According to a popular saying each man is to part with some of his income even if he is struggling to make a living You must save at least 1% of your earnings. Donate half of your savings for a good cause Train your children to have savings.

How To Use The Savings

It can be used to buy pooja articles for the home or buy religious book. Savings can also be used to buy things for poumami poojas and or for any charitable work.

Ways To Save Money

· Avoid spending much money on food and other items when you go out.

· Avoid buying costly dresses and holding needless ceremonies and celebrations on grand scales.

· if you are doing any part-time job, this extra income could be saved.

Real Saving: Energy Conservation

The real saving is to conserve the energy that is spent in unnecessary thoughts, words and deeds. The only way to conserve that energy is to cut the Past and Future. Just Be In The Present. Doing prayers chanting mantras, meditating and analyzing our thoughts is to be in the present.


For further information,
Please contact Mr.R.S.Maniam
[email protected]


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