Motherwell History 4
(Taken from he Motherwell Times 1983)
Motherwell FC in 1904 became a limited company and �3000 worth of shares were issued.� Still on sport, the following year saw a group of curlers leave for Switzerland where they played several games against foreign opposition and won a cup.�
Motherwell Bridge Company was flexing its industrial muscle by winning a �30,000 contract for Indian State Railways.� Politics nosed into a time of general newsgathering with the decision in September 1906 that the burgh's electoral wards were to be increased to five.
The religious headlines in 1907 were unmistakably held by the fact that in that year a group of Salvationists went to prison for holding religious gatherings in the town.� One of those imprisoned Salvation Army men James Bartholomew, in the years that were to follow his14 days in jail, was to prove himself a regular contributor to The Motherwell Times of verse in religious themes.
The opening of Shields Glen was a newsworthy even of 1908 era, and the new grandstand at Fir Park was also opened,but bazaar enthusiasts had field days with the St. Andrews Church event realising �1,131.5.9. And the Clason event not far behind at �1,081!
The strong religious observance, which had a characteristic of the old ILP, found its vehicle for raising money in guess what!  a� bazaar!� The leading ILP personality, founder James Kier Hardy, performed the opening ceremony.� At the end of the year, an Orange Lodge bazaar realised �635 and, in between these events it is recorded in 1909 that a skating ink was opened in Hamilton Road and that the Brandon Bridge Company had won a contract for the Royal Naval base at Rosyth.
Lord Hamilton of Dalzell introduced the Assurance Bill in the House of Lords and moved the Second Reading of the Labour Exchanges Bill.
Brandon Street was a regular hive of activity on Saturday nights as an article in the Times sought to point out!
�The Labour Exchange was opened by Provest Purdie, and an important plebiscite of the citizens of the Burgh of Motherwell declared themselves by 3,061 votes to 2,296 against the Town Council operation its own police fource!
In 1911, the Empire Theatre in Camp Street (now used by National Tyres ((year 2001 not there) was opened.
�A new bridge was built over the River Calder at Merry Street and the Dalziel Co-Operative Society Limited celebrated its jubilee.
�Local authority work and the field of soccer had much to be grateful for in 1911 with the appointment of� Mr. A. G. Stewart as Town Clerk of Wishaw.� Later he became Town Clerk of joint burghs and was awards the OBE on his retirement from that post some 40 years later.
� In football circles Mr John Hunter was appointed manager of Motherwell.
The Dalziel co-op jubilee was recognised by the Board of Directors making a donation to charity of �1000.�
While Coronation celebration were nearing completion, a disastrous fire at Coursington Colliery occurred in June: tramcar routs were extended to New Stevenson; and the Duchess of Hamilton Park was gifted to the citizens of� Motherwell� by the Duke of Hamilton.
Talk of the amalgamation between Motherwell and Wishaw burghs was becoming more frequent and meetings were held to discuss the proposition.�
Three items in1912 each entirely different from the other worth recording.� Firstly and most important�� Dalziel Steel works was granted right to extend at a cost of �1/4 million!�
On a lighter note, the Fir Park record attendance was established in 1912 of 20,000 and a certain Mr. W. D. Barclay was appointed agent of the Bank of Scotland.� With him came his wife and son who was to become internationally known 40 years later.
The suffragette movement was not unknown in the town and, in the year prior to the outbreak of the First World War, meetings were held in Motherwell.� Also as far back as 1913�� bet that surprised younger Labour adherents!� The late Alex Anderson, MA, was beginning to make a name for himself as a political speaker.� He was to become MP for Motherwell in 1945.
�The population of the burgh in December 1913 as the imminence of war became greater, was 41,080.
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