Captain William F. Percival's Company
SC Mounted Infantry
Aiken Mounted Infantry Roll

Charleston Daily Courier , Wed., 7 September 1864.




�������� Columbia, September 6, 1864. }

To the Citizens of South Carolina:

THE GALLANT ARMY OF TENNESSEE HAS been compelled by numbers to evacuate Atlanta. Whilst the Confederate authorities will doubtless do their duty through the Army and the State Reserves, now organized and in the field, under Brigadier General CHESNUT, towards the defence of the State, the present military condition of the country requires that every [man] who can wield a weapon should be in some organization for the attainment of the same object.

The annexed orders provide for such organizations as the Executive is authorized to require, under the law, and it is expected that every one who is liable will, without excuse, rally to the colors of the State in his appropriate organization.

But the force now most useful for all our military purposes is a mounted force ; and that (it can only be voluntary,) I conjure the yeomanry of the State, by every consideration of interest and patriotism, at once to organize. Let it be formed without reference to age. Many a man over 50 will make as efficient a mounted soldier as others half his years. In �51 the State then looking to the possible conflict which is now upon us, could boast as gallant a body of mounted men, many of them now over 50, as ever flashed a sabre in the face of a foe. Many of these are doing good service in the field. Let those at home unite with their younger fellow-citizens in organizing companies for mounted service. Each man must mount and equip himself, except as to a carbine, which, of the most approved kind, the State will furnish.

The horses (one to each officer and man) upon being registered with the Captains of Companies, as also the equipments, which (the horse and equipments) will be used for military purposes, will be exempt from impressment, seizure, distress and execution.

If in a regiment or district enough do not unite to form a company, let them organize with from 10 to 15, electing a lieutenant, unite with some organization in another regiment or district, so as to makeup a company, and selecting a captain, determining the rank of their lieutenants by lot or otherwise. Upon the organization of companies having in the aggregate, including four (4) commissioned officers and eight (8) non-commissioned officers, not less than sixty-eight (68), they will be received and armed; and when a number of companies is sufficient, will be organized into battalions and regiments by the election of field officers.

All persons liable to service, who cannot attach themselves to a mounted company, will be organized in one of the two classes embraced in the annexed order from the Adjutant and Inspector General�s Office.

Citizens of South Carolina! You entered this contest resolved to be free or perish. Your brothers, sons and fathers of the army and State Reserves are already in the field. Place yourselves by their sides and make good your determination that no foul minion of the despot Lincoln should every place, with impunity, his unhallowed footprint on the soil of your State. You have never wronged your foes. Make them rue the day they attempted to efface you from your heritage and give it to others. The ray of hope which some sanguine persons supposed they saw in the Chicago Convention has gone out in darkness. Be not deluded. There is no prospect of peace from that quarter. Peace is to be obtained alone, under the blessings of God, through your fortitude, your sacrifices and your own strong arms.

Given under my hand and seal of the State, at Columbia, this 5th day of September, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.


Wm. R. Huntt, Secretary of State.


Charleston Daily Courier , Mon., 21 November 1864.



Columbia, November 13, 1864. }


* * * * * *

VIII. The "Battalion of State Cadets" and the companies of mounted infantry commanded by Captains Frederick and Percival, will hold themselves in readiness to take the field at the shortest notice.

* * * * * *

By command: A. C. GARLINGTON,

Adjutant and Inspector General South Carolina.

November 21.


Edgefield Advertiser , Wed., 25 January 1865.

For the Advertiser.

Camp near Mathew�s Bluff,

Barnwell Dist., Jan. 7th 1865.

Mr. Editor: Last summer some of the citizens of Barnwell, Edgefield and Lexington Districts who were exempt from Confederate service, responding to the call of Gov. Bonham, organized a Company of Mounted Infantry for State Defence. When Sherman cut loose from his base and threatened Augusta, this Company was ordered to Hamburg. They promptly responded to the call, as the enemy advanced towards Savannah, and they were well employed in guarding the ferries and crossing places on the river, having gone within twelve miles of Savannah.

The Company now numbers about sixty members, and is armed with Morse�s Patent Breech Loading Carbine�one of the most effective and convenient weapons ever used by mounted men, weighing only eight pounds, and can be loaded and discharged five or eight times a minute.

The officers of the Company are as follows:

Wm. F. Percival, of Aiken, Captain.

W. M. Bostick, Barnwell District, 1st Lieut.

C. F. Benson, Barnwell District, 2d Lieut.

J. Guignard, Richland District, 3d Lieut.

As Sherman now threatens to over run our State, it is hoped and expected that South Carolinians will not let him advance without at least making an effort to stop him. Such Companies as Capts. Percival�s and Frederick�s should be filled instantly, and others formed. General Garlington desires those who can mount themselves to join mounted companies in preference to the Infantry, as they can be made far more effective in watching the movement of the Yankees and retarding their progress.

If any should desire to join one of the Companies already formed, they should make early application, as these Companies are not allowed (not cannot arm) more than 100 men each.

������; A Member of the

������;Aiken Mounted Infantry.


"Some Experiences During Skirmish at Aiken,"

by John Staubes.

I entered service in 1864 at the age of 16, and joined Capt. Percival�s Company. This Company was made up of boys and old men of the town.

Wheeler�s cavalry came into Aiken on the afternoon of Feb. 10, and on the 11th the skirmish took place. That night I was ordered to leave our camp at Croft�s Mill, but after the arrival of Wheeler�s cavalry, I went to our 1st Lt., Chas. Benson, and asked permission to visit my home, but was refused. A few minutes later, he wanted a guide to come in with Sergeant Chas. Wood, so I went with him to his home, then visited my family who lived near Coker Spring. Next morning I came back into town, and was sent to Capt. Percival for instructions to carry a message to camp. I was kept at Percival�s home until Wheeler and a number of other men went to look over the town. We were then kept on Park Ave., the Brunson & Gillam corner, for a short time, then went Main St. and remained there until the skirmish began. Then Capt. Percival called me to go as a pilot to the John Williams� place. Col. Coon, who commanded the 2nd Tenn. Regt. wanted to get some information about the different roads around the town. The Yankees came in about as far as W. W. Williams� home when they were turned back.

The only surviving members of our Company are: R. W. McCreary, Joe Taylor, Chas. Randall, Chas. Galloway, and John Staubes.

I cannot recall all of our Company, but among them were: Capt. Percival, Lt. Chas. Benson, Sergeant Chas. Wood, Wilson Prothro, Doc. Prothro, John Moseley and Jim Moseley.

If you have any information about these troops or these units, please
Fred Knudsen

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