10/12/99 Jeremy Thompson Story without a name Story- (What? No title?) ((I'll make it up later)) Joe was walking along one day and he found an object. (Waitaminute, what kind of object?) ((Shut up and keep going, I didn't feel like figuring out what it was)) He grabbed the object from where he had found it, (Again?) ((yes, be quiet)) and went back to his home. He looked it over a bit and then put it on his table and started watching TV. (What am I watching?) ((I don't know, what do you want to watch?)) (Uhhh, I don't know, something I like) ((Okay)) He didn't know what he was watching, but he liked it. After the show was over Joe picked up the object. ((I got it, its a ring, just change all the objects to rings)) (Why a ring?) ((Its easier to type)) (Oh) He picked up the ring and looked at it closer (Waitaminute, that's not right is it?) ((Oh yeah, thanks)) He looked at it with greater attention than he had on previous occasions. It was gold, and it had some odd writing on it that Joe couldn't make out (Meaning you didn't want to type some neat gibberish so you just say I couldn't make it out) ((Well, yeah, just shut up and let me do the writing okay?)) (Okay) looking closer he could see that there was an etching of a woman on the ring too. (How big is this ring? Writing AND an etching?) ((Well, its average, but the etchings are tiny, and in good detail)) (Yeah, sure they are, and a woman on the ring? Isn't that a bit obvious too?) ((Well, it is, but it could also be seen as foreshadowing couldn't it?)) (Yeah, more like fore-bludgeoning) ((Look, calm down and let me write the story, I could make it really bad for you, you know)) (I suppose you have a point, uhh, its a good idea, yeah, a woman on the ring, yeah) ((Quit toadying and let me write)) (Got it) On a whim, Joe placed the ring on his finger. (A whim?) ((Yes, a whim)) (Okay, a whim is a good enough reason I suppose) ((Damn straight its a good enough reason)) He walked back to his bedroom to take a nap, twisting the ring around his finger as he walked. When he got to the bedroom he had managed to spin the ring all the way around his finger. After it completed its rotation he felt a tingling begin on his finger and rush up his arm into his whole body. He fell over onto the bed and into unconsciousness. When he awoke, he was a woman. (Waitaminute, that's all? No "His penis pulled up into his body and boobs grew" or anything?) ((Nope, I did enough of those, besides, this works well enough)) (Well wont some people feel cheated?) ((I doubt it, there's only so many graphic Transformation scenes a person can read before they start to repeat)) (Still, I don-) ((Don't say it, I haven't described your new body yet, are you sure you want to make me mad?)) (Good point, on with the show) ((Thank you)) He looked down at his body to see two large breasts resting upon his chest and that his clothes didn't fit right any more. (Large? how large) ((Wait and see)) He got up, noticing the shifting weights on his chest as he did, and stripped off all his clothing. He looked in the mirror on his wall and saw that he was perhaps 5'6" now, (How tall was I before) ((I don't know, tall)) (Well, okay) he now had blonde hair and blue eyes. ((Shut up)) (I didn't say anything at all) He was also extraordinarily beautiful. (Thank you) ((Be quiet)) His gaze moved down from his face to his two very large breasts, he estimated them to be about DD (How the hell would I know what cup size they are? Sure I've dated some but I never paid that much attention to the bloody cup size, their boobs were big or not big, not A, B, C, and D, sheesh) ((Uh, you work in a lingerie store, you know these things)) (What? Well, I suppose that's a good enough explanation, but why are they so big in the first place?) ((Because I said so, that's why)) He moved his now small and delicate hand to his nipple and gave it an experimental tweak, a jolt of pleasure shot into him. (What?) ((You have a problem with that?)) (Uhh, no, I guess not) He moved his gaze farther down his body and saw a thing waist and full hips to compliment his large breasts. (What? do they say "My you breasts look stunning today" or what? Compliment indeed) ((. . . . .)) (Uh oh) ((Yep)) (What are you going to do to me?) ((We'll see)) His eyes drifted back up to his FF (WHAT? they were DD before) ((Payback, now shut up)) breasts and gave them another caress before continuing his exploration. He then looked down at his crotch, between his legs was a small patch of hair covering a smooth expanse that had been his penis and testicles before (Is this a medical journal?) ((You would prefer dick and balls? It seems kind of klunky to go around calling things names like that and it screws up the seriousness of the story)) (Huh? this is serious?) ((Yes it is, now be quiet)) He reached one delicate hand down to explore the new area. (I'm not checking to see if my dick is really gone am I? I can see that now) ((No, you're just exploring)) (Good, checking to see if it was really gone would be a stupid reaction don't you think?) ((Yes I do)) As he did his eyes fell upon his golden ring (Fiiiiiiive Golden Riiiings) ((Be quiet)) (Sorry, had to do it) and he new instantly that this was what had caused his transformation. (You mean I didn't know before?) ((Nope, you were too busy ogling yourself)) (Hey! Well, I suppose I do look good) ((Shut up)) His fingers came into contact with his new sex and he parted its lips and felt around inside of it. He looked back up at his reflection and he felt his new sex grow wet, he was beautiful and sexy. (What?) ((Be quiet, I'm going somewhere)) His fingers came into contact with his clitoris and he felt a jolt of pleasure shoot through his body. (Didn't that happen with my nipple too?) ((Yes, this is bigger though)) (It is?) ((Yep)) (It doesn't say it is) ((Be quiet, I'll get to that)) The jolt was similar to the one he had felt when he tweaked his nipple but on a much larger scale. ((Happy?)) (Well, I suppose) He moved back to his bed and laid down upon it. He began to finger his new sex with one hand and caress his breasts with the other. (Why? I know it probably feels good but why am I doing this, you said I figured out that the ring changed me, wouldn't I try to take it off to see if I could reverse the change?) ((Well, you have a point, but this is a rule)) (A rule?) ((Yep, a rule, it says here in this book)) ("Rules for TG Stories By T. G. Everyone?" what the hell kind of name is that?) ((I don't know, it is kind of a stupid name huh? anyway, it has quite a few guideline to what needs to be in TG stories, you're at the masturbation stage, after that you'll put on some clothes and go shopping, you'll do other things for a bit and then eventually have sex with a few women and some men too)) (Why?) ((I'm not sure, it says here in the book, its either that or you get mindwiped into a new personality, usually a stripper or something like that)) (Mindwiped?) ((Yep, and reality alters too)) (Lets stay away from that, okay?) ((Yeah, those are a tad extreme)) (Well, do you really want to write all that? The shopping and the sex scenes and all?) ((Well, I suppose you're right, it is a lot to write, and it would probably be a bit boring in places too, lets just have the ring turn you into a woman when you put it on and turn it okay?)) (Sure, I can live with that, this is kind of fun really) ((Good, on with the show, you don't mind if I skip the graphic masturbation scene do you?)) (Nah, go ahead and finish it up, then we'll be done with this) ((Okay)) After many orgasms he stopped. (Many?) ((What now?)) (Oh nothing, I just might stay a woman more often then I was thinking) ((Okay, a person can only take so much criticism you know)) (Sorry about that) ((Salright)) His attention returned once more to the ring he was wearing, he looked at it for a bit, and then he took it off. There was a flash and he was back to his normal male self. He put it on again and nothing happened. Then he remembered what he had been doing and twisted the ring around his finger. The world swirled about him and when it stopped he was a woman again. He took the ring off and after he was back to normal he grabbed a piece of leather thong (Where'd I get that?) ((I don't know, just roll with it)) (Okay) and put the ring on it. He tied the ends of the leather together and put it around his neck, he could get a better necklace for it later but he wanted to keep this close to him from now on. The End. (Good ending) ((I think so too, kind of short though)) (Yeah, but you can either say it was over or make a sequel later) ((Good point)) (Say, where'd you get that book in the first place?) ((Oh, it was down at this neat shop at the mall)) (What was the name of it?) ((I think it was Spell's We Have or something like that, they had this odd old guy in a bathrobe running the place)) (You'd think that he'd dress better for running a business) ((Yeah, but he gave me a great deal on this book)) (That's always good) ((Huh, I just remembered something)) (What's that?) ((Well, the old man, he said to follow the book to the letter)) (That's odd, you'd think it would just be guidelines) ((Yeah, I don't know, and then he said something about, hmm, that's odd-Ack!)) (What?! what is it?) ((. . . . . . . .)) (Say something!) ((Whoa.)) (What?) ((I think I know why the old guy said not to break out of the guidelines)) (Why is that?) ((Well, all of a sudden the book started glowing and a light shot out at me)) (What? what happened?) ((Lets just say that you'll have a twin sister when you go shopping okay?)) (*laughter*) ((Oh shut up, at least you get a ring)) (*more laughter*) The real end. (Wait!) ((What?)) (You forgot the title) ((Damn, how about "the ring?")) (Its probably been used) ((Well, do you have any ideas?)) (Changes?) ((Thats been used more then the bloody ring title)) (Oh, well I dont know) ((Ah, skip it, they can make up their own title)) (They?) ((The readers)) (Oh yeah, got it) ((Yep)) (Hey, what does this button do?) ((I dont know, why dont you push it?)) (What?) ((Push the button Joe)) (*pushes button*) The real real end. Really.