George was sitting sulking in the corner. Claire handed the baby back to Sydney. Stu quickly feel asleep lying on Sydney's chest.
"I've got to get back, I have to talk to the Maharishi" George said walking out of the room.
Everyone was silent.
"I can't believe he did that..." Paul said.
"Why is Uncle George leaving?" James asked.
"I don't know, honey" Claire said as James sat on her lap.
That night Paul, Claire and John were trying to sleep in the waiting room. James was asleep with Sydney.
"Lennon you're a man stronger then I am" Paul said.
"Why is that?" John asked.
"I couldn't let another man take credit for my little boy" Paul said.
"You're right man. This is the hardest fucking thing I've ever had to do. But there is no other alternative" John said.
John and Paul packed the car a couple of days later. Sydney and Claire walked to the cars with James and Stu. John and Sydney drove back in one car and Paul and Claire went in the other. When they got back everyone from the community was there.
"The first baby of the center" the Maharishi said.
"Okay....err...yeah...whatever" Sydney said.
She was already tired of all the crap. The Maharishi was such a sham. She wanted to leave but she knew there was no way of getting George to leave. That night Paul and Claire were sitting on the porch.
"Paul I'd rather be at home. The Maharishi isn't where it's at" Claire said.
"I was feeling the same way. We'll get tickets back to London tomorrow" Paul said.
The next day Paul, Claire and James left the community. The next month flew by, the remaining Beatles, wives and children had returned home. The lads had written songs and we're ready to go back into the studio.
One night, the lads and their wives and children went out to dinner.
"And we've recorded 'Sexy Sadie,' 'Long Long Long,' 'Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey,' 'Yer Blues,' 'Dear Prudence,' 'Mother Natures Son' and 'A child of Nature'" Paul said.
"So how is Stu?" Mo asked.
"Stu's great. I still can't pick him up without him crying. He's a mama's boy" George said grinning.
They chuckled. They finished their dinner and went home. They next day, as the boys recorded, the girls and kids all went to Claire's for tea. When they had finished, they decided to go watch to boys record for the last hour. When they arrived at Abbey Road Studios, all was not well. The girls said hello to the boys and took seats to watch.
"Ok, Ring, It's just like that, but George why do you continue to mess that guitar riff up?" John asked.
"Cause you're so bloody perfect all the time, John?" George said sarcastically.
"Hey! Let's just finish this so we can go home" Ringo said.
"Yeah, lads, c'mon!" Paul said.
"John Lennon. Always having to be the center of attention" George said.
"What the fuck is your problem?" John asked.
"You know damn well what my problem is" George yelled.
Stu began crying. Sydney, Claire, and Paul all got very nervous. Cyn Mo and Ring gave one another quizzical looks.
"What the hell?" John asked.
"Fess up, John. You think I'm mad. I know. You both know that I know" George yelled.
"Ya know, you're fuckin right. The baby ain't fuckin yours.I love Sydney and she loves me and that's all that matters" John yelled.
Cyn burst into tears. Ringo looked at Mo.
"We're going...and we're taking the kids" Ringo said.
Ringo Mo and the kids left.
"Yeah  we'll go as well" Paul said as he walked over and took Claire's hand.
"Fuck that! You two are involved! Sit the hell down!" Sydney yelled.
Claire and Paul quickly sat down.
"You two are involved?" George said looking sad.
"Not...involved...we just knew" Claire said.
"So, all my mates knew?" George asked.
"How could you to this to me?" Cyn asked.
They all looked over at her.
"I'm sorry but-" John began.
"Not you! I knew you did! were one of my best friends. I trusted you!" Cyn said crying.
"It was...unintentional Cyn. I didn't mean to do this to you or to George. I want to say, I'm sorry for all the hurt I have caused but I can't say I regret it" Sydney said.
"Are you sure we can't leave?" Paul asked.
next chapter
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