4/28/98 I actually wrote this story almost a year ago, but in honor of Black History Month I thought I would post it now. This is probably the first and probably the last TG story to ever mention Harriet Tubman. As always, enjoy. Spell R' Us: The Medallion Of Racial Equality By Cabinessence John Robinson was getting restless. He couldn't stay at home any longer, alone with just his thoughts and personal demons. The company that he had worked for the past ten years, U.S. Crane Manufacturing, had just been acquired by Rothwell Industries. There were rumors of layoffs and massive restructuring going around as similar business units were to be combined. He had worked long and hard to get to the position he was in today and he didn't want to lose it. As a young black male growing up in the ghetto, he was ridiculed by his friends when he said he preferred math to basketball, logarithms to rap rhythms. Yet he stuck to his guns while many of his friends died sticking to theirs, as he rose to be a member of the senior accounting staff at U.S. Crane. He had good cause to worry this time however, the manager that was brought over from Rothwell to oversee the transition in his department was well known for his racial bias. He was accused two years ago in promoting a less qualified white man over a black man who had seniority. But there never was enough evidence to prove that there was any racist intent on his part in the decision. The black man was soon persuaded to take an offer with another firm and the case was dropped. The manager's name was Mr. White, very fitting John thought. John wandered around the mall just window shopping, looking at all the things he probably would no longer be able to afford to buy. Right near the J.C. Penny's he noticed a store called Spells R' Us. He had heard some of the guys at work talking about the store, how it was a great place to spot bimbos, but he had never known where it was. Curious, he decided to step inside. An old man in a robe behind the counter greeted him. "Hello John" "How did you know my name?" "You heard about the little breeze that whispers Louise. Well there is one that whispers John." Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the store whispering "John". "Wow." "So how can I help you?" "I don't know if you can help me. The guys at work say you deal mostly with bimbos." "That is my specialty, and I have done rather well with it. You have ever heard of the Spice Girls?" "That was you?" "Well you haven't heard of New Kids On The Block recently have you? They came to me a while back for a new image. Of course the concept isn't that new. Girl power can be traced all the way back to Circe in ancient Greece. In my mind she could be called the original Scary Spice. She coined the phrase "All Men Are Pigs" and had it made into a bumper sticker on her chariot. " "You've been around a long time." "But not in this one location. I'll can tell you this, the Babylonian Chamber Of Commerce does a horrible job in supporting new businesses. So what can I do for you?" "I work at U.S. Crane and we just got taken over. The man who is going to be my boss, well the talk is that he is a racist and I am sure that he will lay me off just because I am black. I just bought a new house and I need this job." "Well I am sure your track record will speak for itself. Or you could try to get on his good side. Flatter him. Of course don't do what Monica Lewinsky did, she took sucking up to the boss too literally." "I don't think anything I did would change his mind." "Remember justice isn't blind it's just that most lawyers have studied under Helen Keller. Well maybe I have something that will help you right here in the shop." The old man reached down under the counter and pulled out a silver medallion. It seemed to be very old. On one side was the portrait of a black woman who looked like Harriet Tubman. On the other side was the face of a stern middle aged white man who looked a lot like Robert E. Lee. "What is that?" "This is the Medal Of Racial Equality. It comes from the days of slavery. It was worn by slaves to help them pave their way to freedom on the Underground Railway." "What does it do?" "It changes the heart of any racist within a hundred yards of the wearer. Just put it around your neck and it will make any white man with racism in his heart learn to love and respect black men." "You are saying that by just wearing this, it would change Mr. White's attitude towards me?" "Completely, he will feel nothing in his heart but love for the black man, especially this black man." "It won't make him a bimbo or anything?" "Far from it, he will still retain all his managerial prowess." "How much is it?" "Look if it works as I say, you can pay me after you get your new promotion." "Promotion?" "You deserve it after all of your hard work and with this restructuring there is sure to be a lot of new slots up for grabs." "Thanks." John left the shop carrying the medallion. He took it to the office with him but he was too afraid of what it's power might do to wear it, so he tucked it into his briefcase. As he was walking by Mr. White's office on his way to his cubicle, he noticed that his door was slightly ajar and John could hear him talking to his secretary. "Let's go through the list of people in the department to see where we can make some moves. John Robinson he's the dark er.. African American who sits two cubicles down on the left." " Yes, Mr. White." "Let me see his employment file." "Yes Mr. White. I will go out and get it." John rushed back to his cubicle before the secretary could see him as she walked to the filing cabinets in the outer office. John was nervous, a feeling of upcoming doom pervaded his senses. Then he remembered the medallion in his briefcase. He opened up the case and took it out. As he looked at it, it seemed that Harriet Tubman was smiling at him, to encourage him on his journey up the organization. He put it around his neck with the Harriet Tubman side out and a glow seemed to come from it aiming directly for Mr. White's office. In his office, Mr. White waited for his secretary to get John's employment file. He looked down and noticed a large dark stain on his hand. He figured a pen must have leaked on him as he was signing some documents earlier. He got up and picked up the pitcher of water that was on the stand near his desk. He took his handkerchief and put some water on it and started to wipe at the dark spot. It would not come off. Instead of it getting lighter, it was getting even darker and was spreading. He caught a glance of his face in the silver tray that held the pitcher and he saw that his nose was flatter, his lips were puffier, and his hair was becoming black, curly, and longer. He looked at his hand and again and the dark spot had spread to his wrists. His mind tried to deny what was happening, but it was all too real. He tried to get to the door to call for help, but never made it. His world soon went black in more ways than one. The phone rang in John's office. He picked it up with dread. On the other end was the manager's secretary saying that the manager wanted to speak to him right now. John knew exactly what that meant. He looked back at his cube, but just couldn't say goodbye. He slowly walked down the hall to the manager's office resigned to his fate. 'I believe that you have met our new manager, Miss Black?" said the secretary as she ushered him into the manager's office. John looked up, his mouth wide open as he looked at Miss Black. She was one of the most beautiful black women, no any woman he had ever seen. She had the body of a stripper confined by the threads of a businesswoman and just barely. John tried not to stare, but what male who wasn't dead from the waste up wouldn't. Soon the secretary excused herself and John was left alone with his voluptuous boss. But something still didn't seem right. "Where is Mr. White? I thought he was in charge of this department." "Well you know how it is when a company is in the middle of a big reorganization as this. Things could change at any minute." "Oh, so what did you want to see me about?" "I have been reviewing your file and I was very impressed and seeing you now I am even more impressed." She gave a smile that had the look of the cat about ready to eat the canary without even thinking about the calorie count. "Thank you." "This restructuring is going to be a lot of work and I need someone who I can work closely with." Miss Black inched closer to John until her mountainous breasts were almost in his face. "Do you think you can handle it?" "Uh uh sure." Said John with the greatest restraint. "Good, now I will need you to stop by my place tonight. I have some spreadsheets there that I will need your input on. It will be a lot of hard work and I need a man who can keep up his end. " "I can keep it up, er you can count on me." Stuttered John. "Alright I will see you tonight at nine. Here is the address." And she handed John a slip of paper. As John left the office he still was worried, but now instead of worrying about getting laid off, he was worrying about just getting laid. Back in the shop the old man smiled. He had created the first black female executive in Rothwell history. He hoped that would satisfy the government inspectors when they asked him about what he had done to support affirmative action. * * *