The Force

The Force is a single broad skill covering all Psionic powers available in the Star Wars setting. Except for skills that specifically state they can’t be used untrained, a character with the Force broad skill can attempt to use any specific Force skill at a +1 step penalty. Multiple Force powers can be in effect at the same time, and there is no limit to how much energy can be used in a round. However, Force powers cannot be used specifically on each other—Force Move can’t improve a Lightsaber roll, for example.
Skill Name Cost Source
The Force 7
Strength Skills
Luke, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Vader, and Darth Maul
Force Move
Luke jumping out of the carbonite trap on Bespin
Force Rage
Emperor: "Your hate has made you powerful…"
Dexterity Skills
Force Aim
Luke hitting the Death Star’s thermal exhaust port
Force Deflect
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon deflecting Federation droids’ laser blasts
Force Speed
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fleeing destroyers on the Federation battleship
Constitution Skills
Control Metabolism
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon resisting the gas on the Federation battleship
Rejuvenate (J)
Qui-Gon kneeling during the fight with Darth Maul
Heal (J)
Luke surviving his injuries on Bespin long enough to be rescued
Intelligence Skills
Force Sense
Vader: "The Force is strong in this one…"
Read Thoughts
Vader: "Your thoughts betray you…"
Qui-Gon: "He sees things before they happen…that’s a Jedi trait…"
Will Skills
Vader hurling debris at Luke during their lightsaber duel on Bespin
Force Choke
Vader: "Apology accepted, Captain Needa…"
Dark Energy (S)
The Emperor blasting Luke on the Death Star
Personality Skills
Luke on Bespin: "Leia, hear me…"
Obi-Wan chasing away the Sand People on Tatooine
Obi-Wan: "These are not the droids you are looking for…"

(S) This power is only available to the Sith.
(J) This power is only available to the Jedi.
Blue skills cannot be used untrained

Force Energy = Will score (one-half for Force "Talents" and Diplomat-Jedi); 1 point is spent to use any specific skill, 2 to use any skill untrained, and 3 are lost on a Critical Failure. Force Energy is normally recovered by making a Resolve-mental or Will feat check after each hour of rest. During a combat scene a Force-user may, if he spends two consecutive rounds without taking any physical actions or using Force Energy, make a Resolve-mental or Will feat check at the end of the second round and regain some energy (Ordinary success, 1 point; Good, 2 points; Amazing, 3; Critical Failure, loses 1 point)—but this can only be attempted once. If a Force-user loses more energy than currently has, he takes Fatigue damage instead.

This skill allows a Force-user to construct and use a lightsaber. Anyone can use a lightsaber by rolling a Melee-powered attack, but without the Lightsaber skill he suffers the weapon’s full Accuracy penalty and cannot Parry or receive any rank benefits. This also applies to a character with only the Force broad skill, but the Accuracy penalty is reduced by 1. With the Lightsaber skill the Accuracy penalty is reduced by 2, the character is allowed to Parry, and a Lightsaber skill check is made to attack. A lightsaber draws on the life force of the wielder and requires no power clips or Force Energy.

(Y) Construct Lightsaber: Rank 5; requires Amazing (8) complex skill check.
(X) Resistance Modifier: Strength resistance modifier is improved by +1 at Ranks 4, 8, and 12 while wielding an active lightsaber.
Reaction Parry: Rank 4.
(Y) Double Strike / Reaction Double Parry: Rank 6; Double Parry is rolled just like a Double Strike, with one control die and two situation dice; +1 cumulative step penalty to parry separate attacks from more than one attacker.
(Y) Multistrike / Reaction Multiparry: Rank 9; Multiparry is rolled like Double Parry (with same restrictions) but with 3 situation dice instead of 2.
Lightsabers can chop off body parts. On any single hit that inflicts any Mortal damage (or Wound damage over the victim’s maximum), consult the chart below to see what body part is removed. Small targets (Ewok or Jawa, for example) add 1 to the total, and large targets (Wookiee or Snow Beast, for example) subtract 1 from the total.
Net Damage Body Part Removed Dice Roll
0 - 1 on this attack none none
2 - 3 on this attack hand 1d6: 1-3 = right hand, 4-6 = left hand
4 - 5 on this attack arm 1d6: 1-3 = right arm, 4-6 = left arm
6+ on this attack leg 1d6: 1-3 = right leg, 4-6 = left leg
lethal damage head victim is decapitated after losing all Mortal points

Force Move
This skill grants the Force-user superhuman prowess, improving the result of any one Strength-based feat check or action. The Force Move skill check is made immediately before rolling for the action. On an Ordinary success, the result of the subsequent Strength-based feat or skill check is improved by one degree of success; on a Good success, by two; on an Amazing success, the subsequent action automatically achieves Amazing success with no roll required. Force Move does not count as an action by itself.

Force Rage (extended duration)
This skill harnesses the Force-user’s hate and fury to increase his power. On an Ordinary success, the Force-user’s Strength resistance modifier and damage adjustment are increased by +1 for the rest of the current round and the entire next round; on a Good success, +2; on an Amazing success, +3. Using Force Rage requires an action. If the Force-user is a Jedi, he must make a Corruption check at the end of the scene to avoid accruing 1 Corruption Point (Sith do not have to make this check).

Force Aim
This skill improves the result of any one Dexterity-based feat check or action. Force Aim functions exactly like Force Move and does not count as an action by itself.

Force Deflect
This skill allows the Force-user to deflect ranged energy attacks (initially with his lightsaber). One skill check (requiring an action) is made when the character can act. The result is applied in that phase and lasts for the rest of the round. Any additional actions the character takes that round receive a +1 step penalty. Any ranged energy attack targeting the Force-user hits only if the attacker’s skill check achieves a higher degree of success than the Force-user’s Force Deflect check. If the attacker’s skill check achieves equal success, then the attack is knocked aside harmlessly. If the attacker’s skill check is one degree less than the Force Defect check, the attacker takes Ordinary damage from his own weapon; if two degrees less, the attacker takes Good damage; on a Critical Failure, the attacker takes Amazing damage. The Force-user may choose not to damage an attacker with a deflected attack. This skill cannot be combined with Dodge, nor may the character move faster than walking speed while using Force Deflect.

(Y) Action Benefit: Rank 3; the Force-user can Force Deflect and perform another action (at a +2 step penalty) in the same phase.
Reaction Deflect: Rank 6; same timing and restrictions as Reaction Dodge.
(Y) Body Deflect: Rank 9; the Force-user can Force Deflect with his own body.
Force Speed
This skill sharpens the reflexes of the Force-user. Force Speed can be used before any Action Check and does not require an action by itself. On an Ordinary success, the result of the Force-user’s Action Check that round is improved by one degree of success; on Good, the Action Check is improved by one degree of success and the Force-user’s number of Actions per Round is increased by one (up to the maximum of 4) for that round only; on Amazing, the Action Check is improved by two degrees of success and the number of Actions per Round is increased by one (up to the maximum of 4) for that round only. Alternatively, this skill can be used to increase the Force-user’s Movement Rate (Ordinary success, +50%; Good, +100%; Amazing, +200%) for the current round.

Control Metabolism (extended duration)
This skill allows the Force-user to control how his body reacts to extreme climates and hostile conditions. It functions as listed on page 229 of the Players Handbook.

This skill allows the Jedi to offset the effects of Fatigue or Stun damage. It functions as listed on page 230 of the Players Handbook.

This skill allows the Jedi to heal himself of physical damage or disease. It functions as listed on page 229 of the Players Handbook.

Force Sense
Whenever a Force-user comes into contact with another Force-user (or the effects of his powers), this skill check should be secretly made. On any success the Force-user detects that another Force presence is nearby (on a Good or better success, the Force-user can even sense whose presence it is, if the person is someone he is familiar with). The Force-user can spend an action (using Force Energy) to make a Force Sense skill check and scan one target. On an Ordinary success, the Force-user learns if the target possesses the Force broad skill; on a Good success, he learns the target’s current Force Energy level; on an Amazing success, he also learns the target’s maximum Force Energy rating (or Will score). The skill can also be used to home in on a Force-user once he is detected.

Read Thoughts
This skill enables the Force-user to scan the surface thoughts and emotions of another living being within line of sight. It functions as listed on page 231 of the Players Handbook, and it can also duplicate the effects listed on that page under Empathy.

This skill grants the ability to receive impressions about possible future events. A character usually doesn’t consciously employ this power, but he can choose to meditate in hopes of seeing the future. It functions as listed on page 232 of the Players Handbook.

The skill allows the Force-user to move objects with his mind. Living beings cannot be affected. He may simply push objects with a total weight (in kilograms) up to his Will score x 20, or he may lift and hurl objects with a total weight up to his Will score x 10. The skill check is adjusted by any applicable resistance modifier possessed the target. To determine the damage a hurled object inflicts, multiply the velocity (based on the skill check as listed on p. 234) by one-fourth the object’s weight and apply the total to the velocity ranges on Table P15 (p. 58). The target immediately makes a Dexterity feat check to resist, adjusted by any fatigue and damage penalties.

Force Choke
With this skill the Force-user telekinetically chokes an enemy. Only living (and air-breathing) beings can be affected. At Rank 1 the victim must be within five meters, but the range increases to within line of sight at Rank 4 and to simple visual contact (even through a view screen) at Rank 8. The skill check is modified by the victim’s Will resistance modifier (+2 step penalty if the victim is also a Force-user). On an Ordinary success, the victim suffers 2 points of Stun damage; on a Good success, 4; on an Amazing success, 6. Once a victim suffers any damage from Force Choke, he is immobilized until he makes a Resolve-mental skill check and achieves success equal to or better than the Force-user’s previous skill check result. The victim must continue to make the Resolve check each phase in which he suffers damage from Force Choke but still wishes to act. Once all Stun Points are lost, each additional point of damage from Force Choke is Mortal damage. If the Force-user is a Jedi, he must make a Corruption check at the end of the scene to avoid accruing 1 Corruption Point (Sith do not have to make this check).

Dark Energy
This skill, available only to the Sith, allows the Force-user to blast a victim with a stream of electricity generated by the power of the Dark Side of the Force. The short-range distance is equal to the Force-user’s Will score (medium range is twice the Will score, and long range is four-times the Will score), and the range modifier (-1, +1, +3) is applied to the skill check, as is the victim’s Will resistance modifier (+2 step penalty if the victim is also a Force-user). A victim who suffers any damage from Dark Energy is immobilized and must make Resolve-mental checks as described under Force Choke. The damage is energy-based, but it ignores all armor.
Rank 1
d4+2 s
d6+2 s
d4 w
Rank 5
d6+2 s
d4 w
d4+2 w
Rank 9
d4+2 w
d6+2 w
d8+2 w

This skill allows the Force-user to communicate over long distances with the minds of others. It functions as listed on page 235 of the Player’s Handbook. There is a +2 step penalty on the skill check to reach a target who not does possess the Force broad skill.

(X) More Powerful Than You Can Imagine: Rank 6 (not available to the Dark Side); at any time after suffering any Mortal damage, the Force-user can release his soul from his body and live on forever throughout the ages in the minds of others or as a ghostly apparition that can appear at any place and at any time; the soul retains all skills, knowledge, and memories but can no longer tangibly interact with the material world.
This skill allows the Force-user to fool the minds of other living beings. The victim’s Intelligence resistance modifier (use the highest one in case of multiple victims) is applied to the skill check, and there is a +2 step penalty to affect other Force-users. Illusion otherwise functions as listed on page 236 of the Player’s Handbook.
(Y) Hide: Rank 4; the Force-user can make an Illusion skill check to cloak his location and movements from the eyes of others; On an Ordinary success, those searching for the Force-user (or actively watching the area the Force-user is moving through) suffer a +2 step penalty to their Awareness skill checks (in addition to any other effects, such as from the Stealth skill); on a Good success, +4; on an Amazing success, +6; this penalty is halved if the Force-user is moving and not just hiding motionlessly. This benefit is abandoned if the Force-user engages in any kind of combat. Furthermore, it does not make the Force-user undetectable by other special powers (like Force Sense).
This skill allows the Force-user to influence the actions of others (as listed on page 236 of the Player’s Handbook). The skill check is modified by the victim’s Will resistance modifier, and there is a +2 step penalty to affect another Force-user. A victim can be affected remotely (through a viewscreen) or by voice only, but there is a +2 step penalty.

Corruption and the Dark Side

The Dark Side of the Force is a quick and easy route to power that has seduced more than one Jedi Knight. It can be tempting to abuse Jedi powers, but doing so leads to corruption. Once a Jedi is corrupted by the Dark Side, forever will it dominate his destiny. A young Jedi begins with 0 Corruption Points, but every time he uses his Force powers for anything besides defense or knowledge he runs the risk of accruing Corruption Points.

Using Force powers for personal gain, for conquest and exploitation, or to oppress the innocent can all turn a Jedi to the Dark Side. Whenever a Force-user commits an "evil" act, he must make a Corruption check (+1 step penalty if Force powers are abused). Look at the behavior described for the character’s current level of Corruption and compare it to the evil act. If the act is more evil than the described behavior, then the character must make a Will feat check to resist turning to the Dark Side. For every step further down on the chart the act is in comparison to the current level, there is a +1 step penalty to the roll. On any degree of success, the character feels remorse and does not accrue any Corruption. But, on a failure the character is seduced by the Dark Side and gains 1 Corruption Point (2 on a Critical Failure). For example, a Jedi with 12 Will and 1 Corruption Point uses his blaster to shoot down an unarmed technician. Since this is "purposeful killing of the innocent" (behavior for Corruption 4), the Jedi suffers a +3 step penalty on his Will feat check. The player scores 7 on the situation die (1d20) and 6 on the modifier die (1d12). Since the total of 13 is higher than his Will score, he gains 1 more Corruption Point and succumbs to the Dark Side (possibly becoming a Sith Lord).
Corruption Behavior
0 uses Force powers only to defeat evil and protect the innocent
1 cowardice or selfishness; injuring the innocent due to recklessness
2 wrathfulness or greed; purposeful injury or neglect of the innocent
3 wanton destruction, exploitation, injury; accidental killing of the innocent
4 flagrant destruction, exploitation, injury; purposeful killing of the innocent
5 heinous destruction, exploitation, and injury; wanton mass slaughter
6+ crimes against humanity; destruction of entire worlds

So long as a Force-user has more than 1 Corruption Point, he is considered a Sith Lord. He can now use and improve Dark Energy, but he can no longer use or improve Heal and Rejuvenate (a character who loses access to a skill which he possesses does not lose his rank in that skill). Each Corruption Point counts as a +1 step penalty on all Encounter rolls involving people and races opposed to evil and tyranny, but counts as a -1 step bonus when dealing with people and races serving the Dark Side.

A character can try to redeem himself from the Dark Side by resisting the lure of evil and carrying out good acts. Whenever a Dark-Side character wishes to ignore an opportunity to serve the Dark Side and instead carry out some action for the forces of good, he must make a Will feat check with a +1 step penalty for each Corruption Point he still possesses. Depending on the personal risk he faces for trying to assist the forces of good, he gains a bonus (-1 step for secret or indirect aid, -2 for visible assistance, -3 for risking personal prestige, wealth, orr property, -4 for risking pain and injury, -5 for risking death, and -6 for facing certain death). On a Failure the character finds himself unable to carry out the good action, and instead must immediately do what the Dark Side commands (on a Critical Failure, he also gains 1 Corruption Point); on an Ordinary success, 1d4 Corruption Points are removed; on a Good success, 1d6 Corruption Points; on an Amazing success, all Corruption Points are removed. If ever a character gets rid of all Corruption Points, he escapes the control of the Dark Side. No longer a Sith Lord, he becomes a normal Jedi—he can now use and improve Heal and Rejuvenate, but he can no longer use or improve Dark Energy.

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