New Japan Misc. Tape Reviews

Jushin "Thunder" Lyger vs. Masaji Hoyagi
Big Van Vader vs. Stan Hansen
Keiji Muto vs. Shinya Hashimoto

??? - Jushin "Thunder" Lyger vs. Masaji Hoyagi
I really want to find out more about this match. Lyger was an accomplished amateur wrestler and apparently Hoyagi is some sort of martial arts by the looks of his gi. This is one of those shoot-style matches that New Japan has always loved, but don't always work out. I don't really know the extent of the rules, but apparently they have rounds - European style eh?
Round One - They do some shadow work with Hoyagi throwing Jump Spin Back Kicks that make me think he's a striker, not a grappler. Lyger gets a takedown and goes into a side mount, quickly transitioning into a cross armbreaker, but Hoyagi gets to the ropes and they get back up. Hoyagi almost traps Lyger in the corner, but is taken down again and put in a Leg Lace. After kicking his way free, he tries an STF(?), allowing Lyger to free himself. Another missed kick allows Lyger to get in close and power Hoyagi down for another submission, another cross armbreaker. Hoyagi fights free again and hooks a half crab (what's goin' on here?). The bell ends that round and forces Hoyagi to break. Lyger looked like the better man with takedowns, ground control and successful submission hold application. Hoyagi can kick, but can't seem to connect.
Round Three(what happened to Round Two?) - Lyger is without his mask now, but doesn't appear to be in much trouble as he dominates Hoyagi on the ground by strangling him, then another cross armbreaker. Hoyagi kicks his way free, but is in trouble. Lyger does wrestling punches and stomps, but Hoyagi is bloody so the crowd eats it up. They find themselves standing again and Lyger looks like a sadist calling the bloody Hoyagi to bring it on. Another takedown for Lyger, who throws elbows at the wound, until the ref pulls him off. Lyger thinks its in the bag, but Hoyagi comes back with some kicks and avoids a single-leg shoot, but finds himself on his back soon enough. Lyger scoots behind and sinks in a Scissored Chokehold, but the bell stops certain victory. The junior ace again looked dominant as he battered Hoyagi aggressively and locked on two good holds.
Round Four - Lyger looks like a young Atsushi Onita with the long hair, unfortunately his body suit cuts down his intimidating look (he has thickly muscled body that looks almost scary because it seems unexpected). He exchanges blow with Hoyagi briefly, then takes him down, where he hits knees to the back of the head and hooks the Scissored Chokehold again. Hoyagi rolls to the ropes and the ref asks him if he wants to stop, since he looks really bad, but he's a game fighter. Lyger muscles him down again and uses more vicious knees, until the ref pulls him off. Hoyagi continues and is taken down yet again and Lyger uses punches this time. The match is stopped and Lyger's corner comes in a celebrates.
I wish I knew more about Hoyagi as I'm sure he wasn't just some nobody fighter that New Japan fed to Lyger. This was at Lyger's peak though and I don't know how this match relates to the Noaki Sano feud, if at all. Regardless this was an exciting, but one-sided shoot-style match that made Lyger look like a killer. He overwhelmed with his sheer power and showed off some technique too.
Rating: **1/2

Super Fight (2/10/90) - Big Van Vader vs. Stan Hansen (clipped)
Many people rant and rave about this brawl (if they've seen it). I don't believe these guys ever hooked up before this and I never heard of them in `99-`00 All Japan, but that would not be as good. This is just a simple mega-stiff fight between two of Japan's greatest gaijins. This was at a joint card at the Tokyo Dome that included a number of companies.
Vader comes out in the headgear, but Hansen doesn't care much for it and swings the ol' bull rope at the champ. Vader pulls it off and reveals a full black hood (I'm glad he got rid of that in his career), but enough of the aesthetics, he tosses in a table and rushes the ring. The Bad Man from Borger beats on Vader, who retreats to the apron.
Clip! The now maskless Vader hits a huge powerslam on Hansen for a 2 1/2. His eye is totally bloodied and looks gross, but I guess they edited out the potato shot (damn them). A big splash gets a two count and Hansen crawls out onto the apron. Vader straight-arms Hansen and follows him out so he can post the Texan brawler. He mounts Hansen and pounds away, but is clearly gassed and returns to the ring to catch his wind.
He boots Hansen off the apron and comes back out. He rams Hansen into the announcers' table and then up-ends the table. They go back inside, where he goes for a lariat, but Hansen retreats to the floor. Vader sets up Hansen against the post and rushes him...Hansen Lariat, Hansen Lariat! They go back inside, but Hansen has his bull rope. They strangle each other with neither willing to stop, so the referee calls for the DQ.
Vader paces around outside, a bloody mess, while Hansen catches his breath. Then the fight resumes with Hansen using the cowbell to fend off the Rocky Mountain Monster and chases away everyone else.
This was pretty much the tale end of what I know is a violent affair. I missed the potato that very much destroyed Vader's eye. I'm going to get the full version of this match and add a few snowflakes probably. What I saw was pretty chaotic, but wasn't anything spectacular as I've heard.
Rating: **

??? - Keiji Muto vs. Shinya Hashimoto
One of the many battles of two of the Three Muskateers. These guys never needed a reason to have a great match, they just did. This 1990 match is just one such example. I just watched a ***1/2 star match from `98 the other day and was excited to see one of their early confrontations.
The match is hyped with beating Kensuke Sasaki (I think) with a German Suplex. Then Muto beating the other Muskateer, Masa Chono, with a Moonsault. Hash looks a little slimmer, but not that much different. Muto looks so young and has all his hair! After a funny Chono commercial one of those total gym things that allows him to hit Flying Shoulder Tackles and apply Abdominal Stretches(?)
JIP. Hash is on the offense and uses a stepover armbar, transferring into a Cross Armbreaker. Muto fights free and wrenches Hashimoto's knee and so it begins. A few well-placed kicks lead into a Leg Lace, but Hash drags himself to the ropes. Muto continues with a cannonball and few more kicks as Hash struggles to his feet.
The big man knocks Muto down with a lariat, but his knee is really bothering him. He struggles with a backbreaker for a two count, so he locks on a kimura. Muto gets to the ropes, so Hash slaps him. He stand back as Keiji slowly rises, then surprises Hash with a Jump Back Kick. Muto sends him into the corner and starts with the punches and then goes for his Handspring Elbow, but Hash escapes and sends Muto outside.
Back inside, Muto is taken down with a judo throw and hooks on a side headlock. Again Muto gets to the ropes, so Hash sits back and catches his breath again. Then comes back in with a big DDT, but misses the follow-up Spin Wheel Kick. Muto gets his own wind back, then fires a beautiful dropkick and a jump back kick that sends Hash out.
Muto looks tired still, but musters the energy for a running pescado. Muto gets back inside and regains his wits, while Hashimoto pulls himself up to the apron, only to be elbowed off. Muto waits for him again and cinches him and nails a German Suplex for a 2 3/4.
Both guys are really dazed, but Muto is up first. He locks on his Octopus Hold and really has Hash in trouble. The big man finally frees his leg and takes Muto down with a hip throw. Muto hits a jumping faceslam, which looked bad and lacked the energy that the move requires. He locks on the Octopus again and again Hash fights free. Muto's back up quickly with a backbreaker and goes up for the moonsault.
Hashimoto is back up quickly and catches Muto with a Electric Chair Drop off the buckles for a two count. He pulls up Muto and drops him hard with a DDT, then he comes off with a bizarre- looking flying elbowdrop that gets him a 2 3/4. Hashimoto looks to the heavens and gasps for air. Muto fights to his feet only to be Spin Wheel Kicked down again for the 1,2,3. He and Muto embrace and even welcome in Chono...the Muskateers win again.
Solid match, but it's ten years old. I hate to crap on this, but these two had much better worked matches a few years down the road. I couldn't find a date on this one, but it was presented as a tournament final of some sort. Muto's old, non-Muta style looked exceptional, while Hash didn't fire the stiff kicks that I love. This could've been much better if Muto was assaulted with kicks, instead of mostly controlling and then losing, but oh well. The finish was a surprise, but pulled off well.
Rating: ***

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