Bonaire 2004
...and you should see them AFTER the dive!
A wild bunch of divers ready for action
Two weeks in divers paradise, with the goal of seeing a many different creatures as possible.
Bonaire is just perfect for such an incredible scuba adventure.

where ready for anything!
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Like in another world
Follow the sun to the story...
Divers X-ing...
Traffic Jam Underwater
Isn't he sucking water...?
Saltpier Magic
Absolutely too much nitrogen!
Gear supply
was provided by Buddy Dive
at the Belmar Resort.
Always a smile and plenty of tanks...
Take that picture and then go...!
Mike at our favorite dive site: Belmar
What is that bubble blowning thing...?
... is that Spotted Morray grinning at me?
Some big fellas around here!
Curious Yellowtail Snapper
Barracuda patrolling the reef
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to read the story
Bonaire 2004
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In every hole there is a creature!
Bonaire is a Marine Park since 1979.
That is the reason for the abundant fishlife!
Bruno underwater... always that grin in his face
School of Smallmouth Grunt cruising by
Fish... as far as you can see!
Another great logbook entry...
But something else is smiling...
Coming up after a wonderful dive!
...a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do!
Nature calls... also underwater!
This way for great diving!
Dive site marker
Posing for the fish
Enjoying every minute of it!
The only building as far as you can see!
Did you not forget something?
Waiting for action
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