Please Hang On To Me

Stef lazily stroked my arm, the alcohol induced lust glazing over his eyes. I knew what he wanted, I had known from the moment he invited me back for a drink. The idle chatter and mindless conversation all inevitably leading us to this moment in time. I tried to play coy to his advances in a vain effort to convince myself that I didn’t want it. But I know I did. My whole body and soul was burning with a fiery passion for his touch and I found myself begging for him. Begging to feel his large calloused hands run effortlessly across my skin. He abandoned the bottle of beer carelessly on the table before turning back to me and sliding one arm around my back. The touch made me tremble with anticipation and I stared into his eyes, willing to see something that would make it ok. His breath was hot and heavy on my lips and the smell of stale alcohol hung acrid in the air, but I didn’t care. Tonight it was going to mean something.

Stef grew impatient of my mental meanderings and made the first move, swiftly pressing our mouths together in a quick lustful action. He locked his other hand around my neck to prevent me from moving and probed my mouth with his tongue. I gave in instantly, allowing him to kiss me properly as a million and one thoughts ran through my head. Every memory of every past lover I had ever had were erased instantly, all being replaced with the sensation of Stef kissing me. I didn’t need to remember anything else, didn’t need to know anything as long as we were here, lips crushed together like bruised fruit and hands flailing like impatient teenagers.

Tonight, touch me when our passion's through. That's right, they're all dead I'd hate to miss you.

He lifted me up gently. So gently I could almost believe he really cared about me. Almost. I closed my eyes as he lay me down on the bed sheets, I didn’t need to look around to know where I was. I had been here many times before in my dreams. His bedroom, a sacred place where only your loved ones were meant to share intimacy with you. So why was I here? A cold chill wrapped around my body as he opened the window, leaving me alone and unwanted while he moved across the room.

Feeling so much older now my body's colder. Tonight, you crush me like I was a boulder.

Memories from earlier in the night came flooding back, assaulting my mind for the few seconds I was alone.

/”Steve, come dance with me.” Stef begged, pulling at his band mate’s arm like a lost child.

“No Stef. I don’t do dancing. Take Brian.” Steve replied stubbornly.

“I’m not in the mood for dancing.” I sighed, staring down into the empty confines of my glass and contemplating getting another. On my way to the bar I could hear Stef’s relentless pestering and I knew he wouldn’t back down. Steve would have to dance with him in the end, and I was filled with a mix of curiosity and dread to watch the scene unfold in front of me. I turned at the bar and leant back on it just as Steve finally submitted and held his arms in the air for the taller man to drag him to his feet. Stef dragged him into the middle of the seething mass of bodies, and I have to admit I actually craned my head slightly to get a better view. They moved slowly together at first as Stef’s bravado and confidence had disappeared, giving way to tension and unease. They slowly unwound as the song progressed, gravitating naturally towards each other and keeping a smooth, steady rhythm. You could actually feel the sexual chemistry flowing between them and it made my blood boil. Steve locked his gaze onto the taller man for a fleeting second and I saw doubt, recognition, confusion, love, lust and pain pass between them in unspoken words. I knew in an instant that something had happened between them. Something recent, and only admitted in hushed tones between the two of them when they thought they were alone. I slammed my glass down on the smooth bar surface so hard it’s a wonder it didn’t shatter. I wanted to tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me and to pretend I had never seen it, yet something compelled me to keep watching. Stef was pulling them closer together, weaving his enchantment more tightly around the drummer. He leant forward, lips casually brushing against his ear and uttering silent pleas. But Steve’s eyes snapped open, breaking the spell as he quickly walked back to our seat, shaking his head as if trying to forget the last three minutes. How I wish I could./

It takes two to piss in faces, keeps alive but leaves no traces. Trigger shoots like violent chases, in this depth is my oasis.

Back to the real world, to the harsh reality as Stef joined me on the bed. He slid in between my thighs, grasped at my shoulders and pressed short sweet kisses to my flushed skin. I gasped as I felt his lips on my flesh, muttering his prayers to my body in his drunken state. He forgot my identity; I could be anyone to him. Another nameless, faceless body to be used and left. I silently pleaded for him to glance up and see who I was, for him to recognise what this meant to both of us. But he didn’t. He pulled my top off in an expert manner and simply continued his worship of my chest, the bare expanse of skin that could have belonged to anyone.

Hang on to your IQ, Hang on to your ID, Hang on to your IQ, and please hang on to me.

He trailed his fingers along my skin, whispering sweet appraisals of my own beauty as he tugged his shirt off. I couldn’t resist feeling his chest against mine as I watched it being revealed and I pulled him down to my body. The heat was unbearable as our bodies writhed together, sweat mingling as hands explored the delicate contours of each other. I moaned as his fingers pinched at my nipples, marveling at the way he knew exactly how to turn me on. I thought for a fleeting second that I shouldn’t be doing this, but my body contradicted my mind as I felt myself grow hard under his touch. He made light work of my belt buckle, hastily pulling down the zip and exposing more burning skin to the cool night air.

“No underwear..” he muttered to himself, licking his lips as he pulled my jeans down further. He shed his own clothes quickly before climbing back onto the bed with an ease I wouldn’t expect of someone in his state. He slid on top of my body, pushing our erections together as he ground his hips desperately. He weighed next to nothing due to his slim frame. I slipped my hand around the back of neck, teasing my fingers gently through the velvety hair as I pulled him closer. He stopped his movements for a few seconds as he stared into my eyes. It was as if he had a brief moment of clarity and realised that I wasn’t the one he wanted. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again on a second thought. I reached up with my other hand to brush his lips softly.

“Stef..” I started, but he hushed me with a kiss. The intensity helped us both to remember that we couldn’t have what we wanted.

Tonight don't speak my name. Tonight let's break the rules of this boring game.

Stef started to move again with a newly found passion. He smothered attention over my chest and thighs, lavishing licks and kisses to every inch of bare skin. Yet always avoiding my eyes as if to protect himself from the harsh truth. His lips flitted closely to my throbbing erection and I gasped at my need for contact. Slowly his tongue reached out, finally tasting the base of my cock before dragging along the underside in one smooth stroke. I moaned loudly and screwed my eyes shut as my hands clawed at the bed sheets in desperation. His mouth closed over me, enveloping me in warm bliss and sucking my soul out before releasing me and moving his head back. He thrust forward again as he gained confidence and rhythm, using his tongue to caress me. My back arched as he sucked forcefully, hollowing out his cheeks and causing intense friction. Animalistic sounds escaped my mouth as he continued this delightfully sweet torture and I begged for more. I lifted my hips to push further forward and his own hand crept between his thighs to his abandoned erection. He let out a strangled moan as his fingers caressed his swollen flesh and the noise resonated around my own cock. I felt myself being drawn over the edge as our pants and moans became louder.

Singing songs not meant to be sung, beating like my bleeding heart. Careless slipping of the tongue on just another private part.

Stef pulled away just before I was pushed into oblivion and I whimpered softly at the lack of contact. He pushed me onto my back and moved quickly between my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist. He leant down to kiss me hungrily and I pushed back just as forcefully. I moaned into his mouth as I felt his cock press against my entrance and moved my hands down across his back. We both needed it hard and fast and we needed it now, in a strange semi-conscious effort to feel something. He pushed forward swiftly, his cock stretching my muscles unrelentlessly. I let out a shout as he entered me dry and a burning sensation stung through me. He pulled out and then thrust back in as he started to work up a steady rhythm. His hips slammed against my own, causing the skin to glow red and adding a dull pain to the already electrifying feel of him inside me. My body moved as one with him as we felt a sense of connection. Tears started to roll down my face as we moved harder and faster, partially due to pain and partially due to the stinging knowledge inside me that he didn't want this. Not with me anyway. He closed his eyes and threw his head back in bliss as we rocked together, and I knew it wasn't my face he could see.

"Oooh god." I moaned as he wrapped his hands around my cock, pumping furiously. He returned the cry, lifting my hips slightly to allow him better access.

Nothing tastes as sweet as excess in this empire of the senses.

We were both drawing near, our release looming with an ever increasing speed. I came first, the come spreading between our bodies as my mind filled with thoughts, words, songs and images. Everything that reminded me of Stef came speeding through my mind in the second that I hit my peak. I screamed out loud to nameless deities and gods, praying for the feeling to last forever and that the aftermath would never come. My muscles contracted around Stef as he continued to thrust and he came shortly after me. He cried out in a burst of obscenities and a tangle of words, but one resonated around my ears like a gun shot.


It snapped me back to consciousness instantly as he collapsed against my chest in exhaustion. He pulled out of me slowly as I lay silently in static shock. In a sudden moment of sobriety he pulled the sheets out from underneath us and covered our spent bodies. He curled up next to me sleepily, seeking out warmth from my skin and wrapping his long arms around me out of instinct.

"I love you" he mumbled against my skin. But it wasn't me he was telling. I clung onto his body, trying to hold onto the feeling of Stef loving me. I knew it would be gone by the morning, just like the memories of this night. It would be another night that we would agree to forget. But for now, until we woke up in the hungover haze of the morning, Stef was finally mine.

Some key morning and I'll get used to slashing back and choking. Tonight when you said you loved me you were joking.
Rabid search for stoned affection fights the lust that breeds infection. Please hang on to me.

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