GUNNING DOWN ROMANCE ==================== Tarah, USA I've always thought "Gunning Down Romance" as a sort of mindevil/spooky video (like something out of Sleepy Hollow). It would start out in like a darkened dungeon cell, with Darren in it singing. A little more into the song, the scene would somehow transform to an old abandoned bridge (like the one where the headless horseman threw his pumpkin head) and ghostly figures would be walking down it, passing Darren as he's singing. Near the ending he'd be in an old village watching a girl his age being burned at the stake for being accused as a witch. When the song says "and learn to fly..." each scene will slowly start to evapporate into feathers one by one. As for costumes...Darren is in like a leather/shiny trenchcoat type jacket w/black pants. His hair would be spiked up with gel adding to the effect. That's all the ideas that can come out for now! Enjoy!