Chapter 1

     The lads and thier wives and their kids were seated on the porch of the vacation house they were staying at.
"It's a shame that Cyn couldn't come" Sydney said.
"Yeah, Julian was just too sick to travel" John said.
"It's so great to be able to get away and just relax before we have to start recording Sgt. Peppers" Ringo said.
"Yeah, now that we don't have to worry about touring..." Paul said.
"Oh yeah, Paul, James, Ringo, Mo, Zak and I are going to go on this weekend cruise starting tomorrow" Claire said.
"So you guys can just hang around the house or whatever" Paul said.
"And George is staying this whole weekend to study the sitar" Sydney said.
"So you'll be all alone!" Claire said winking.
"Finally!" Sydney said laughing.
       That night everyone except John and Sydney packed their stuff. The next morning, they all left early, so John and Sydney were still asleep. Later that morning, they were both seated on the porch drinking tea.
"You know I'm not really that sad that Cyn couldn't come" John said breaking the silence.
"John! Why not?" Sydney asked.
"So I won't have to pretend like I'm happy with our sham of a marriage" he said.
"Well what about Cynthia? And Julian?" she asked.
"I feel sorry for Julian, but we never really bonded" he said sadly.
"Oh John, that's horrible" she said.
"I would leave but then I would be doing exactly what me dad did to me" he said.
"So you're feeling trapped?" she asked.
"That's exactly how I feel. I can't communicate with Cyn, she dosen't want me to be around Julian when I'm angry...which is a lot of the time" he said.
       John and Sydney spent the rest of the day talking about their feelings, and they became closer then they ever had been. They talked all night and went to sleep early the next morning. They slept almost the entire next day.
"And I try and put my frustrations in my music" John said that afternoon.
"Like 'Help'?" she asked.
"Exactly like that, but I like disguise it so the fans won't be able to tell" he said.
"Hold on. I'm going to go change into some shorts, it's too hot" she said standing up.
"No!" he yelled.
       She turned and ran to the stairs.
"But I must!" she said giggling as she skipped up the stairs.
       John ran after her.
"Don't leave me!" he said laughing as he grabbed her arm.
       He pulled her around until they were facing each other. They stared into each others eyes, unsure of what to do. John leaned down and kissed Sydney. He pulled away and they both stood there awkwardly. Then Sydney smiled and took his hand and led him into her and George's bedroom. He layed down on the bed and pulled her on top of him.
       An hour later Claire, Paul and James walked into the house.
"Sydney? John?" Claire called.
"Shite..." John said.
       John and Sydney jumped up and hurridly put their clothes back on. Then they ran downstairs.
"How was the cruise?" Sydney asked.
"It was terrific" Paul said.
"Lovely!" Claire said.
"What did you guys do?" Paul asked.
"Had hot passionate sex" Sydney said laughing nervously.
       The other three joined in the laughter and John shot her an evil look.
"No really we just talked" he said quickly.
"We know that mate" Paul said.
"Oh Sydney do you have my shirt I let you borrow the other day?" Claire asked.
"Yeah it's either on the bed stand or hanging on the end of the bed" Sydney said.
"Mind if I go get it?" Claire asked.
"Go right ahead" Sydney said.
      Claire ran up the stairs and walked into Sydney's room. As she grabbed the shirt from the night table she noticed something shiny on the bed. She picked it up and recognized it as John's wedding ring. She gasped. She quickly stuck it in her pocket and ran back downstairs.
"Hey Paul we should go un-pack" Claire said.
       Claire took James' hand and her suitcase and walked to their room. Paul followed with the rest of the stuff. Claire shut the door.
"Paul I have to tell you something!" she said.
"What is it dear?" he asked.
"Sydney and John really did have sex!" she said seriously.
       Paul laughed.
"No I'm serious!" she said taken aback.
"Sure...Sydney wouldn't do that" Paul said still laughing.
"But I have proof!" she said pulling out John's wedding ring from her pocket.
       Paul picked up James and walked closer to look at the ring.
"That's John's ring. So?" Paul said.
"I found it in Sydney's bed" Claire exclaimed.
"What were you doing in Sydney's bed?" Paul asked.
"That is such a guy thing to say! But I went to get my shirt and I saw it laying in the bed!" Claire said.
"Well maybe John put it there by accident! You know how forgetful John is. I mean they could of been talking up there" Paul said.
"Talking?!?! Right!" she said.
"Well what am I supposed to do about it?" Paul asked.
"I don't know....What about Cyn and George?" Claire asked.
"Even though I don't think it happend, it could of just been a mistake, a one time thing" Paul said.
"Okay, we'll watch them" Claire said.

next chapter



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