Love Will Be The Death Of You

Chapter 2

Early the next morning - 5:30 am - at the Hayes' home, Darren stood in the empty kitchen alone. The stillness surrounded him, making him uneasy. For as long as he had lived there, the house was rarely without Colby’s beautiful laughter, but now her disappearance was both an empty and silent ache in his heart, a longing he tried to push away. Darren closed his eyes tight, fighting back tears that began to well up. After a long sigh, a quick look out the window at the dark morning sky then he turned reluctantly to the coffee maker - a luxury job Darren always gave Colby. The coffee took longer then Darren had hoped. Taking it to the table, Darren took one sip and a look of absolute disgust crossed his face - it was the most horrible coffee he had ever tasted. Well, at least I don't have to drink Daniel's coffee... he thought to himself, almost smiling.

It wasn’t long before the illusive Daniel wandered into the kitchen. A smile crossed Darren's face when he saw Daniel - Daniel's hair was a turmoil, his eyes looked dreary, he looked right out of a monster movie. Daniel noticed the smile, a frown crossed his face. "Hey, you would look like this too, if you had a monkey man in the same bed as you, who hogged the covers and snored in his sleep!" Darren ignored him. For the time being they had to share beds, which was neither of their choice of fun. Darren could always make jokes.
"Sleep well, Jonesy?" Daniel snorted as he headed to pour a cup of coffee, a minute later joining Darren at the table.
"May I make a suggestion, Daniel?" Daniel looked up from his coffee.
"What?" he asked, annoyed. Darren smiled.
"You might want to fix yourself up before everyone else gets up..."
"Too late!" a voice interrupted. Darren and Daniel turned to see Anna standing in the kitchen doorway, a smile on her face. "So Dan, what attacked you, a dog or a dinosaur?" Darren and Anna laughed.
"Hey, it was Darren who kept me up all night," Dan protested. "He kept tossing and turning, and the snoring didn't help much!" Anna laughed.
"I don't snore!" Darren frowned. Anna laughed very hard.

It wasn't long before the rest of the band got up. Everyone was trying to relax while Darren and Anna were getting ready to leave for the park. Things were not too bad, till the phone suddenly rang. Everyone jumped. Darren reluctantly picked it up.
"Hello?" Darren's face turned pale when he heard the mysterious voice on the other line.
"Your wife is waiting for you - aren’t you coming to get her? Or don't you even care about her anymore, a big shot like you?" Anna crossed the room and took the phone from Darren - he was shaking badly, and could barely hold the phone.
"Who the hell are you?" she screamed. The man on the other end laughed.
"Tell your friend that we have wonderful plans for his wife if he doesn’t show up, so if he wants her back he better get his ass over here!" Anna could hear a muffled cry of pain in the background.
"Put her on the phone - we have to know she is alright!" There was silence for a minute. Anna pressed the speakerphone so they all could hear - a second later a small voice came on the phone.

"Colby! Are you alright?" Darren was almost yelling.
"Yes, fine, for now..." The man was pulling Colby from the phone. "I love you Daz!" Colby shouted, hoping Darren heard her.
"You have 5 hours..." the man said, then there was a click and they was gone.

Colby was pushed back into a dark room. The man - Mark, he likes to be called - followed her inside, laughing. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from us?" He smiled at her, a seductive look on his face.
"What is a pretty girl like you doing with a big ugly guy like Darren, eh? When you could have a great looking guy like me? Why don't you and I get away from here together?" She glared at him hard.
"I love him, but someone like you couldn't possibly comprehend that, you're nothing but an evil bastard! I hope you die horribly. I’d never leave my wonderful husband for a wanker like you!" Mark smacked her hard across the face, knocking Colby to the floor, scraping her arm as she fell on the cold cement. Colby layed still. Mark walked over to her, bent down in front of her.
"So now what do you say?" She looked up at him.
"Go to hell, wanker!" He kicked Colby hard in the stomach, then left, locking the door behind him. Colby cried, holding her sore stomach and arm in pain, tears poured down her cheeks. "Oh Darren please hurry," she whispered to herself silently. More tears then darkness froze her pain and sorrow, trapped until aloud to be let free again. A loud bang woke Colby up with a start. She looked up quickly, trying not to show her pain. Mark was standing over her.
"Get up!" He pulled her up by her sore arm.
"Oww!" she yelled in pain.
"Shut the hell up, bitch!" he said, smacking her again. This time tears unwillingly poured down her cheeks. "Come on, we’re going for a ride!"

Darren's stomach felt weak again. His hands were shaky. It was a good thing he wasn't driving, also it was good to have some company. Anna saw Darren's tears as he wiped them away.
"It‘ll be okay, Darren...don't worry..." She forced a smile. Daz looked up into her beautiful eyes. A sudden feeling of attraction, a wave of...something was pulling Darren closer till their lips met for what seemed like ages, then parted. both - surprised and confused - kept quiet, while Anna drove to the park. Daz stared out the window. Neither knew what to say. Silence filled the car again.

To be continued...

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