Dhyanam is concentration of the mind at the point between. the eyebrows with the eyes closed. The practise of dhyanam requires perseverance, patience and concentration.


Obersance to one's mother, father, gurudeva, family deity.


Sit on a mat or cloth in a relaxed state facing the east or the north. Sit with the left foot upon the right thigh or in some other convenient position. The backbone and neck must be held straight and relaxed.


Obersance to ones mother, father, gurudeva, family deity, ( Kuladeivam ), personal deity ( Ishtadeivam) and all yogis is made.


'Let the whole world be brilliant. Let all living beings be joyous. God, let your Brilliance surround me.'


Air is inhaled through the left nostril (chanthra kalai), held steady for a short while, and exhaled through the right nostril (soorya kalai). The air is then inhaled through then right nostril and exhaled through the left nostril. The procedure is repeated between 6 and 10 times reciting the mantra OM'.


Air is inhaled and exhaled very slowly; concentration is on the breathing itself. This procedure is repeated 10 times.
The body is then relaxed using the mind. With a feeling of the body being very light, now meditate.


1. Imagine a circular blot of brilliance at the spot between the eyebrows.

2. Imagine the Ishta deivam  to be inside that spot of brilliance.With eyes closed, concentrate all thoughts upon the Ishta   deivam'.

3. Concentrate all thoughts at that spot. Keep all thoughts at that point. Should the thoughts stray do not fight them; on the contrary repeat the practice with patience. Results will follow in time.

4. Do not investigate or be disappointed that results do not show. Results will depend upon the amount of control exercised. In time, however, results will show.

With the eyes closed, concentrate the mind thoughts at the spot between the eyebrows. With devotion and love concentrate all attention at that point. Stay in this state for twenty minutes.

For a further five minutes meditate in a thoughtless state'.


The best time to do Dhyana is between 4.30 am. and 7.00 am. It is preferable to do the practice before food is taken.

Should food be taken then Dhyana should be practice a short while later when you feel lighter.

It is preferable to practice Dhyana after the normal morning cleansings and bath.

Dhyana should be practiced for at least 20 minutes.

For further information,
Please contact Mr.R.S.Maniam
[email protected]

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