Betrayal - Section 2
By : SyannTr B.K.A Cyan

Section 2

At Sky's dorm Tina and Jessica were helping Sky to her bed. She had just thrown up again. Sky's head was pounding and her breathe was unbearable. She wondered what she did that night. She couldn't even remember.

Well, she thought to herself, this is just pleasant. Sky had been trying to impress Jessica and Tina by going out. Jessica and Sky were arguing and Jessica said that Sky couldn't party if her life depended on it. To show Jessica that she was wrong, Sky went out with her and two other friends and 'lived it up'. Tina sat by Sky's bed and was talking to her.

"That was Darren," Tina said.

"I know," Sky managed to croak out.

"Well he said to call," Tina said. Jessica came into the room with a beer can in her hand. She took a sip and laughed.

"You look so f**ked up,"Jessica laughed.

"Shut up," Sky said, "This is your fault."

"My fault!" Jessica screeched, "You're the one who did this just to show me up. It's not my fault, not everyone can be a party person."

"This is so your fault,"Sky said, "If you hadn't..."

"Oh don't even start with me Miss goody-goody," Jessica raged, "Just because you can't handle a few drinks..."

"A few?" Sky asked angrily, "You are the one who kept handing them to me! And then saying here Sky drink up!"

Tina sighed. Sky and Jessica always were arguing. Jessica, the party girl, who always was out, didn't understand Sky's need to be well...perfect. Jessica had black hair that would never stay put, green eyes that sparkled like stars, a smile that always looked like a smirk, and she was wild. Sky had cropped blondish-red hair, which was always perfect no matter what time of the day, she had big brown eyes and her smile was like a girl off of a toothpaste commercial, too perfect to believe. Tina was a mixture of both of these girls. With her dark brown hair, and silvery gray eyes, Tina was the middle child in a way. Tina would party, but not as hard as Jessica and she knew when too much was too much.

"Did I do anything stupid?" Sky asked.

"I don't know. What would you call stupid?" Jessica asked, "I mean aren't there different standards for smart a**es?"

"No. Something stupid is anything you would do," Sky said.

"Just because you are so hung over doesn't mean I can't come over there and smack you," Jessica said.

"And just try me," Sky said.

"Guys," Tina yelled, "Shut-up. I am so sick of having to be the freaking peace-maker around here. You two get along or...get out!"

"Sorry," Sky said.

"Well I'm not. No one is going to throw me out of my dorm room on account of this snobby brat,"Jessica said waving her beer can toward Sky. Jessica stood by the door, "And by the way, Sky, you did something I would never have thought you would even think of doing." Jessica slammed the door shut and shook the dorm room.

To Be Continued

Section 1
Section 3 (coming soon)
Section Index

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