Feline Fantasy
Feline Fantasy
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"Yawn," yawned Darren for the umpteenth time. It was mid-afternoon on the first day of Savage Garden's three-week break from touring and he was worn out. Yesterday's concert took a lot of energy from him, especially since he had to dance a lot. All he wanted to do now is sleep.

"Hey, sleepy-head, don't go to bed yet! We've got work to do!" said Daniel, shaking Darren up.
"What work? This is our break, remember?" asked Darren. He couldn't see what was there to do.
"I know but we have to clean up our place," answered Daniel, who obviously was more energetic than Darren was at that moment. "It's a mess!"

Darren looked around and saw that indeed, their apartment was a huge mess. Clothes were everywhere, musical notes were strewn about, even the bed Darren was lying on was out of shape. Darren looked in surprise at the state of the apartment - he can't believe it was so untidy.

"Well, what are you doing to do, Darren? Just look at the mess?" asked Daniel, slightly annoyed.
"Okay, okay, I'll help," replied Darren. "You have to understand, though, that I'm dead tired..."
"I understand fine," said Daniel. "Just don't make it even more a mess than before, okay?" Darren nodded and helped Daniel clean up the place. In about half an hour, everything was back at their place and the apartment looked cleaner. Just then, Darren felt sleepy all over again and collapsed right onto the bed.

"Well, well, goodnight Sir Dream-A-Lot," said Daniel, jokingly. Darren got the joke and smiled. Sir Dream-A-Lot was a nickname Daniel gave him ever since they met, because Darren seemed to be dreaming all the time. Daniel then noticed that the impact must have done something to Darren, for Darren was acting a little odd.

"Goodnight kiss, please," asked Darren in a babyish voice. Daniel was taken aback for a moment.
"Oh good grief, Darren," replied Daniel. "I'm not your mother!" Darren then began to cry.
"Waa, Daniel so bad!" cried Darren. Daniel just stood beside Darren, not knowing what to do.
"Oh all right, Daniel give you goodnight kiss," said Daniel after a while, and kissed Darren's cheek. Darren smiled like an innocent little child while Daniel barely hid his disgust. It wasn't long before Darren fell asleep, leaving Daniel to do some quiet work.

Soon after, Darren found himself in a garden surrounded with lot of flowers. He looked in awe at what was around him - he has never seen anything this beautiful. Wowie! Darren thought as he bent down to pluck some flowers. If only Brisbane was as lovely as this garden... He walked around the garden for a while, admiring the scenery, when he almost fell onto...a cat.

"Miaowr!" growled the cat. Darren was frightened for a moment but soon felt sorry for the kitty. He picked the cat up and gently stroked the cat's fur. The cat lost its temper and softly curled up to Darren.
"Aah, thank you!" said the cat.
"You're welcome," replied Darren when he suddenly realised something.
"You can talk!"

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