A Thousand Angels Dance Around You
A Thousand Angels Dance Around You

"Hey Darren...wake up...it's time to go!" It was 9:30 in the morning, and Daniel was shaking his musical partner awake so that they won't be late for their interview.

"Yawn...is it morning already?" asked Darren groggily as he slowly rose from his bed. "Hang on a sec while I freshen up!" After 15 minutes, Darren and Daniel were ready to go. They decided to walk to the studio, where the interview was held, as it wasn't very far from their house. Darren, though, was still half-asleep, and as he crossed the road, he couldn't notice a car heading right for him.

"DARREN! STOP!" yelled Daniel as he ran towards the dazed singer, pushing him away to safety. Darren was in a state of shock, and had to know what happened to him.

"You were almost run over by a car," explained Daniel. "Thank God the car got to stop in time!"

"No, thank God YOU came and pushed me away," said Darren as they both made their way towards the studio. "You saved my life, Daniel - thanks."

"Ah, what are friends for?" replied Daniel. Soon they reached the studio, and Savage Garden soon went through their interview. The interview didn't take very long, and as the guys were in their recording studio, they decided to tie up a few loose ends on their new album.

"We've got 'Crash And Burn' to record, then the album's done," said Darren. "Are you ready, Daniel?" Daniel gave a thumbs-up as he tuned his electric guitar. Midway through the song, though, Darren noticed that the guitar sound was gone, but heard a loud thump instead. When he turned around, he was shocked.

"Daniel! Are you okay? Answer me!" said a very worried Darren as he shook Daniel vigorously. He then noticed that the guitar had a few wires loose - which gave Daniel an electrical shock.

"Oh my god! He's been shocked!" yelled Darren. "Anyone here knows what to do?"

"Get his guitar out of the way, then give him CPR," suggested Leonie, Savage Garden's personal assistant. "You DO know CPR, don't you?"

"Affirmative," replied Darren as he pulled Daniel away from the electric guitar. After a few rounds of CPR, with the assistance of Leonie, Daniel was revived.

"Wha-what happened?" asked Daniel as he stood, with Darren supporting him. "One minute I was playing this really cool riff on the guitar - the next thing I know, I'm out cold!"

"Your guitar was faulty, and it gave you a shock," answered Leonie. "Me and Darren had to give you CPR - otherwise you would have died!"

"Now you go get some rest," continued Darren. "We'll record 'Crash And Burn' after your guitar's fixed." Daniel was placed onto a couch and was given water to drink.

"Thanks guys - I won't have survived!" replied a smiling Daniel as Leonie carefully moved the guitar away while Darren tended to Daniel. Daniel was completely fine a few hours later and both Darren and Daniel managed to record their last song, 'Crash And Burn', with a functioning guitar.

"Well, that's it for 'Affirmation'," said Darren, with tears in his eyes. "I can't believe we have to leave..."

"Aaww, Darren, don't cry," said Daniel as he hugged Darren. "We can come back to Wallyworld any time...besides we've got that flight of ours to Australia next week...you'll get to visit your family!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Darren, wiping his tears away. "Come on, Daniel, let's go..." Both of them walked back to their house, fortunately not being run down by cars on the streets.

A week had passed. Darren and Daniel were waiting in the airport departure lounge for their flight to Brisbane. It was delayed due to rain, and the Savage Garden musicians had to wait for almost two hours before they could board their flight.

"Brisbane, here we come!" said Darren as he strapped himself into his seat, which was at first class, next to Daniel's. All was well until two hours later, when the aircraft experienced unusually heavy turbulence.

"Oh man, I'm scared!" trembled Daniel as he clung onto Darren for support. "This thing is going into more twists than a rollercoaster!"

"I just hope everything's okay," said Darren, equally scared. Their hopes were not to be, for soon the 'brace' signal emitted throughout the aircraft.

"We're going to crash," announced the pilot. "Brace yourselves for a bumpy landing - if that is possible..."

"Oh man, this isn't good!" said Darren and Daniel, not knowing how true they were.

It was a cold damp evening at the graveyard near the town of Logan, Brisbane. Darren and Daniel did not survive the flight home, and their fans, friends and family were grieving as they delivered their eulogy and watched helplessly as the bodies of their loved ones were delivered down to the ground. The ones most depressed, though, were the souls of Darren and Daniel themselves.

"Why did this had to happen to us?" asked Darren, sitting on top of a cloud overseeing the funeral of themselves. "Why did we have to die?"

"Don't worry, Darren," comforted Daniel, who was beside him. "We have lived a long and merry life...this is merely God's calling..."

"Yeah, but why NOW?" said Darren. "The album isn't even released yet...oh, the fans will be so sad, so depressed...we've only gone through one album anyway, it's still new..."

"I know exactly how you feel," said Daniel. "Strange, though, how we died...the plane crashed and burnt to ashes with us in it...and our last song was 'Crash And Burn'...it might be a premonition of sorts..."

"Or maybe God's way of telling us to come back, what with the near-accidents we had," continued Darren. "Sigh...I wish we had a second chance at life..." Tears fell from Darren and Daniel, which turned into rain, pouring over the funeral.

"It's just our time," said Daniel. "Come on, let's go back to heaven..." Both Darren and Daniel flew hand-in-hand towards the Pearly Gates to work their magical music in Heaven, with a hope in their hearts that someday, two more people will emerge and spread the magic that they began to give away.

~The End~

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