By Nathan Hobby (1998)


you’ll always be my whore

because you’re the one that I adore



Chapter one


            Deja-vu.   It happened maybe ten times.  Waking up in gritty sheets on Greg’s couch to the sound of rain on the street below. 

            That last time, maybe nine am, and it was still dark.   I stepped onto cold concrete.  The flat was empty; Greg had left for the mine at six. 

            I could feel the bump on my neck, tight, hard and shiny, but I refused to touch it.  Yesterday I’d told myself it was a pimple.  I felt sick because it had got bigger and now I was sure it wasn’t.

            I dressed in a jumper that smelled of last night’s cheap Chinese.  There was only a carton of milk and a black banana in the fridge and so I decided I wasn’t hungry. The naked woman leered at me from the fridge calender and I suddenly needed to get out of there.  Get away from Greg and Gregness.  I took the elevator down to the street.

            I had twelve dollars left in my wallet plus a ticket for a return trip home.  I must have known I was going to go back or I wouldn’t have paid for the return.  But I had wanted to tell myself I could run away and leave it all behind.  Leave her to die by herself.

            Thinking of dying made me think of Dr Green.  The bastard.  He liked to think he was my dad - always giving me advice.  He looked down on my mum because she worked in seedy bars, but he still wanted to marry her.  She won’t marry him, I thought, not an ugly fiftysomething guy like him.

            He called me in after he’d looked at Shannon and told me what was going to happen.  Started saying how sympathetic he was and I wanted to hit him.  Then he told me that there come’s a time when you’ve got to be responsible and follow through your obligations.  That there was no way out of it so I might as well face it like a man. 

            I scowled at him and tried to think of something to say back.  Nothing came, I only burned with a useless anger and in the end I said nothing and walked out.

            He had no idea.  No-one had any idea.

            Thinking about him must have screwed my face up because as I passed under a streetlight this school girl about my age walking the other way looked at me funny and moved over.  That made me feel worse and I tried to put on a normal face.

            It felt strange to be walking down this dark street at nine am in the morning while I should have been a thousand kilometres south sitting in school in light.  It was surreal, a nightmare that wouldn’t go away - and yet the real nightmare was waiting for me back home.  And growing on my neck and in my head at the same time.

            I ordered a coffee in the same twenty-four hour diner we’d eaten at last night and sat at a  corner booth, sipping it slowly.  I knew I shouldn’t drink coffee; it makes me go hypertense but I didn’t care.  I wanted to feel awake.

            The diner was deserted.  A waitress I’d seen a couple of times before was wiping tables.  She was about sixteen and average looking with a curvy delicious body; strawberry blonde with a nice smile.

            The street was lightening a little when someone sat down opposite me.

            I looked up and saw it was the waitress.

            “Hi,” she said.


            “You come in here quite a bit.”

            “Yeah.  About the only place around here to eat.”

            “You’re a friend of Greg’s?”   

            “Ah, yeah, actually. I’m staying with him at the moment.  You know him?”

            “Oh... a bit, from here and at hockey.  I’ve played against him a couple of times.  Where do you know him from?”
            “We... we went to school together.   In Junetown -  Southern Sulac.   Greg got a job here at the end of last year, just when we were finishing year eleven.  He invited  me up to stay, so I came.”

            “Oh right.  Gee.  That’s ages away.   He’s a bit of an unusual bloke... I mean, doesn’t seem to have many friends or anything.”

            “He’s boring, that’s why.  He dribbles crap all the time.”

            She giggled.  I couldn’t believe that I’d said that.

            “That’s a nice thing to say about your friend.”

            “Whoops... hell, I don’t know.  I’ve always felt... sorry for him.  Like I had to be his friend.”

            “Well you didn’t need to travel one thousand kilometres just because you thought he might be lonely did you?”

            “Yeah.  Okay.  You got me.  I’m just using him.  I’m running away from home and I wanted to get as far as I could and this was about the only place I knew someone.  Happy?  And why did I tell you all that?”

            She looked at me funny and then she laughed.

            “My name’s Lauren,” she said.

            “P-pleased to meet you.  I’m Samuel.”

            “Samuel?  That sounds heaps serious.  People call you Sam?”

            “Some do.”

            “Well I’ll call you Sam.  What are you doing today, Sam?”

            I shrugged, “Mope around I guess.  See the sites of Crenden for the hundredth time.”

            She giggled again, “You’re funny, you know that?  I knock off  in a couple of hours.  Why don’t you meet me here at eleven thirty?  That is, if it fits in with your moping and all.”

            “Yeah.  Yeah sure.  I’d love to.”

            She stood up and smiled, “Eleven thirty, then?”

            She walked away and I glowed inside.  I quickly finished the coffee and then walked the grey gloomy streets for a couple of hours, thinking only of that cute smile of hers. The bump was beginning to throb but I refused to think about it. 

            She was ready to go when I got there and she took hold of my hand. 

            I couldn’t believe it.  I’d only just met her and there I was holding her hand as I walked out of the diner.

            “Where we going?” I asked.

            “Back to my house for lunch.”

            “Sounds good.”

            We walked on in silence for a little way.  Then she asked, “So, what are you running away from?”

            I must have tensed because her grip on my hand softened a little.

            “Ohh... you know.  Bad parents.  Lousy life.  School sucks.  Usual stuff.”

            She turned her head and looked into my eyes.

            “Maybe you can tell me the real reason later.”

            We walked a long way, at least five kilometres, out of the business district, through the houses and right out to the big hill at the outskirt of the town, talking inanely as we went.  I was feeling naueous, the bump on my neck was pulsing and I knew for sure it was starting.

            Finally we came to her house.  It was old and small at the end of a quiet street. 

            “There’s no-one home.  My Dad’s at work.”

            The heater had been left on; it was stiflingly hot inside.  All the curtains were closed and the trivision was playing to an empty house. 

            Lauren made sandwiches and we ate on the couch, staring at the tri-v news, at events that had happened months ago in distant parts of the galaxy.   I forced myself to eat and I was frightened I was going to vomit.  Despite the coffee I felt sleepy and heavy.

            “Do want a drink or anything?” she asked.

            I shook my head and she leant down in front of me.  She kissed me, hard and full on the lips and I suddenly realised what a little slut she was but I didn’t even care. 

            “Why are you really running away?”

            I felt so tired, so weary,  I wanted to surrender to whatever was there.

            “My girlfriend... she... she...”

            “She’s pregnant?”

            “Yeah, yeah that’s it,” I replied, not having the energy to correct her.

            I think I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up and I was kind of lying over her lap and she was cradling my head.  She smelled sweet and her hand felt so good on me that I just stayed there like that and murmured into her lap. 

            Time had lost all meaning.  It was hot and dim and the tri-v was still playing.

            We shifted a little.  I had my hands over her, feeling her pale skin, and she was panting.  I felt her breasts hard and firm inside her bra and had this strangely comforting vision of the scores of others who had done just this, probably on this very couch.

            And suddenly I caught myself.  A vision of Shannon branded over my eyes... I pulled my hands violently away...

            “Shannon,” I whispered, “Shannon.”

            I passed out and woke up over Lauren again.

            “She’s not pregnant,” I said, feeling dizzy and wanting to be with Shannon more than anything.

            “What happened to her, then?”

            I was close to tears and I was shaking my head. “No, no, no, I can’t tell you.”
            “Yes you can.  Come on Sam.  I love you.  You’ve got to tell me.”

            I lay there groaning. “Brain-bug,” I finally said, sobbing, “A brain-bug got her.  A moon leech.  And now it’s going to grow inside me because she loves me.  And they’re going to take over our minds and join us together in a big cocoon and fly us to the  moon.  Then we’re going to live forever as zombies on the moon.  And there’s no escape.  No escape.  There was no point coming here.  It’s already got me.  It’s growing on my neck.  You can see it.”

            “No,” she said, “You’re lying!  You’re lying!” she was almost screaming, “You’ve gone crazy!  You’re fine.  You’re just fine.”

            The ceiling was rotating, the black was growing and I was falling all at the same time.  When I woke up this time, she wasn’t there.   Sharp pain in my neck.  I put my hand up to the bump.  It came away slick with blood.  I was frightened - what had happened.

            I managed to focus on my watch.  It was nine pm.  I’d been lying there for hours.  My whole body was stiff and I still felt dizzy. 

            “Lauren,” I called, “Lauren.”

            I needed to piss. 

            On the tri-v, some alien leader’s rapsing electronic voice was driving me crazy.

            Heavy footsteps on the tiles.  A grizzled, balding man appeared at the doorway.

            He shook his head, “The little slut.  Look what she brings home.  What are you?  One of those druggies?  Those cy-heads?  You look like one.”

            “No... no, Mr... sir...”

            “She left you.  She don’t want you anymore.  So get the hell out of my house.”

            He stood staring at me and I was half scared, half beyond caring.  I got up and walked away.   There was a toliet just off to the left.  I couldn’t aim straight and in the end I didn’t even bother, I just pissed all over the floor.  I walked out the front door into the violet darkness and the rain.  The lights of the CBD were below me in the distance. 

            I started walking toward the lights.  I wondered where Lauren had gone.  I decided I hated her.   I ran, stumbing down the huge hill, a car honking its horn as it swerved to avoid me.   I was crying, thinking of Lauren’s firm breasts and seeing Shannon’s face at the same time.

            I needed Shannon and I knew it was the symbiote within me, attracting me toward her like a magnet.  Because half of it was in me and half of it was in her and there was no escaping it.  We could never be apart.  Her image pulsed in my brain until Lauren was fading away and I knew I had to go back.

            I stopped at the bottom of the hill, half collapsing in a bus shelter under the streetlight.  My clothes were sodden.  I put my hands in my  pockets and pulled out a piece of paper I didn’t know was in there.

            It was wet and tearing.  I opened it carefully and held it up so it got the light better.  The ink was running; it was difficult to read.


            Dear Sam,

            I’m never going to see you again because you’re going back.  You’ve got no choice.   I’m scared, that’s why I left you sleeping here.  I’m scared first that maybe I like you heaps and I want you to stay with me.  I don’t why, I hardly know you, but I just felt that way.  Second: that maybe the brainbug’ll get me too.  I know that’s silly, and I tried to cut it out and save you, I really did, that’s how much I like you.  But I couldn’t so I gave up.

            It’s a real pity that you’re going to the moon and all, because you’re a nice bloke and whenever I see Greg, I’ll think of you.  Please don’t come into the diner or anything, it’ll just make it difficult.

            Love Lauren.


            I was crying again which was so stupid because I’d only known her for a couple of hours and I’d been sleeping for most of them.  And all my tears ran into the rain and were lost like they never even existed.

            I kept on walking.  The bump was aching and bulging, I could feel it, but I kept on walking anyway, because I was going home.

            It took hours and I didn’t spoke a word to anyone; I passed silent houses and cars and soon shops and the only thing that was real was the rain hitting the bitumen.  I stopped a couple of times and sat on the pavement, just letting the rain soak into me.  Eventually I saw the diner ahead, a yellow oasis of light in which people laughed and ate and talked.  I stood outside the window for a minute, watching them all.  Lauren wasn’t there, of course, and there was an old couple sitting in my corner booth.  I walked on. 

            Back at Greg’s flat, the light was on and he was watching a porno on the tri-v as he drank beer.  He turned as I came in, dripping on the bare concrete, and he laughed his horrible induced laugh.

            “Got a bit wet, Sammy?”

            I scowled at him and he stopped laughing.

            “Where you been, anyway?”

            “Having sex with sluts.  Except not quite.”

            He put his beer down.  He must have got one of his workmates to get it; he wasn’t eighteen yet.  I knew that he could only drink two cans; after that he got sick.  He liked to pretend he was tough.

            He went and found a towel and as he did, he told me for the hundredth time about when he had sex with a slut, except the details were different each time. 

            I nodded, smiling.

            He passed me a towel.

            “Go have a shower, hey?  Might feel a bit better.”

            I did.  I had a lukewarm shower as Sulac mosquitoes as big as my thumb sucked my blood and the plumbing screeched like a dying woman.  I felt even worse and I put back on my wet clothes, just for effect.

            I went back out and he looked at me funny.

            But I spoke before he could.

            “You know the real reason I’m running away?” I turned around and pointed at the growing black lump on my neck, “My girlfriend got a moon-leech and I thought maybe if I got as far away as possible, it wouldn’t spore on me.  However, it did and now I’m going to die.  But thanks a lot for having me while you did.  It was great knowing you.  Oh, and by the way, you’re going to get  it too, because they’re highly infectious.  You’re going to die which is just as well because not many people like you.  You live one of the most boring, pathetic lives I have ever encountered.”

            He started stuttering, but I went back into the bathroom and grabbed my backpack. 

            “I’ve got to go back now.  I can feel the leech calling us together.  It was inevitable really.   Sorry about you dying and all.”

            He was sitting there gaping at me, finally managing to say, “What?” but I was already closing the door and making for the elevator. 



PLOT SYNOPSIS (as followed for the author’s most famous novel, Synchrony)


Chapter 2: - Sam goes home and tells Shannon to get an abortion

                   - He has another fainting/insanity attack and reveals that it is all due to his LSD habit.  The brainbug is just a hallucination and he’s not really on another planet.

 Chapter 3: - Lauren moves into town and tries to findd Sam

                   - Shannon has the abortion and is really upset

Chapter 4:  - Seduced by Lauren, Sam realises he doesn’t really love Shannon

                   - Extremely guilty, he runs away with Lauren back to Sulac and lives with her

Chapter 5: - Lauren gets pregnant

Chapter 6:  - She dies in childbirth

Chapter 7: - Sam moves in with Greg and becomes a miner

                   - he calls his daughter Shannon and she grows up to work in the greasy





Alternative PLOT SYNOPSIS found amongst the author’s most precious papers after his death



Chapter 2: - Sam returns home and finds Mr Green has raped Shannon

                   - guilty that he left Shannon alone, he murders Mr Green and runs away with Shannon to the foam deserts of Mithras


Chapter 3: - the bonding begins; the leech joins them into a huge sac and shoots them

                   off to the moon


Chapter 4:  - Shannon kills herself with a knife she is sold on the moon

                   - Sam wanders around with a half dead leech in his head, screaming out for a partner.


Chapter 5:  - Greg and Lauren arrive on the moon, bonded

                   - Sam kills Greg with the knife, declaring him finally liberated and lives happily ever after as a zombie with Lauren in the wild paradise of the moon, eating red moon-berries and falling asleep each night by the gentle lapping of the Million Mile Sea

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