Chapter Four

Yawn...it's morning already. What a headache! Did I dream it all? I turn towards my table and saw a note addressed to me. I opened it up and read it out.

You haven't been dreaming. It all happened for real. Look under.

So it has happened. All of it. But what does Daz mean by 'look under'? Look under WHAT? I looked under my bed, but I don't see anything. I turned the paper around, no clue there. Nothing under the table either. And then...YEEAAH!

"BOO! Scared ya! Hahaha!"

That rat! He was right under the covers! No wonder I thought there was a bulge in the bed! Guess I'm not the only imp in the gang...

"Darren! You...you...what are you doing here?"
"Surprise! I came to your house yesterday, remember?"
"I know! What I meant was what are you doing here under my blanket?"
"I wanted to scare the hell outta you! Haha!"
"Yeah right...come on, tell me the truth..."
"OK, OK... I fell asleep myself and when I got up an hour later I saw you still lying on me so I decided to tuck you in nice and slowly."
"That still doesn't explain what you were doing in my covers, Daz..."
"Well, I was getting a bit tired myself so I decided to, er...sleep with you. But not before writing that note of course..."
"Wait a minute...if you slept with me, that could mean...no...you couldn't have!"
"I couldn't have what?"
"Tell me, Darren, did you...err...do IT to me? Did you, Daz? Did you? I'm worried, Dazzie..."
"What, you mean THAT? Oh no, no, no! You're still as pure as ever, trust me!"

Thank God. I was in shock there. I looked at his neck - the chain was still there. The chain...the chain with the key...OH MY GOD! I almost forgot! Aargh! Better tell Daz what it's for. No, even better...let EVERYONE know!

I told Daz to wait while I called everyone up. After I called the others, I called out to Daz to come with me for an urgent meeting at our usual meeting spot. I told him that it has something to do with the key he's wearing. I skate while Daz rides his motorbike. Away we go!

As soon as we reached there, I could see that everyone looked kinda worried. They also looked kinda impatient, as if they're waiting for a pizza. Hope we're not TOO late...

"Hey guys...sorry we're late..."
"Oh that's OK...hey Colby, Nic told me that you've something important to tell us!"
"Yeah! You sounded so exasperated on the line! What happened?"
"First things first...Dan, how's Karl?"
"He looks sick...almost like he's dying! You won't believe how skinny he's become..."
"Oh my...Nic, how's the code coming?"
"Well, we decoded a part of it...something about a chain or whatever..."

Chain...the chain...THE CHAIN! I told everyone about my discovery of the notebook & chain. Everyone looked at me in surprise. All of us looked at each other in silence, then decided to head to Karl's cell as soon as possible. All 5 went off hand-in-hand to the Prison Of The Hapless.

"Oh no, guys, I just remembered," I said as we reached the passageway where Dan would usually go through to see Karl. "The only way to get Karl out is to the front, and there are a lot of booby traps on the way there."

"Booby traps?" asked the others. "Yep," I answered, "To keep away people like us. Don't fret, I know the way. Come on!" I lead them through the booby-trapped lane, while almost being hit, spiked, torn and what-not. Dan had a small cut on his finger while Nic was bruised on her face. I feel sorry for them.

Soon, we were there. I looked around and saw nobody there. "Come in guys..." I whispered. "The coast's clear!" All 5 of us walked towards the prison cell. Karl was so excited to see us, he almost started to shout.

"Shut up Karl!" I told him. "Now keep steady while we let you out." I took the chain away from Daz and started to unlock the door. Just as we were opening it, we heard a noise behind us.

"Your time's up, 00SGers..."

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