Scandinavian Club of Manawatu Inc.

Opening of the Hilsen fra Skandinavien exhibition

Some scenes from the opening of the exhibition.

The ‘Hilsen Fra Skandinavien’ exhibition opened on 19 November 2000 at the Science Centre & Manawatu Museum, Church Street, Palmerston North. About 160 people from around the country were present.

The exhibition, which celebrated 130 years of Scandinavian settlement in Manawatu, was part of the museum’s ‘Origins’ series. Key themes were: Heritage Transported (from Scandinavia), Heritage Created (in NZ), Heritage Lost (language, documents, cultural items that are now only memories) and Heritage Now (the clubs, Gathering, present day things and people). The exhibition closed in mid-2001. 

Bjørn Weis Simonsen and the Viking ship on loan from the Wairarapa Scandinavian Club, in the museum's foyer.

Flags overhead, based on the layout used when the local Danish community held its big celebration, on 14 April 1920, of North Slesvig being returned to Denmark.

The club's Christmas Tree serving as a museum exhibit.

The entrance to the exhibition from the early Palmerston North section

Biographies of local people of Scandinavian birth or descent spread out on a long table made for the exhibition

Danish, Swedish and Norwegian costumes on display.

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