Something Happens In My Heart - Part 9
***Something Happens In My Heart***
**Part 9**

"Cool game, Darren," said Leonie as they walked into the reading room. "But why did you suddenly decide to play that game?"

"I wanted to make sure Dad still remembered Darren," explained Darren. "No point reuniting two people who don't remember each other!" Leonie was impressed.

"Good move!" said Leonie, and gave Darren a thumbs-up. Darren walked towards the rack and pulled out the day's newspaper to read. A page fell out from the paper - an advertisment and application form for Camp Happydale. Leonie was looking at the ad when she suddenly realised something.

"Wait a minute - Camp Happydale is where Darren works now!" exclaimed Leonie. "He's one of the counselors!" Darren was estatic. The camp was a good way for his dad and his dad's best friend to meet up again, and besides, Darren loved camps. They both decided to ask Daniel for permission to join the camp.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down both of you!" said Daniel when Darren and Leonie came running up to him. "You BOTH want to go to Camp Happydale?"

"Come on, let us go," pleaded Leonie. "It'll be a good experience for Darren - this camp has loads of activities, such as singing, writing, acting, sports and so much more! Besides, he's gone to camp before - he won't have any problems!"

"Darren I can understand," said Daniel, going through the application form. "But YOU?"

"I'll go as Darren's guardian in case anything DOES goes wrong," said Leonie. "Besides, there's an opening for a volunteer - I can help!" Daniel thought about it for a while, then smiled broadly.

"OK, you both can go!"

Darren and Leonie were estatic. They made photocopies of the form, filled it in and faxed it to Camp Happydale. Minutes later they got a call from the head counselor approving their entry.

"Both of you have to be at the campsite by 8 in the morning," said the head counselor. "I'll fax you the details. Any questions?"

"Just one," said Leonie. "Is Darren Hayes still there?"

"He's always here, lady - best counselor we ever had," replied the head. "Do you want to speak to him?"

"Oh, that won't be necessary, thanks," replied Leonie. "Goodbye!" When Leonie hung up the phone, Darren made a sour face.

"Why didn't you talk to Darren?" asked Darren. "We could have reunited them faster!"

"It's better if we kept it as a surprise," said Leonie. "They'll find their way together, on their own."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Darren. Both of them walked away from the reading room, collected their faxes and ran upstairs to pack.

"Camp Happydale, here we come!"

**Part 8**
**Part 10**
A Dose Of Prose 1
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