How to remove the showing word on the right of bottom of desktop screen on Windows 2000/XP "Windows XP Professional. For testing purposes only. Build 2600" "Windows 2000 Professional. For testing purposes only. Build 2195" after you install *** Windows XP SP1 **** or **** Windows Media Player 9 Series *** form warez sites. For Windows 2000/XP 1. Using Regedit then remove these 2 keys (2 Directoryes of it.) By Start ==> Run... ==> Open : regedit ==> OK HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\CA\Certificates\FEE449EE0E3965A5246F000E87FDE2A065FD89D4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\Certificates\2BD63D28D7BCD0E251195AEB519243C13142EBC3 2. Reboot your Winodows 2000/XP 3. Enjoy !!!