Something Happens In My Heart - Part 5
***Something Happens In My Heart***
**Part 5**

It was a warm sunny day at Wallyworld - Savage Garden's studio. Your father's band had just completed their album, and I came along with your aunt to congratulate them.

"Woo hoo! We did it! The album's done!" All was jubilant at Wallyworld. Savage Garden have indeed completed their album - their last song, Crash And Burn was just recorded a few minutes ago. All that's left is to arrange the tracks, take photos for the cover and get it out to the fans. Leonie, Walter and everyone else at Wallyworld held a mini-party for the guys, and Chardina was among those invited.

"Whoa, your album DOES sound terrific," said Chardina and Leonie when Walter played a few tracks. "Good work!"

"Gee, thanks," replied Darren. He was really happy when someone complimented him and Daniel on their work.

"If it wasn't for Darren here, our music may never be complete!" said Daniel. "A toast to Darren!"

"Daniel's the creative genius - he deserves a toast!" replied Darren, pouring himself a glass of orange juice as he doesn't drink alcoholic beverages.

"Everyone deserves a toast!" said Leonie. "A toast - to Affirmation!" Everyone clinked their glasses together and drank heartily. Kent, the master engineer, brought a roasted spring chicken, and together with some tossed salad, everyone had a good dinner.

"This chicken's delicious!" said Walter, carving away. Suddenly he found a wishbone.

"Hey, a wishbone!" said a surprised Walter. "Who wants to make a wish with me?"

"Everyone's allowed to make a wish!" said Kent, bringing a basket full of wishbones. "For some reason my family had loads of roast chickens - and loads of wishbones. I hijacked them all and decided to wait till today, where everyone gets to make a special wish, in honour of Affirmation." He then sorted everyone into a circle and passed the wishbones around, so that a person would hold 2 wishbones. "Wish away!" Everyone wished silently and broke the wishbones together - everyone got one wish.

"Well, we're lucky - one of our wishes is coming true," said Leonie. "I wonder what you guys wished for?"

"What I'm wishing for is right beside me..." said Daniel dreamily, looking at Chardina. Darren, who was also sitting beside Daniel, was confused.

"Don't tell me you were wishing for me," said Darren in mock horror. "Or else that altar photo WILL take place - for real!"

"I didn't wish for YOU, you nut!" said Daniel, throwing an imaginary punch at Darren. "I was wishing for Chardina be..."

"To be WHAT?" asked everyone in anticipation.

"To marry me and be my wife..." Everyone was in shock - especially Chardina. No-one has ever proposed to her before. She did like Daniel a whole fact she even loved him.

"Oh Daniel...I do love you...I guess...I have to say yes!" replied Chardina. Everyone was in jubilation. Daniel and Chardina did make the perfect couple.

" wish did come true," said Daniel, turning towards Darren. "Darren...I'm sorry...but I have to leave Savage Garden...for good..." This time everyone was in shock, including Chardina.

"LEAVE?" asked Darren. "But why?"

"Because I want to start a new life with my Chardina here," replied Daniel. "I'm sorry, Darren...but hey, I don't appear much in Savage can always find another musician...make it without me, Darren..."

"But Daniel...we were in this can't leave NOW," said Darren in tears. "We've just completed the album...we still have to promote it...what will the fans say, Daniel? Savage Garden ain't itself without YOU!"

"The fans won't mind - in fact they won't notice," replied Daniel, taking Chardina by the hand and walking towards the door. "I guess this means the end, Darren...goodbye..." Daniel and Chardina soon left, leaving Darren shell-shocked.

"But how...b-b-b-but why would he...why would he do this?" said Darren, his face full of sorrow placed into his hands. "Why would he leave me like this?" Leonie tried to console him, but Darren won't stop crying.

"It''s's totally unfair..."

I heard him from outside, and I knew I was the cause of his sorrow. Oh if only I didn't appear...Savage Garden would still be together. The second album would have most certainly be out - I'm not sure it will be now. My arrival only brought pain, not joy.

**Part 4**
**Part 6**
A Dose Of Prose 1
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