Blue Lite


Out of the Blue

Blue Films

Blue-eyed Boys

Blue Pencil



Take a stroll

Take a stroll with my good man, the Druid, here and visit a few of the places that I regularly haunt on the Net.

...Some of my friends on the net...

My straight-as-an-arrow pal, Scott
Only a friend, mind you.. nothing else ( sigh ). Don't go getting any funny ideas about us.. He's the straight one, I'm the crooked one : ) ... I just got to know him this year actually.

A note for my old school friends, who must be confused as shit by all this. Look carefully at the surname. As some of you know, my oldest bestest pal is also named Scott.. ( so I actually now know two Scotts, one gay and one not.. the Scott Huang that you guys know and love is still gay as far as I know ). He has no page up yet but I'm hoping soon.. ( hint! hint! )

Me again!!

Another pal, Paxton
What is he doing in his page? AS lazy as he is, well... Well, honestly, I have no idea. I'm still waiting actually...

...Some pretty cool personal pages on the net...

Jase Pittman Wells
One half of a pretty interesting couple. GO check out Jase's and his husband Michael's, recent exploits.

Mark's Lil' Web
Mark Gutierrez's spiffy lil' web page. Interesting content and cool graphics!

HIV Zone
The personal project of a HIV-positive person

Kirk's Nexus
Since I am a rabid collector of comics... Kirk has a bunch of spectacular pages based on comics. Go read it.

These are some of my favourite places on the Internet

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Nifty Erotic Stories
The title kinda speaks for itself, doesn't it?

More Stories

Men On The Net
As advertised.. the page on every gay man's ( or every other purveyor of the male figure ) page.. and for good reason too!

A great online mag for non-heterosexuals

Out In Malaysia
A great online mag for gay Malaysians - and it's about time too. I have even contributed some articles over there. Go check it out.

Patrick's "How To" Sex Guide
Some tips on the technique of having sex...

Brains: The Website of Egghead Sexuality
Some tips on the technique of having sex...

RoseLove Graphics
Need any cool graphics for your wonderfully gay page? Look no further!

Just what it says... need any cool text for your page?

Zaphod's male WallPaper
Gorgeous hunks on your desktop... all ready for drooling and worshipping...

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