4/25/99 The Contest by Caleb Jones "Gee, Eric, I got this Email from Raven saying Mindy was changing the writing contest into a beauty contest!" "I got one from Raven too, Caleb! It was right after he sent out his great story for the writing contest." "Mine said that due to the co-sponsorship of HairMania and RollerMania, the contest had been transformed into a beauty contest, Eric." "Mine, also, Caleb." "Now we might not have time to write our stories for the contest!" The truth dawns on our two writers as they uncover the nefarious plans of their feathered friend and co-writer. Two sets of typing hands leave the keyboard and rise as fists, high into the air, at the same time that both angrily yell out to anyone who will hear... "Curse you Raven, may the SRU Wizard enter you into the beauty contest you made up -- AND MAY YOU LOOSE!!!" Furious typing ensues as Caleb and Eric write up a story about the impeachable Raven. Meanwhile, the mighty pens of the Raven transform into earrings and the printed out pages of his story for the contest wrap around him and form an attractive evening gown. His keyboard and mouse slide down to his feet and reshape themselves into a pair of four inch high heels. His living room transforms into a stage and Raven is surrounded by a multitude of young vibrant women in evening wear. His printer ink ribbon extends into a sash around his chest proclaiming him to the world as Miss Teen Florida. Sadly, while quite feminine with long hair and a firm if small bosom, the newly remodeled Raven still looks much like his male self and looses the beauty portion of the contest. As to the talent portion, well, lawyering and storytelling may be important talents but they are rather hard to display on the stage for the viewing public. Raven perked up after winning Miss Congeniality. His interest in the other girls was appreciated, but it was to little, and too late. The Raven lost the beauty contest. Whether the changes were the doing of the writers, or due to the intervention of an old man in a well-worn bathrobe working in the mall remains unknown. The Raven sighed as he kicked off his heels and took off his bra and panty hose after a long hard day of using his best lawyering skills. He had to change his legal records from the masculine into the feminine, and record a significant age decrease as well. Convincing a Judge of his true identity had been quite difficult and would set a precedent in future cases involving Fictionmania! He turned on his computer and checked out the site to see who was the winner of the contest... the WRITING contest, he ruefully reminded himself. When he saw the name of the winning story, he raised his fists high into the air, at the same time angrily yells out to anyone who will hear... "Curse you Eric and Caleb, may the SRU Wizard....! But that's another story