The function of the world universe is carried out as per the vibration of atomic energy particles.
The sound vibration of Manthra and the visual vibration of Yanthra merge together and draw and supply our demand from the universal cosmic energy source
All feelings, thoughts, words and deeds are deposited inside and then vibrated outside.

The research of vibration theory

1. All Siva, Sakthi manthras vibrate and rotate the instrument horizontally from left to right

2. Vishnu group manthras rotate circular as per protective force

3. All egoistic and negative thoughts and words vibrate and rotate the instrument from front to back.

We try to make all chanting favourable by using the proper words, Sadahaaya Swaaha. Instead of Narnaha the word Sadahaaya Swaaha gives a wider protective energy.

CHANTING is not mere verbal vibration. It is really registering deep in the subconscious mind Thereby the subconscious mind is capable of drawing our demand from the super conscious. universal source.

Here we reed some strong source, a mental picture, to record deep down- Hence, a mental picture is equal to 1000 words. Thus unless we chant manthra with its due yanthra and the mental picture of the God, there will be less recording and less replay and results.

Finally, when we chant the manthra with utmost love and trust, we generate enormous divine energy within us. Thus the whole body inside becomes a divine dynamo and the real illumination in every cell is possible through the neuro-transmitters within us. So we must select the due manthra as per our need along with yanthra and mental picture of God. Besides there must be utmost rove and trust also

For example, the fan, the bulb and the oven may function by the same electric current. But they are made up of different mechanisms to receive the current and function accordingly. The same Vishnu energy becomes Dhanvanthri manthra, yanthra and Dhanvanthri deity God form to cure diseases- The same Maha Vishnu energy becomes Sudarsana manthra. yanthra and God form to drive out evils, For wealth, there is a different form and method

The most important fact is that the effect is not how fast and how long we recite- It is only in how best we merge and recite/chant. Above all, the higher level of chanting is in silent japa yoga, with breath in mahayoga Now there is no ego expectation, however, it is a demand Such purest trust and loveable charting produce lot of purest divine current. So the deposit and vibration is protective and power.

Manthra, yanthra with mental picture will imprint very deep inside and reproduce stronger, faster and better results. Every thought consists of word, picture and object. The picture is the between media for the thought and the object- The mental picture in the subconscious is capable of bringing the object we opt for So chant with a staunch unchanging mind, without wavering and imprint deep whenever your intellect doesn't occupy on any other subject.

For further information,
Please contact Mr.R.S.Maniam
[email protected]
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