I KNEW I LOVED YOU ================== Mel, unknown suracem@hotmail.com The story is about this female, who lives in New York City. Basically she is bored with her life, does the same thing every day - goes to work, comes home and then crashes. Except for one day, her life is about to change. After she has finished work, she goes to a diner, to relax and wind down. She places herself in a booth all by herself waiting for her meal to arrive. While she is waiting she is watching the TV that is situated high above the bar attached by a bracket connected to the ceiling. Suddenly a male appears on there singing a song. She is suddenly drawn to this male appearing before her. For the whole duration of the song, she is in complete silence with not one ounce of movement in her, almost as if she were a statue. She does not even realise that her food has arrived. She goes home and cannot stop thinking about this guy, who has made a big impact on her. She has absolutely fallen in love with his words, therefore becoming attracted to him. She walks through the streets, passing music stores with his face always in windows on the TV screens. She cannot escape him. She walks through Central Park West, to gather her thoughts, and to try and work out why he has had this affect on her. As she walks back through the streets, she comes across a poster which indicates that this male singer will be performing in concert. She is then determined to go. The next scene shows her going to the concert and seeing him. She is completely in a trance, speechless, as if her soul has left her body. Meanwhile there are fans surrounding her, yelling and screaming his name. After the concert, she watches from a distance all the fans hovering over him as he leaves to enter the limo. In her mind she has these feelings for him, in which she wants to be close to him but knows it is impossible, as he does not even know her. Towards the end she walks through the streets again, back to the same diner that she first saw him, sitting in the same booth. She tries in many ways to get him out of her mind, but fails. She ends up falling asleep and is suddenly woken up by a waitress from the diner indicating to her that they are closing up. The waitresses start to sweep and place the chairs on the tables. As this is happening a male figure walks through the door and asks if it is still open. The waitress, unaware of who he is tells him that they are closing up. He is dissappointed as all he wants is a coffee. This female over hears the conversation, and starts to approach this male figure,(who at that stage only appears as a silhouette to her) to tell him of another place he could go to. As she approaches him starting to tell him about this place, she is overwhelmed that he is this guy (Darren) she has been thinking about. She is stunned and speechless. He eventually works out what she was trying to say and they end up going to another diner for a coffee. And it ends with them just talking and laughing, so basically they are getting to know each other, her telling him what she thought of his concert, and so on. One more thing, in this song there is no beautiful sun. This would be during the winter season, and the scenes would be based in the evenings. I am sorry if this goes on a bit but it is what I picture in my mind. I guess you could say that the female in this song sees this guys and falls in love with him, not just because he is a celebrity, but because of what he sings, she finds the true meaning to his words. Therefore she is in love with him before she has actually met him.