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Later, on the Basra road, by that vast linearity of carnage, a single strip of junk-yard destruction stretching - again - from horizon to horizon on the flat dun face of that dusty land, I wandered the scorched, perforated wreckage of the cars and vans and trucks and buses left after the A10s and the Cobras and town information the TOWs and the miniguns and the thirty-mill cannons and the cluster munitions had had their unrestrained way with their unarmoured prey, and saw the brown-burned metal, the few bubbled patches of sooty paint, the torn chassis and ripped-open cabs of those Hondas and Nissans and Leylands and Macks, their tyres slack and flattened or quite gone, burned lahaina town to the steel cording inside I surveyed the spattered shrapnel of that communal ruin rayed out across the sands, and I tried to imagine what it must have been lahaina town like to be caught here, beaten, retreating, running desperately away in those thin-skinned civilian vehicles while the missiles and shells rained in like supersonic sleet and the belching fire burst billowing everywhere around. Cash inflows.
What'd he want to take off after Brandy for? Let me ask you a question, the commander said slowly. Would you want to tangle with Brandy? The little Legionnaire twisted her mouth into a grimace.
Hearing the doors groaning and straining under the brutal attack, Zack's grin was broad as his lustful face .. . for a while ... ... Until suddenly it became apparent to Lord Shornskull just how precipitant was his laughter.
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