Sometimes, an advertisment just doesn't provide the format needed for an idea.
Here are some random pictures that don't quite fit in the other catagories.

Scott Bakula (of Quantum Leap fame) has signed on for the role of Jonathan Archer, the captain in the upcoming Star Trek series, Enterprise
which will take place before the original (Kirk/Spock) series. Here's Scott leading an away mission:

There's an "ad" on the Continuing Missions page as well.

(Besides, I was challenged!)

During the series finale of Voyager, there was a teaser trailer for Enterprise, the next TV series, starting in Fall of 2001 on UPN. Many Trek fans were outraged by the ommission of Sisko's name from the trailer. I thought UPN should have included a picture of Scott Bakula as Captain Archer. So I made my own trailer.


The second trailer is one that the Trek Powers That Be would like to do, but can't.


The Trailers require Quicktime to view for some reason listed this book as a Freddie Prinze, Jr. biography.
I decided the cover should be altered to fit the new story.

Author Keith R.A. DeCandido thinks that Goran Visnjic from ER would be good to play
Captain Calhoun of Star Trek: New Frontier. What do you think?

Like what you've seen? Got some ideas you'd like to see me try?
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