Something Happens In My Heart - Part 16
***Something Happens In My Heart***
**Part 16**

It was a lovely sunny Sunday. The church was decorated in white and blue, filled with people similarly dressed. The bridesmaids and flowergirls were looking very pretty, their hair adorned with flowers and glitter. The pageboys and ushers were elegantly handsome in their tuxedos. The most dazzling of them all, though, were the bride and groom - Leonie and Darren.

Leonie and Darren had been dating for about a year when Darren decided to pop the question. It was at the recording studio, where Darren and Daniel were recording their first album in years. Half-way through a song, Darren turned off the record function, put the volume up high, and asked Leonie to marry him. Leonie, although shocked, was elated and immediately agreed. Six months later, the loving couple were to be married.

"Guys, get ready! The bride's here!" whispered one of the pageboys. Everyone was into position, including both Darrens - one standing near the altar and another near the piano. Darren the younger played the opening of I Knew I Loved You, and soon Leonie walked onto the carpet, decked in a frilly white gown, her brother-in-law Daniel being the best man. Darren the groom couldn't resist turning his head around to see his future wife. God, isn't she lovely, thought Darren. Lovelier than anything else.

"And now I pronounce you husband and wife," announced the priest, after about an hour of proceedings. "You may kiss the bride." Darren gently lifted the veil off Leonie's face and looked deep into her eyes, just like the day at Camp Happydale.

"You are so beautiful," whispered Darren. "I love you!" Their lips met, and almost everyone was cheering. The priest couldn't stop them - he was very happy for the couple. Flower petals were thrown over the couple by the flowergirls, and rice and confetti was to be thrown by the other guests as Darren and Leonie made their way out of the church.

"Congratulations, guys," said Daniel as he met the couple after the wedding. "I never thought I would see the day..."

"Neither did I," said Darren. "But I have always dreamed about my dreams have come true!"

"So has mine, darling," said Leonie. "You know, Darren, you are a very busy man!"

"How come?" asked Darren.

"Well, you're a songwriter, singer, producer, best friend, husband, brother-in-law and uncle," explained Leonie. "I've never seen anyone busier!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Darren. "But hey, Daniel's got the same qualifications!"

"Oh shucks," said Daniel. "Well, I'm so glad two of my bestest friends are together...really, you two were made for each other!"

"Truer words were never spoken," replied Darren as he lifted his newlywed wife into the wedding car - a red covertible donated by Walter Afanasieff, Savage Garden's producer. The car was covered top to bottom with flowers and angels, but the most fitting addition was the sign at the back of the car, seen by everyone as the wedded couple drove off to honeymoon bliss.


***THE END***

**Part 15**
A Dose Of Prose 1
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