Muay Thai Takes Valley by Storm
By Luis Hernandez

Muay Thai, Valley’s kickboxing club, was founded by Kru Jay and Kru Joey less than a year ago.

The club started with nothing, and in a month the Muay Thai group managed to raise over $400 on their own through car washes and received $1,500 from Associated Students. Since then, they bought and imported boxing equipment from Lanna Boxing Camp in Thailand and the club’s membership has grown by more than 30%. “They are the fastest growing club on campus and one of the most active,” said Leonard Lopez, director of student activities. “I am very excited of their huge success, because they are doing a lot for the whole campus, like helping out on the 75th. Anniversary, the backpack station, homecoming. They made community service a big part of their activities.”

Muay Thai has now registered to compete in a tournament on May 25 at the L.A. Boxing Gym. “We are finally ready to compete against other fighters,” said Kru Jay.

The club plans to rent a school bus to provide transportation for themselves and any other students who would like to attend the tournament. “Our main goals are to bring gold medals and pride to Valley and raise more money to travel to Thailand,” said Kenny Finister, club president. “After the competition, we plan on having friendly spars with nearby colleges,” said Kru Joey. The club encourages more students to join. “We specially encourage more ladies to join. There are no restrictions. All students of all nationalities can join. Everyone is equal, because we grow as we learn,” Kru Jay said. “Our desire is to assist others on campus. We would like to have more support from students and administration -- and have more interaction with other clubs,” Finister said.

SBVC’s newspaper: “The Arrowhead”
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