9/1/99 DREAMS R US BY PAUL G. JUTRAS It seemed like a typical Wednesday afternoon. Dad was off playing poker and Mom was out shopping. I was at home watching tv on the couch in my favorite Ranma 1/2 T-shirt, and blue jeans. What I didn't notice until mom came home early was that I also had a pair of her nylons on. I quickly reached for a blanket to cover up but it was too late. Being a little upset and disapointed was to put things mildly. She went up to the attic and brought down a large trunk full of female clothes. Before I knew what was happening, I was in a corset, a dress that nearly reached my feet, 2 inch heel shoes and long gloves that went all the way up my arms. Finally a wig with the hair curling out at the ends. "C'mon." she said as she grabbed her purse. "We're going to the bookstore at the mall. When we return your punishment will be over." I couldn't believe my ears, but knew it would of been a lot worst if my favorite had seen. I wanted the punishment over before he got home and could see me. Mom didn't say a word all the wall there. Getting out of the car, I tried to keep my balance as I moved in the heels. When we got into the mall I notice that the shoe store across from Waldenbooks was gone. In its place was a sign saying SPELLS R US. "Is there a Fictionmania convention in town." I thought as I told mom I'd join her in a second in as girlish voice as I could make. I didn't want anyone in the mall to think I was a boy considering the way I was dressed. Inside I found the store to be as large as a warehouse. Not just costumes but toys. Enough for 3 or 4 TOY R US to fit in. That was when the door from the back burst open and a heavy breathing figure burst into the area with a laser sword and knocked me to the ground. I landed next to a spin around rack of pre- package action figures and barbies. As the figure reached a hand to help me up I thought I saw a missing friend of mine in the face of one of dolls. It seemed to mouth "leave while you can." "Sorry to scare you, Paul." The Wizard said as he helped me up. "I was trying out my new Space Wars costume for the Halloween party I'm going to tonight." "It's not space Wars its-" I began. "I know." "Do me a favor and turn the tv on for me. My old hands aren't what they're use to be," he said as I did so. Suddenly I was nolonger in the store but in my Uncle's living room with The Marx Brothers. Harpo started to whistle and chase me from one room to another. Each room belonging to a different realative's house like he use to chase the girls in the old black and white movies. Noticing I still had the remote in my hand I tried to get myself back. Suddenly I was in black and white myself. The heels I had on had grown and the length of my dress had shrank. I also notice that I was wearing a peal necklace. I realize I was on some 1950s tv sitcom. I was the mother. Clearing my head I remembered trapped in TV movies like Stay Tuned and Pleasentville. Closing my eyes and praying I pressed the off button. I took a deep breath and counted to three before opening them again. The first thing I noticed was that I was back in the shop. Then I looked down at my hands and saw how much bigger the remote seemed to be than before. I looked at a mirror and was too shock to scream. I was back in color and nolonger a mom. That was for sure. But instead I was a little nine year old girl in a pink play dress. "Come on Paula."I heard my mom call from the bookstore. Your favorite series have come in. I wish I had stuck aroud to find out what my favorite series was suppose to be, but that was when I woke up. fin