Enterprise B & C

Like the Excelsior ads, these were inspired by the ads for the upcomming DS9 relaunch.
In Peter David's The Captain's Daughter,
the world of Captain Harriman and the Enterprise B is explored beyond the events of Star Trek: Generations,
and has left many clammoring for more.
And Yesterday's Enterprise,
which told the final story of the Enterprise C, is one of the best episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation,
but what happened before that episode?

These series don't, and aren't likely, to ever exist,
but if you pester John Ordover* enough...well, he'll likely send a Klingon bat'leth squad to your house.

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John Ordover is the Senior Editor for Pocket Books' Star Trek line.
Star Trek is � and � 2001 Paramount Pictures.
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