal Cardiff 11a 549
1932 March Margaret R Seal Williams Salford 8d 477
1932 March Norman V Seal Taylor Godstone 2a 400
1932 March Percival Seal Ash Derby 7b 922
1932 March Roy R Seal Smith Colchester 4a 1232
1932 March Adeline M Seale Parfitt Reigate 2a 357
1932 March Mary Seale Hickman E Retford 7b 8
1932 March Rose M Seale Mead Lambeth 1d 434
1932 March Russell G C Seale Lott Cardiff 11a 462
1932 June Brian A Seal Foster Coventry 6d 1099
1932 June Charles R Seal Backhouse Leeds North 9b 404
1932 June Christopher A Seal Campbell Epsom 2a 32
1932 June Janette Seal Dyde Nuneaton 6d 1003
1932 June Jean Seal Bailey Nottingham 7b 720
1932 June Joan Seal Bull Belper 7b 1098
1932 June Marion R Seal Hedges Lambeth 1d 522
1932 June Peggy P Seal Broad Rochford 4a 1173
1932 June Philip T Seal Leadbitter Epsom 2a 57
1932 June Phyllis N Seal Newton Wakefield 9c 139
1932 June Rachel F Seal Young Reigate 2a 408
1932 June Ronald P J Seal Hodge Sevenoaks 2a 1526
1932 June Stanley V Seal Tunnicliffe Nottingham 7b 509
1932 June William F Seal Richardson Pontypridd 11a 999
1932 June William R Seal Sivyer Greenwich 1d 1199
1932 June Bernard D Seale Bourner Croydon 2a 793
1932 June Donald R Seale Fenn Hackney 1b 634
1932 June Jean Seale Fuller Docking 4b 371
1932 June John P R Seales Thompson Hampstead 1a 807
1932 June Trevor J F Seall Smith Portsmouth 2b 807
1932 June Aubrey I R Seals Howes Walsingham 4b 354
1932 Sept. David W Seal Hughes Birmingham S 6d 373
1932 Sept. Doreen I Seal Robins Uckfield 2b 151
1932 Sept. George A Seal Scott Malling 2a 1425
1932 Sept. Jillian E F Seal Lee Bristol 6a 121
1932 Sept. June M Seal Watkins W Bromwich 6b 1063
1932 Sept. Lawrie M Seal Middlehurst Finsbury 1b 816
1932 Sept. Michael R Seal Fishenden Tonbridge 2a 1497
1932 Sept. Naomi P Seal Lloyd Headington 3a 1794
1932 Sept. Peter C Seal Fishenden Tonbridge 2a 1497
1932 Sept. Robert I Seal Bull W Bromwich 6b 1205
1932 Sept. Ronald F Seal Butt Pancras 1b 29
1932 Sept. Anthony D Seale Phillipson Epsom 2a 35
1932 Sept. David C Seale King Eastbourne 2b 106
1932 Sept. George H R S Seale Needle Coventry 6d 1141
1932 Sept. Robert K Seale Johnson Woolwich 1d 1391
1932 Sept. Ronald M Seale Fail Poplar 1c 507
1932 Sept. Terence M Seale Sharp Croydon 2a 522
1932 Sept. Dennis T Seales Saunders Tetbury 6a 532
1932 Sept. Jane L Seales Grindle S Shields 10a 1165
1932 Sept. Olga Seals Francis Mansfield 7b 210
1932 Dec. Albert C Seal Baldwin Sevenoaks 2a 1268
1932 Dec. Audrey M W Seal Taylor Hendon 3a 658
1932 Dec. Brian C Seal Kennedy Wells 5c 486
1932 Dec. David L Seal Lawrence W Ham 4a 438
1932 Dec. Diana E G Seal Taylor Hendon 3a 658
1932 Dec. Doreen M Seal Johnson Dartford 6d ??? See Mar. 1936
1932 Dec. Dorothy Seal Pavitt Birmingham 6d 731
1932 Dec. Eileen A Seal Coyne Birmingham 6d 96
1932 Dec. Ernest Seal Burke Birmingham 6d 152
1932 Dec. Granville S Seal Watts Stoke T 6b 249
1932 Dec. Greta P D Seal Harris Yeovil 5c 429
1932 Dec. Ivy Seal Cripps Bromley 2a 934
1932 Dec. John Seal Lord Manchester N 8d 641
1932 Dec. John H Seal Dunn Mansfield 7b 99
1932 Dec. Josephine H Seal Appleby Croydon 2a 454
1932 Dec. Mark F Seal Corcoran Manchester N 8d 611
1932 Dec. Michael A Seal Dodding Preston 8e 586
1932 Dec. Margaret Seale Watts Dewsbury 9b 709
1932 Dec. Sylvia J M Seale Barrell Upton 6c 211
1932 Dec. Donald M Seales Main King's L 4b 348
1932 Dec. Josephine Seales Boyd W Derby 8b 836
1932 Dec. Marie H Seales Bunting Aylsham 4b 99
1932 Dec. Betty D Seals Bunting Aylsham 4b 103
1932 Dec. Marie H Seals Bunting Aylsham 4b 99
1933 March Alice M M Seal Williamson Leicester 7a 273
1933 March Anthony J Seal Cox Hinckley 7a 78
1933 March Beatrice R Seal Yeats Dartford 2a 1005
1933 March Catherine Seal Crompton Birmingham 6d 772
1933 March David J Seal Croydon Camberwell 1d 833
1933 March Ellen Seal Green Wigan 8c 83
1933 March Ellen Seal Boden Birmingham 6d 791
1933 March Guy J Seal Sneap Shardlow 7b 793
1933 March Hilda B Seal Pullen Kidderminster 6c 165
1933 March Iris E A Seal Warner Leicester 7a 304
1933 March Kathleen Seal Thorpe Birmingham 6d 613
1933 March Kenneth Seal Seal Sheffield 9c 732
1933 March Maureen Seal Prince Birmingham 6d 204
1933 March Michael B Seal Bridgman Tetbury 6a 487
1933 March Patrick A D Seal Twohay Dartford 2a 1084
1933 March Peter D Seal James Barrow S 7a 220
1933 March Peter J Seal Long Sevenoaks 2a 1328
1933 March Raymond Seal Woodcock Keighley 9a 222
1933 March Robert J Seal Orr Manchester S 8d 20
1933 March Ronald Seal Mills Hemsworth 9c 290
1933 March Ronald J Seal Neville Lambeth 1d 282
1933 March Wilfred C Seal Jeans Cardiff 11a 657
1933 March Alan R Seale Worker Derby 7b 911
1933 March Raymond E Seale Rogers Hendon 3a 634
1933 March Vera L Seale Simmons Tonbridge 2a 1342
1933 March Betty R Seals Tucker Poplar 1c 467
1933 June Charles R Seal Nicholls Croydon 2a 608
1933 June Eric J Seal Sutton Reigate 2a 338
1933 June Frances M Seal Rowsell Uxbridge 3a 162
1933 June George W Seal Sims Dartford 2a 1167
1933 June James A Seal Walford Nuneaton 6d 956
1933 June Patricia J Seal Exon Bristol 6a 243
1933 June Peter D Seal Ayriss Croydon 2a 603
1933 June Raymond Seal Cheetham Derby 7b 906
1933 June Derek Seale Gibbs Paddington 1a 101
1933 June Harold Seale Muir Dewsbury 9b 795
1933 June Jean M Seale Underwood W Ham 4a 487
1933 June June R Seale Funnell Eastbourne 2b 97
1933 June Mary Seale Rimmer Ormskirk 8b 1281
1933 June Ivy Seales Clay Camberwell 1d 890
1933 June James R Seales Riddell S Shields 10a 1177
1933 Sept. Anita Seal Rees Pontypridd 11a 895
1933 Sept. Brian D Seal Ward Birmingham 6d 22
1933 Sept. Daphne M Seal Sweet Sevenoaks 2a 1374
1933 Sept. Diana Seal Giles Barrow S 7a 206
1933 Sept. Evelyn C Seal Hardiman N Forest 2b 1008
1933 Sept. John Seal Gulbin I Wight 2b 838
1933 Sept. Kathleen M Seal Budd Winchester 2c 214
1933 Sept. Kenneth J Seal Richardson Pontypridd 11a 908
1933 Sept. Marjorie M Seal Street Pontefract 9c 179
1933 Sept. Mary I Seal Taylor Manchester N 8d 712
1933 Sept. Roy E Seal Branston Liverpool 8b 427
1933 Sept. Alan M Seal Stanley Salford 8d 457
1933 Sept. Nita P J Seal Woollett Medway 2a 1269
1933 Sept. Norman Seal Frost Shardlow 7b 772
1933 Sept. Patricia J Seal Fullem Tonbridge 2a 1398
1933 Sept. Colin R Seals Scott Ashbourne 7b 976
1933 Sept. John H Seals Richardson Leeds North 9b 319
1933 Sept. Margaret R Seals Richardson Leeds North 9b 319
1933 Sept. Marjorie L Seals Ferney Woolwich 1d 1326
1933 Dec. Beryl J Seal Bragg Poplar 1c 415
1933 Dec. Francis W Seal Lord Shoreditch 1c 23
1933 Dec. Joan B Seal Green Shoreditch 1c 24
1933 Dec. Joyce Seal Taylor Burnley 8e 168
1933 Dec. Lilian S Seal Backhouse Leeds North 9b 348
1933 Dec. Marian R M Seal Smith Colchester 4a 1076
1933 Dec. Sylvia R Seal Wilton Camberwell 1d 794
1933 Dec. Winifred Seal Potter Godstone 2a 342
1933 Dec. Barbara J Seale Curme Watford 3a 1201
1933 Dec. Clifford Seale Qusen Birmingham 6d 356
1933 Dec. John G H Seale Barrell Upton 6c 205
1933 Dec. Maurice J Seale Vennard Kingston 2a 648
1933 Dec. James D Seales Todd Romford 4a 553
1933 Dec. Curtis J Seals Brocklehurst Belper 7b 878
1933 Dec. Dorothy L Seals Jones Basford 7b 265
1934 March Albert E Seal Wood Woolwich 1d 1194
1934 March Allan Seal Nield Barton I 8c 755
1934 March Allen E Seal Sharatt Cardiff 11a 673
1934 March Donald Seal Cox Hinckley 7a 78
1934 March Frederick G Seal Scott Malling 2a 1348
1934 March John Seal Green Wigan 8c 97
1934 March John R Seal Lloyd Birmingham 6d 785
1934 March Kenneth W Seal Horsey Edmonton 3a 1020
1934 March Maurice C Seal Page Leeds South 9b 639
1934 March Peter R Seal Warner Lewisham 1d 1144
1934 March Raymond Seal Cripps Bromley 2a 1005
1934 March Ronald F Seal Wright Birmingham 6d 96
1934 March Stephen J Seal Goodwin Malling 2a 1346
1934 March Brian L Seale Boden Birmingham 6d 827
1934 March David D Seale Spurway Totnes 5b 184
1934 March Janet N Seale Pierson Gosport 2b 788
1934 March Margaret A Seale Chessum Kingston 2a 785
1934 March William Seales Barker Ware 3a 1156
1934 March Brian Seals Bedford Shardlow 7b 757
1934 March Brian C Seals Dawson Marylebone 1a 589
1934 June Doreen A Seal Sivyer Greenwich 1d 1076
1934 June Gerald Seal Broad Rochford 4a 1097
1934 June Gerald T Seal Croxson Coventry 6d 1130
1934 June Iris J Seal Chapman Coventry 6d 1099
1934 June James A Seal Seal Edmonton 3a 1138
1934 June Joan E Seal Minton Birmingham 6d 562
1934 June John D Seal Marchant Medway 2a 1318a
1934 June Maureen J B Seal Bennett Rochford 4a 1123
1934 June Maurice V Seal Yeats Dartford 2a 1034
1934 June Pauline Seal Barton Manchester N 8d 723
1934 June Peggy Seal Couch Kensington 1a 224
1934 June Peter J Seal Hart Belper 7b 983
1934 June Ralph D Seal Sims Brentford 3a 462
1934 June Ronald J Seal Rawlinson Leeds North 9b 308
1934 June Winifred E Seal O'Brian Poplar 1c 506
1934 June Bernard V Seale Johnson Woolwich 1d 1296
1934 June Kenneth Seale Williams Middlesboro 9d 943
1934 June Pamela A Seale Brotherhood Pontypridd 11a 934
1934 June Rodney Seale Muir Dewsbury 9b 832
1934 June Robert Seales Grindle S Shields 10a 1092
1934 Sept. Brian L F Seal Pugeley Portsmouth 2b 764
1934 Sept. Derek Seal Weavers Strood 2a 1247
1934 Sept. Donald W Seal Twohay Lewisham 1d 1135
1934 Sept. Elfreda M Seal Shepherd Hinckley 7a 97
1934 Sept. Gertrude M Seal Sheffield Blaby 7a 63
1934 Sept. Jeanette J M Seal Burke Birmingham 6d 144
1934 Sept. John A Seal Newton Wakefield 9c 113
1934 Sept. John L Seal Sargent Birmingham 6d 414
1934 Sept. John S Seal Benefield Belper 7b 909
1934 Sept. Stella N J Seal Paice Droxford 2c 240
1934 Sept. Anthony Seale Athey Wortley 9c 449
1934 Sept. Dorothy Seale Corbett Wortley 9c 464
1934 Sept. Dorothy Seale Churchill Tonbridge 2a 1458
1934 Sept. Joan L Seale Worker Derby 7b 884
1934 Sept. June O Seale Tolfray Lewisham 1d 1207
1934 Sept. Josephine E Seals Brassington Ashbourne 7b 975
1934 Dec. Arthur A Seal Haynes Belper 7b 904
1934 Dec. Audrey Seal Davies Weobley 6a 639
1934 Dec. Charles A Seal Crumpton Birmingham 6d 694
1934 Dec. Doreen E Seal Butler Kensington 1a 184
1934 Dec. Doreen S Seal Matthews Surrey S E 2a 614
1934 Dec. Doris A Seal Dilkes Blaby 7a 49
1934 Dec. Eric Seal Hall Manchester S 8d 105
1934 Dec. Ivor A Seal Brown Southampton 2c 57
1934 Dec. Jack L Seal Syratt Edmonton 3a 1183
1934 Dec. Jean A Seal Bradbury Wandsworth 1d 582
1934 Dec. Joan I Seal Gibson Leicester 7a 369
1934 Dec. John Seal Davies Hendon 3a 580
1934 Dec. John A Seal Madigan Hammersmith 1a 243
1934 Dec. Joyce Seal Middlehurst Finsbury 1b 676
1934 Dec. Louis H Seal Long Tonbridge 2a 1340
1934 Dec. Margaret M Seal Savage Romford 4a 607
1934 Dec. Margaret R Seal Partridge Hemsworth 9c 213
1934 Dec. Norma A Seal Hughee Birmingham 6d 298
1934 Dec. Peter Seal Hurford Axbridge 5c 558
1934 Dec. Richard Seal Hill Melton M 7a 420
1934 Dec. Donald J Seale Tucker Poplar 1c 471
1934 Dec. Eileen M Seale Hallows Belper 7b 945
1934 Dec. Sheila Seale Travis Mansfield 7b 217
1934 Dec. Valerie E Seales Bunting Aylsham 4b 97
1934 Dec. Irene R Seall Rowell W Ham 4a 224
1934 Dec. Jean B Seals Collins Birmingham 6d 321
1934 Dec. Robert Seals Hubbard Meriden 6d 811
1935 March Annette M G Seal Greer Surrey N W 2a 505
1935 March Betty E Seal Downs Tamworth 6b 538
1935 March Christopher F Seal Leadbitter Surrey Mid E 2a 410
1935 March Christopher J Seal MacCullock Billericay 4a 909
1935 March Constance B Seal Forrester Melton M 7a 440
1935 March Doris M I Seal Seal Kensington 1a 195
1935 March Gillian P R Seal Hogg Kensington 1a 179
1935 March Jack Seal Tarrant Manchester S 8d 61
1935 March Margaret P Seal Bridgeman Tetbury 6a 495
1935 March Margaret P R Seal Webb Battersea 1d 537
1935 March Marion Seal Stevens St Thomas 5b 53
1935 March Norman Seal Seal Sheffield 9c 758
1935 March Pearl M Seal Cox Hincley 7a 81
1935 March Ronald W Seal Swire Barton 8c 730
1935 March Shirley Seal Wright Tadcaster 9c 1371
1935 March Shirley J Seal Branston Liverpool S 8b 415
1935 March Arthur H T Seale Paish Reading 2c 534
1935 March Brian Seale Greavy Manchester N 8d 581
1935 March John B Seale Pierson Gosport 2b 807
1935 March Marina A Seale Simmons Tonbridge 2a 1392
1935 March Peter L Seale Prior Lambeth 1d 387
1935 June Anthony M Seal Seal Chelsea 1a 424
1935 June Beryl L Seal Levings Faversham 2a 1771
1935 June Brian J Seal Brown Birmingham 6d 136
1935 June Brian N Seal Hewitt Leeds North 9b 405
1935 June Christine M Seal Eyles Northampton 3b 86
1935 June David H Seal Herbert Bucklow 8a 243
1935 June Eileen M Seal Miller Leicester 7a 387
1935 June Geoffrey W Seal Ward Birmingham 6d 3
1935 June Marion J Seal Scott Malling 2a 1475
1935 June Neville E Seal Newman Maidstone 2a 1624
1935 June Norma E Seal Rees Pontypridd 11a 813
1935 June Olive Seal Whiffin Dartford 2a 1210
1935 June Pamela M Seal Seal Surrey S E 2a 675
1935 June Patricia E P Seal Parton Hereford 6a 697
1935 June Patrick J Seal Seal Dartford 2a 1211
1935 June Pauline Seal Seal Derby 7b 905
1935 June John P Seale Savell Surrey Mid E 2a 185
1935 June Shirley D Seale Funnell Eastbourne 2b 98
1935 June Joseph E Seals Coxon Belper 7b 1006
1935 June Noreen Seals Scott Ashbourne 7b 1021
1935 Sept. Anthony D Seal Tawney Gosport 2b 811
1935 Sept. Barbara M Seal Middleton Leicester 7a 255
1935 Sept. Eric G Seal Ward Birmingham 6d 15
1935 Sept. Frances K Seal Marshall Nottingham 7b 659
1935 Sept. Gordon Seal Walker N Bierley 9b 56
1935 Sept. Hilda Seal Todd Pontefract 9c 168
1935 Sept. James Seal Orr Manchester S 8d 13
1935 Sept. Janet A Seal Phillipson Surrey Mid E 2a 384
1935 Sept. Jean Seal Lord Manchester N 8d 802
1935 Sept. John M Seal Pearson Southport 8b 1360
1935 Sept. Margaret J A Seal Vince Sevenoaks 2a 1515
1935 Sept. Michael F Seal Bourne Malling 2a 1489
1935 Sept. Oliver R Seal Hart Belper 7b 995
1935 Sept. Philip R Seal Yarnall Doncaster 9c 1153
1935 Sept. Roy E Seal Lloyd Birmingham 6d 508
1935 Sept. Shirley M Seal Bragg Romford 4a 882
1935 Sept. Terence Seal Page Leeds South 9b 694
1935 Sept. Brian Seale Muir Dewsbury 9b 781
1935 Sept. Cecil F Seale Woodhams Tonbridge 2a 1559
1935 Sept. Janet A Seale Phillipson Surrey Mid E 2a 384
1935 Sept. Rita M Seale Savell Surrey Mid E 2a 192
1935 Sept. Brenda Seales Keedy S Shields 10a 1111
1935 Sept. Brian C Seall Green Bridport 5a 486
1935 Dec. Betty Seal Newton Wakefield 9c 112
1935 Dec. Colin J Seal Harding Hinckley 7a 79
1935 Dec. David H B Seal Blackwell Newcastle T 10b 4
1935 Dec. Dorothy Seal Thorpe Birmingham 6d 577
1935 Dec. Edith M Seal Boden Birmingham 6d 506
1935 Dec. Eileen Seal Gaskell Wigan 8c 70
1935 Dec. Gareth E Seal Richards Bridgend 11a 861
1935 Dec. Jean E Seal Collier Islington 1b 353
1935 Dec. Jean R Seal Elliott Greenwich 1d 923
1935 Dec. Margaret M Seal Davies Birmingham 6d 622
1935 Dec. Maureen J B Seal Rawlinson Leeds North 9b 539
1935 Dec. Merrick N Seal Hardiman Crosby 8b 978
1935 Dec. Peter J Seal Sutton Surrey S E 2a 663
1935 Dec. Roger E R Seal Read Birmingham 6d 263
1935 Dec. Shirley V M Seal Harris Yeovil 5c 436
1935 Dec. George A Seale Munn Birmingham 6d 194
1935 Dec. John Seale Lott Cardiff 11a 478
1935 Dec. Margaret A Seale Tomlinson Derby 7b 838
1935 Dec. Marion Seale Holgate Salford 8d 415
1935 Dec. Female Seale Simmons Tonbridge 2a 1394
1935 Dec. Mark T Seales Rutherford Tynemouth 10b 294
1936 March Annie J Seal Durrell Shoreditch 1c 48
1936 March Brenda J Seal Sweet Sevenoaks 2a 1424
1936 March Christopher J Seal Fishenden Tonbridge 2a 1477
1936 March Colin R J Seal Sopp Bromley 2a 932
1936 March Derek Seal Hallworth Manchester S 8d 51
1936 March Doreen M Seal Johnson Dartford 2a 1190
1936 March Frank A Seal Lawrence Edmonton 3a 1092
1936 March John B T Seal Smith Colchester 4a 1219
1936 March June F Seal Collins Birmingham 6d 341
1936 March Olive B Seal Singleton Bromsgrove 6c 362
1936 March Patricia P Seal Jenkins Croydon 2a 825
1936 March Richard G Seal Bagshaw Surrey Mid E 2a 334
1936 March Shirley M Seal Farrah Rochford 4a 1129
1936 March Stella D Seal Casely Cuckfield 2b 179
1936 March William E Seal Jackson Lambeth 1d 187
1936 March Evelyn J Seale Fuller Belper 7b 911
1936 March Leslie E Seale Clement Croydon 2a 827
1936 March Brian Seales Richardson Camberwell 1d 839
1936 June Anne Seal Galvan I Wight 2b 941
1936 June Bernard A Seal Prater Poplar 1c 475
1936 June Doris M Seal Watkins Birmingham 6d 8
1936 June Eileen Seal Broad Rochford 4a 1129
1936 June James A Seal Oliver Cranbrook 2a 1702
1936 June John B T Seal Mills Sheffield 9c 768
1936 June John A Seal Street Pontefract 9c 178
1936 June Pauline A Seal Walford Nuneaton 6d 1017
1936 June Robert E Seal Ward Birmingham 6d 79
1936 June Ronald E Seal Randall W Ham 4a 157
1936 June Sheila Seal Stiles Lambeth 1d 323
1936 June Shirley Seal Butler Kensington 1a 217
1936 June Derek Seale Worker Derby 7b 920
1936 June Sylvia K C Seale Tweed Southwark 1d 29
1936 Sept. Eileen P Seal Humphries Surrey N E 2a 43
1936 Sept. Gertrude M Seal Hart Belper 7b 972
1936 Sept. John G F Seal Bradbury Wandsworth 1d 604
1936 Sept. June M Seal Cookson Leeds North 9b 396
1936 Sept. Leslie Seal Kimsey Dartford 2a 1334
1936 Sept. Malcolm A Seal Scott Malling 2a 1575
1936 Sept. Margaret P Seal Sargent Birmingham 6d 780
1936 Sept. Margot J Seal Rous Brentford 3a 422
1936 Sept. Olive Seal Wilton Camberwell 1d 891
1936 Sept. Sujata D Seal Hogg Chelsea 1a 470
1936 Sept. Brenda A Seale Jones Wolverhampton 6b 891
1936 Sept. Elizabeth Seale Williams Middlesboro 9d 890
1936 Sept. Godfrey G Seale Cottrell Surrey N W 2a 529
1936 Sept. Mary Seale Hubbard Meriden 6d 943
1936 Sept. Michael J Seale Oldknow Derby 7b 829
1936 Sept. Frederick J Seales Clark W Ham 4a 250
1936 Sept. Aileen Z Seals Maskrey Belper 7b 998
1936 Sept. John M Seals Seals Sheffield 9c 653
1936 Sept. Tony A G Seals Thompson Downham 4b 393
1936 Dec. Barbara J Seal Morriss Essex S W 4a 355
1936 Dec. Brian H Seal Pullen Kidderminster 6c 174
1936 Dec. Brian J Seal Farmer Mt Bosworth 7a 114
1936 Dec. Ella M Seal Bailey Cambridge 3b 606
1936 Dec. Graham Seal Powell Birmingham 6d 130
1936 Dec. Ivan R Seal Cox Hinckley 7a 72
1936 Dec. Joan A Seal Silver Derby 7b 776
1936 Dec. John J Seal Herbert Bucklow 8a 215
1936 Dec. Keith W Seal Hunter I Wight 2b 845
1936 Dec. Michael J Seal Herbert Bucklow 8a 215
1936 Dec. Patricia E R Seal Bailey Nottingham 7b 577
1936 Dec. Robert Seal Johnson Dartford 2a 1176
1936 Dec. Roy E Seal Powell Birmingham 6d 129
1936 Dec. Colin J Seale Warne Cardiff 11a 417
1936 Dec. Geoffrey A Seale Johnson Woolwich 1d 1202
1936 Dec. Leonard A Seale Hall Shardlow 7b 715
1936 Dec. Lesley A Seale Hodgson Wirral 8a 522
1937 March Anthony L Seal Robins Uckfield 2b 137
1937 March Beryl Seal Footitt Nottingham 7b 428
1937 March Brian C Seal Long Tonbridge 2a 1503
1937 March David W Seal Goodwin Malling 2a 1427
1937 March Derek Seal Johnson Birmingham 6d 741
1937 March Eileen A P Seal Parrish Surrey Mid E 2a 323
1937 March Evelyn J Seal Bragg Romford 4a 793
1937 March Janet A Seal Minton Birmingham 6d 485
1937 March John F Seal Seymour Ashton 8d 913
1937 March Maureen Seal Blackwell Bethnal G 1c 127
1937 March Terence Seal Downs Tamworth 6b 488
1937 March Trevor J Seal Burrows Mt Bosworth 7a 118
1937 March Valerie Seal Wilkinson Leeds North 9b 395
1937 March Victor W Seal Botwright Hammersmith 1a 274
1937 March William G Seal Woods Brentford 3a 331
1937 March Yvonne D Seal Read Brentford 3a 400
1937 March Lawson J Seale Bourne Oldbury 6c 122
1937 March Richard D Seale Wells Sevenoaks 2a 1442
1937 June Brian H Seal Ash Derby 7b 923
1937 June Brian W Seal O'Brien Poplar 1c 492
1937 June David M Seal Dickens Bristol 6a 188
1937 June Geoffrey Seal Dickens Bristol 6a 188
1937 June Harry Seal Pearson Doncaster 9c 1190
1937 June Ivy M Seal Levings Faversham 2a 1943
1937 June Jack Seal Brown Bristol 6a 20
1937 June Kenneth Seal Hall Leicester 7a 380
1937 June Marian E Seal Miller Portsmouth 2b 653
1937 June Peter B Seal Newman Maidstone 2a 1788
1937 June Ronald A Seal Pearson Tonbridge 2a 1725
1937 June Shirley A Seal Swire Barton 8c 714
1937 June Violet R B Seal White Bournemouth 2b 1058
1937 June Catherine Seale Watts Dewsbury 9b 854
1937 June David J Seale Brotherhood Pontypridd 11a 705
1937 June Frederica A Seale Harvey Smith Bridgewater 5c 339
1937 June Vivien M J Seales Main King's L 4b 401
1937 June David F C Seall James Portsmouth 2b 761
1937 Sept. Cyril L Seal Cripps Bromley 2a 1137
1937 Sept. Daphne Seal Coomber Worthing 2b 513
1937 Sept. Derek Seal Partridge Hemsworth 9c 254
1937 Sept. Doris K Seal Tawney Gosport 2b 887
1937 Sept. Kathleen M Seal Briggs Basford 7b 234
1937 Sept. Lilian J Seal Marshall Nottingham 7b 504
1937 Sept. Nellie M Seal Tutchener Hastings 2b 17
1937 Sept. Olive M Seal Bull Belper 7b 973
1937 Sept. Pauline J Seal Sargent Birmingham 6d 434
1937 Sept. Robert V Seal Bridgeman Cirencester 6a 675
1937 Sept. Ronald Seal Whiffen Dartford 2a 1318
1937 Sept. Terence A P Seal Fishenden Tonbridge 2a 1663
1937 Sept. Elizabeth S Seale Puish Evesham 6c 289
1937 Sept. Jeffrey G Seale Higgins Lambeth 1d 419
1937 Sept. Margaret Seale Leighton Salford 8d 8140
1937 Sept. Ronald Seale Mead Lambeth 1d 402
1937 Sept. Frederick Seales Hoffman W Ham 4a 266
1937 Sept. Beryl Seal Seals Hammersmith 1a 249
1937 Sept. Beryl E Seal Seals Shardlow 7b 655
1937 Sept. Marjorie K Seal Bacon Chesterfield 7b 1221
1937 Dec. Barbara Seal Hallworth Manchester S 8d 124
1937 Dec. Barry H Seal Ford Halifax 9a 510
1937 Dec. Catherine J Seal Davis Birmingham 6d 529
1937 Dec. Edith L Seal Middlehurst Edmonton 3a 1274
1937 Dec. Edward Seal Gaskell Ormskirk 8b 1177
1937 Dec. Edward R Seal Appleby Surrey S E 2a 662
1937 Dec. Ernest R Seal Hardiman Surrey S E 8b 944
1937 Dec. Janet Seal Johnson Dartford 2a 1214
1937 Dec. Joan K Seal Butt Lewisham 1d 1105
1937 Dec. Pamela A C Seal Smith Colchester 4a 1143
1937 Dec. Thomas E Seal Elliott Greenwich 1d 938
1937 Dec. Elizabeth Seale Savell Surrey Mid E 2a 203
1937 Dec. Rose M Seale Wilson Tonbridge 2a 1482
1937 Dec. Irene V Seales Salter Edmonton 3a 1098
1937 Dec. Eunice Seals Fathers Belper 7b 882
1938 March Alan R Seal Gribble Northampton 3b 74
1938 March Barry K Seal Seal Shardlow 7b 700
1938 March Brenda L Seal Cox Hinckley 7a 92
1938 March Brian A Seal Martin Cranbrook 2a 1728
1938 March Brian J Seal Parker Portsmouth 2b 596
1938 March Brian J Seal Groom Bromley 2a 1163
1938 March Christopher R Seal Potter Surrey S E 2a 772
1938 March Clifford Seal Newton Wakefield 9c 127
1938 March Derek R Seal Purchase Surrey Mid E 2a 317
1938 March Edward Seal Crabb Gosport 2b 863
1938 March Elsie Seal Watkins Birmingham 6d 99
1938 March Jane M Seal Robinson Weymouth 5a 366
1938 March Julia D Seal Twohay Dartford 2a 1286
1938 March Philip Seal Boden Birmingham 6d 676
1938 March Richard D G Seal Hedges Dartford 2a 1330
1938 March Rose L Seal Jarvis Poplar 1c 403
1938 March Yvonne A Seal Rogers Thanet 2a 1931
1938 March Betty A M Seale Barrell Bromsgrove 6c 327
1938 March Harry E Seale Turley Crewe 8a 423a
1938 March Ian W Seale Griffiths Littlebro' 8e 75
1938 March Margaret M Seale Day Lewisham 1d 1107
1938 March Marjorie J D Seale Lott E Glamorgan 11a 1119
1938 March Audrey Seals Seals Chesterfield 7b 1212
1938 June Alan J Seal Dilkes Blaby 7a 95
1938 June Barrymore J Seal Pavitt Birmingham 6d 558
1938 June Brenda E Seal Raybould Smethwick 6b 1252
1938 June Claire V R Seal Bourne Malling 2a 1676
1938 June Donald O S Seal Wood Sevenoaks 2a 1702
1938 June Frederick J Seal Hickey E Ham 4a 293
1938 June Jean E Seal Richards Bridgend 11a 856
1938 June Kathleen S Seal Ward Birmingham 6d 424
1938 June Margaret Seal Hill Melton M 7a 479
1938 June Mary A E Seal Lord Rochford 4a 1170
1938 June Maureen Seal Adams Birmingham 6d 922
1938 June Monica Seal Seal Derby 7b 829
1938 June Norma C Seal Sweet Sevenoaks 2a 1686
1938 June Patricia Seal Seal Bucklow 8a 288
1938 June Patricia A Seal Tarling Bournemouth 2b 1047
1938 June Shirley Seal Stiles Surrey Mid E 2a 304
1938 June Sylvia M Seal Hughes Birmingham 6d 389
1938 June Dennis A N Seale Pierson Winchester 2c 227
1938 June Doris M Seale Tomlinson Derby 7b 940
1938 June John Seale Spiby Southport 8b 1382
1938 June Tonia L Seale Woollett Medway 2a 1572
1938 June Mary P Seales Hart Nthmbld S 10b 433
1938 Sept. Allen J Seal Seal Fulham 1a 436
1938 Sept. David J Seal Lemon Portsmouth 2b 717
1938 Sept. David R Seal Waters Croydon 2a 1014
1938 Sept. Della V Seal Phillips Birmingham 6d 849
1938 Sept. Edward Seal Butler Kensington 1a 194
1938 Sept. Jean Seal Coyne Birmingham 6d 793
1938 Sept. Judith P Seal Carcugold Greenwich 1d 993
1938 Sept. June Seal Ward Don Valley 9c 1246
1938 Sept. Leslie Seal Williams Manchester N 8d 817
1938 Sept. Malcolm E Seal Haynes Westminster 1a 518
1938 Sept. Pauline V Seal Singleton Birmingham 6d 63
1938 Sept. Richard E Seal Charman Dartford 2a 1304
1938 Sept. Vera A Seal Humphries Surrey N E 2a 25
1938 Sept. Barbara J Seale Funnell Eastbourne 2b 101
1938 Sept. David Seale Worth Battersea 1d 617
1938 Sept. David A Seale Pearce Surrey N W 2a 616
1938 Sept. Elsie A Seale Hubbard Meriden 6d 1011
1938 Sept. Jancis M Seale Selby Lambeth 1d 448
1938 Sept. Rosemary P Seale Ratcliffe Lewisham 1d 1161
1938 Dec. Barbara Seal Parker Leeds North 9b 274
1938 Dec. Betty A Seal Madigan Hammersmith 1a 202
1938 Dec. Doris M Seal Crumpton Birmingham 6d 852
1938 Dec. Gordon I Seal Hart Belper 7b 870
1938 Dec. Joan Seal Wilcockson Nottingham 7b 351
1938 Dec. Margaret Seal Bailey Tamworth 6b 464
1938 Dec. Olive P Seal Lawrence Edmonton 3a 1046
1938 Dec. Peter D Seal Read Brentford 3a 448
1938 Dec. Richard E L Seal Simkin Croydon 2a 960
1938 Dec. Rita I Seal Scott Edmonton 3a 1027
1938 Dec. Roy Seal Kemsey Dartford 2a 1256
1938 Dec. Sylvia M Seal Vann Birmingham 6d 451
1938 Dec. Tertia M J Seal Hogg Windsor 2c 623
1938 Dec. Thomas A Seal Best Tynemouth 10b 325
1938 Dec. Mary E Seale Chessum Brentford 3a 317
1939 March Anthony J Seal Shrimpton Woolwich 1d 1222
1939 March Brenda M Seal Brooker Sevenoaks 2a 1601
1939 March Brian M Seal Jones Bridgend 11a 797
1939 March Clyde E Seal Perkins Marylebone 1a 642
1939 March David J Seal Gilburt Romford 4a 585
1939 March Dorothea B Seal Backhouse Leeds North 9b 305
1939 March Eric T P Seal Isted Camberwell 1d 797
1939 March Frank Seal Crookes Sheffield 9c 648
1939 March Frank Seal Barton Manchester N 8d 663
1939 March Gladys I Seal Wilson Camberwell 1d 818
1939 March Gloria A Seal Walters Leeds North 9b 435
1939 March Jean Seal Bostock Ilkeston 7b 777
1939 March Patricia M Seal Scott Brighton 2b 246
1939 March Robert Seal Giles Barrow S 7a 231
1939 March Robert J Seal Miller Camberwell 1d 866
1939 March Walter R Seal McGowan Brentford 3a 362
1939 March Judith B Seale McKerrons Wandsworth 1d 725
1939 March Marie B Seale Fullen Tonbridge 2a 1637
1939 March Rita A Seale Jones Wolverhampton 6b 787
1939 March Terence H Seale Dibblin Woolwich 1d 1239
1939 March Donald B G Seals Wagstaff Chesterfield 7b 1186
1939 March Peter E W Seals Thompson Downham 4b 388
1939 June Anthony Seal Foottit Nottingham 7b 449
1939 June Beryl Seal Eyre Ilkeston 7b 789
1939 June Fiona M Seal Hunter I Wight 2b 1001
1939 June Iris M Seal Coy Ilkeston 7b 815
1939 June James A Seal Jarvis Poplar 1c 518
1939 June Jean Seal Ward Tynemouth 10b 347
1939 June John D C Seal Cutler Birmingham 6d 55
1939 June Keith M Seal Cox Hinckley 7a 55
1939 June Olive M Seal Sargent Birmingham 6d 454
1939 June Richard J Seal McCullock Romford 4a 955
1939 June Terence M Seal Martin Maidstone 2a 1935
1939 June Brian Seale Worker Derby 7b 858
1939 June Bridget E Seale Hewitt Hendon 3a 756
1939 June Derek B Seales Richardson Camberwell 1d 944
1939 June John Seales Scorer Nthmbld S 10b 421
1939 June Reginald H Seales Woodford W Ham 4a 241
1939 June Thomas B Seales Finn Hull 9d 325
1939 June Brian S Seals Greves Fakenham 4b 351
1939 Sept. Ann D Seal Shirley Surrey Mid E 2a 414
1939 Sept. Anthony R Seal Harding Leicester 7a 374
1939 Sept. Barry Seal Downs Tamworth 6b 646
1939 Sept. Barry J Seal Jackson Surrey Mid E 2a 341
1939 Sept. Betty Seal Todd Pontefract 9c 223
1939 Sept. Daphne A Seal Budd Wokingham 2c 822
1939 Sept. David J Seal Hamilton Surrey N W 2a 629
1939 Sept. Ian H Seal Holberton Liverpool S 8b 353
1939 Sept. Jennifer J M Seal Bagshaw Surrey Mid E 2a 466
1939 Sept. Jennifer M Seal Forrester Melton M 7a 590
1939 Sept. John F Seal Seal York 9c 1705
1939 Sept. June Seal Tawney Gosport 2b 1141
1939 Sept. June K Seal Seal Sevenoaks 2a 1983
1939 Sept. Kathleen G Seal Briggs Belper 7b 1106
1939 Sept. Margaret A Seal Harding Bakewell 7b 1473
1939 Sept. Margaret I Seal Mace Surrey S W 2a 799
1939 Sept. Mary W Seal Jex Lewisham 1d 1244
1939 Sept. Michael R H Seal Wicken Surrey S E 2a 994
1939 Sept. Patricia E Seal Davis Dover 2a 2666
1939 Sept. Peter S Seal Robinson Bromley 2a 1382
1939 Sept. Robert I Seal Hewitt Barrow S 7a 279
1939 Sept. Valerie Seal Bradley Leeds 9b 337
1939 Sept. Victor A Seal Richardson Pontypridd 11a 891
1939 Sept. Alan J Seale Veysey W Ashford 2a 2248
1939 Sept. Burnice A P Seale Bentley Staines 3a 6
1939 Sept. Harry Seale Hickman Spen Valley 9b 750
1939 Sept. Robin A Seale Oldknow Derby 7b 845
1939 Sept. Valerie M Seale Davies Willesden 3a 697
1939 Sept. Margaret F Seals Brewer Birkenhead 8a 896
1939 Dec. Alan Seal King Ashby Z 7a 256
1939 Dec. Angela H Seal Thomas Tonbridge 2a 2419
1939 Dec. Barbara R Seal Scott Edmonton 3a 1290
1939 Dec. Barbara W Seal Rees Pontypridd 11a 1166
1939 Dec. Colin R J Seal Humphrey Tonbridge 2a 2410
1939 Dec. Gordon Seal Peasey Bromley 2a 1691
1939 Dec. Ronald Seal Thorpe Birmingham 6d 778
1939 Dec. Eileen Seale Wilson Tonbridge 2a 2321
1939 Dec. Pauline F Seale Warne W Glamorgan 11a 1680
1939 Dec. Wendy M Seale Dyer Poole 5a 806
1939 Dec. Kevin G Seales Burke Lewisham 1d 1195
1939 Dec. Lynn V Seals Lucas Harwich 4a 1647
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