All Fizzed Out - 5:30 P.M.

5:30 P.M.


"Checked. Drums?"

"Checked. Microphones?"

"Checked. Lights?"




Darren and Daniel were going through their concert checklist. They were the members of Savage Garden, Australia's best-selling musical duo, and today they have a concert to hold.

"Is everybody here?" asked Darren, referring to their back-up band, consisting of three girls and three guys. Daniel looked around and saw all six walking around backstage.

"All present and accounted for," replied Daniel. "How much time do we have left?"

"About two hours," answered Darren. "Just enough for wardrobe fittings and makeup." Both musicians made their way towards the dressing rooms, only to be greeted by silence all around. Not a soul was in sight.

"Oh great, our designer gone," groaned Daniel. "Now we'll have no idea what to wear!" Darren, though, was rummaging around the wardrobe when he chanced upon a note stuck to his favourite coat.

"Hey Daniel, listen to this," said Darren, walking towards his bandmate and reading out the note. "Don't worry about me. Wear whatever you want. I have been rumbled. Save yourself. Nina the designer. Rumbled?"

"Save Yourself?" continued Daniel. "What does she mean?"

"I have no idea, but this isn't good," replied Darren. Just then they heard the voice of someone screaming. Someone they knew all too well.


Darren and Daniel ran towards Leonie's voice, only to see a note lying on the floor. Daniel picked the note up and read it, a grim expression over his face.

"Darren and Daniel, watch out. They are coming to get you. Please be careful. I'll be okay...I hope. Leonie, your P.A. Uh-oh, something's wrong here..." said Daniel, shaking.

"And on our first concert too," shuddered Darren. "Who else could go missing?" Both men felt someone tapping on their shoulders and turned around.

"Take this!"

6:00 P.M.
A Dose Of Prose
Hosted by