From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Farscape,
two crews from the dark side of science-fiction meet, by the author born to bring them together!
But when a flux in the Bajoran Wormhole brings Moya and her crew to DS9, can Scorpius be far behind?

Graphic Sources:
Star Trek in Sound & Vision
Starfleet Archives-Star Trek Database
Farscape Netring: Picture Index The Peacekeepers Guide

Homepage of Author Keith R.A. DeCandido
The author listed is only the "dream" writer for the book.
Keith R.A. DeCandido has no relation to this project or Crossroads.

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Crossroads is � and � 2001 the Crossroads Consortium.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is � and � 2001 Paramount Pictures. Farscape � and � 2001 The Jim Henson Company.
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