
sb194309 is a name for a game that went around in the early 2000's in a where the player would navigate a series of puzzles in a side-scroller style of game. The graphics in this game are very low quality, and inbetween puzzles cryptic messages were displayed telling of the end times and cryptic statements that made little to no sense.

The game was noutourious for it's strange background music and awkward controls. Private indie game forums at the time discussed where it came from and who could've made it but the website hosting it had almost no information to offer other then a plot synopsis and a few screenshots.

I have the last version of the website archived and can be viewed here.

The creator of the game went under the username "[BlameHoffman]" and talked about strange other worldy sights whenever they were directly mentioned in certain and now defunct forums. Their account had no personal information to note of and no one even knew what to make of it so they mostly ignored his posts once they realized they couldn't wrangle any information out of them.

Here is one of many interactions with [BlameHoffman] and a random forum user.


BrinstarShrooms: who exactly is blamehoffman? why does he keep showing up in these threads?

protoman4376: From what I can gather this guy is the creator of sb194309. Everytime we talk about this god damn game he appears with some cryptic bullshit. Why haven't we banned him yet?

[BlameHoffman]: Nationwide hysteria is coming. A great cleansing is coming of biblical proportions. Cry yourself to dust.

protoman4376: See what I mean? What the fuck is with this guy. Why did you even make this account and game if you're just going to spout dumb shit with no explanation?

[BlameHoffman]: Remember the ides of December. The Fleshgods are coming. When the ides of December come Earth will be eroded into a dystopia.


On December 10th 2003 the account disappeared and the website with the game download went along with it. Threads continued to be posted about [BlameHoffman] and sb194309 but little progress was made on figuring out what it was. On December 12th 2003 A user by the name of "Replica Hammer" got into the games source code and found a hidden text file that was called "NEWBREED.txt" which can be viewed here.

After the date December 13th 2003 the forum got wiped off the internet completely. Some think that this game was a warning of the websites takedown and others think it's a coincidence since the owner of the website was shutting this version of the website down due to lack of funds. But it is still an interesting story no less. No one really knows what happened and those who could have remained quiet since.