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Israel Military Order No. 291 Concerning the
Settlement of Disputes over Titles in Land and
the Regulation of Water

By virtue of the power vested in me as Commander of the Area, I issue the following Order:

·         Powers of the Officer in Charge
2. All the powers that were vested in the Director on the strength of or pursuant to the Settlement Law before the Prescribed Day shall be vested in the Officer in Charge.

·         Suspension of the Settlement Measures

o        (a) The effectiveness of any Settlement Order or any measure taken on the strength of the Settlement Order is suspended and all directives in the Settlement Law prohibiting the conclusion of a transaction in lands after the issue of the Settlement Order, curtailing the period of such transaction, preventing, imposing conditions on or suspending any measures whatsoever with regard to land or water affairs after the issue of the Settlement Order, whether or not such measure was taken in a court, is repealed.

o        (b) As regards a measure that was being considered by the Settlement Court on the eve of the Prescribed Day, the same court shall be empowered to consider it from the start or from the stage reached, as indicated, as it would have been empowered to do but for the issue of the Settlement Order.

o        (c) The directives of paragraph (a) are not effective as regards measures taken on the strength of the Settlement Order and completed before the Prescribed Day.

o        (d) For the purposes of this Article such measures shall be considered as having been completed if a schedule of registration has been submitted to the Registration Department.

·         Retention of Provisions
4. The intention of these Provisions is to add to the Provisions of the Order Concerning Appointments on the strength of the Survey Law (West Bank) (No. 54) 1967 and to the provisions of the Order Concerning Powers for the Purpose of the Water Provisions (West Bank) (No. 92) 1967, not to detract from them.

·         Taking Effect
5. This Order shall be effective as from 1 January 1969.

·         Name
6. This Order shall be referred to as `The Order Concerning the Settlement of Disputes over Titles in Land and the Regulation of Water (West Bank) (No. 291) 1968.

19 December 1968

Rafael Vardi, Aluf
Commander, West Bank Area

Return: to the TOP of this Military Order.

SOURCE: Shehadeh, Raja. "From Occupation to Interim Accords: Israel and the Palestinian Territories". Kluwer Law International, Boston, MA (1997), p. 239-241.

(c) Israel Law Resource Center, February, 2007.

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