Continuing Missions

There are many characters throughout the Star Trek Universe who are just waiting to have their stories told.

This was offered to Marco Palmieri* to use.
So far, he hasn't. L

Click here for the explanation

Full Color Book Covers!!!
In the eyes of many fans, Admiral Janeway from the future committed a number of
crimes durring Endgame. She may or may not have died at the end of the
show. If not, she may need to be brought in to face justice...
Presenting the Dark Janeway Saga

Book 1:
Final Frontier Justice

Book 2:
Circling The Wagons

Book 3:
The Hanging Tree
Thanks to Allyn Gibson for plot input.

I was asked by Steve Mollmann and the fine folks at Sigma Phi Kappa Productions
to produce a cover for their forthcoming Original Audio Drama.
Given the actor they've based their captain on, and a ship type, I procceeded to create this:

Margaret Wander Bonanno wrote a book called Music Of The Spheres as a sequel to Star Trek IV. It was eventually published in a vastly altered form, as Probe. The original text was released, and someone made a MS e-book out of it. MS e-books can't be used on Macs, so I made an Acrobat version:.
Click Here to download the e-book zip file (works on Mac and PC).

Below is the cover I put together for it.

These books don't, and aren't likely, to ever exist,
but if you pester John Ordover* enough...well, he'll likely send a Klingon bat'leth squad to your house.

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Marco Palmieri is the editor in charge of the Deep Space 9 relaunch. You should write him and tell him to use my ad!
John Ordover is the Senior Editor for Pocket Books' Star Trek line.
Star Trek is � and � 2001 Paramount Pictures. Sweeny is owned by PAD, and PAD is owned by Kathleen O'Shea.
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