*26. You wish Universe will come true. *27. You log on #savagegarden 24 hours a day. *28. (reference to #21) You actually go for someone who uses that pickup line on you! *29. You go veggie like Daz! *30. You bug the owner of this page requesting for the comic strip containing a bit of the lyrics to 'I Want You'. 31. You pretend you are them and perform a concert lipsynching to your cd. 32. You pretend that you're on the Titanic and also Savage Garden is hanging from the railings singing as they fall to their doom. 33. You pray that nothing would ever happen to them and that they will be around for decades to come. 34. You dream about telling your grandkids about them. 35. You dread the day they will die. 36. You read and watch everything that has to do with vampires. 37. You scream/can't breathe when you see their new video. 38. You watch every music channel 24/7 to see their videos or if they made a new one. 39. You print all of the SG web pages and carry them around in a notebook EVERYWHERE you go! 40. You try to draw phrases from their songs. 41. When you enter your local record store the man behind the counter shouts "We don't have/do have the new SG single for you!" 42. You make everyone nuts by talking 24/7 about Savage Garden and how great they are. 43. You associate every letter of the alphabet with Savage Garden. 44. You giggle every time you hear anything that has to do with SG on the radio or TV. 45. You read all the vampire chronicles and heavily underline the parts that mention a Savage Garden. 46. You buy 2 fish and name them Darren & Daniel. 47. You snore the lyrics to any of their songs in your sleep. 48. You get really excited when one of your relatives'/friends' initials are SG. 49. Your answer to any test question is 'Savage Garden' or something to do with them. 50. You are constantly explaining to everyone who will listen exactly why marrying Daniel/Ben/Lee/Karl/AnnaMaria/Nicole is a possibility for you!