Ships of the US Navy
November 1807
While searching through some old periodicals, I came across this list of US Navy ships in November 1807, as reported by Secretary of the Navy R. Smith to Congress, and decided to post it here.

Constitution, 44 - In service (double listed as "Requiring inconsiderable repair")
United States, 44 - Repairing, nearly ready for service
President, 44 - Requires considerable repair
Chesapeake, 44 - In service
Constellation, 36 - Ready for service
Congress, 36 - Requiring considerable repair
New York, 36 - Requiring considerable repair
Essex, 32 - Repairing, nearly ready for service
Adams, 32 - Ready for service
John Adams, 32 - Repairing, nearly ready for service

Wasp, 16 - In service

Hornet, 16 - In service
Argus, 16 - In service
Siren, 16 - Ready for service
Vixen, 14 - Requiring inconsiderable repair


Nautilus, 14 -  Requring inconsiderable repair
Enterprise, 14 - Ready for service
Revenge, 12 - In service

Spitfire, 7 - In Service
Vengeance, 7 - In service
Etna, 14 - In service
Vesuvius, 14 - In service

60 unnamed - In service
7 unnamed - Building (one double listed as "ready for service")

In service - 2 frigates, 1 ship, 2 brigs, 1 schooner, 4 ketches, 60 gunboats - 70 vessels
Ready for service - 2 frigates, 1 brig, 1 schooner, 1 gunboat - 5 vessels
Repairing, nearly ready for service - 3 frigates - 3 vessels
Requiring inconsiderable repair - 1 frigate, 1 brig, 1 schooner - 3 vessels
Requiring considerable repair - 3 frigates - 3 vessels

Thus, the Navy had 22 seagoing vessels in various states of repair and service, as well as 67 coastal vessels available in the months following the Chesapeake-Leopard affair of 1807.

A separate communication from the Navy to Congress showed that the Navy estimated 257 gunboats would be needed to defend the nation's "sea port towns and harbors" and stated 69 had been provided. (I am not sure of the discrepancy between the number of gunboats in the two sources used.)

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