From: Darrel Jones Subject: Spells R Us Archive,"The Diet" Date: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 4:58 AM SPELLS R US: THE DIET by Roy Del Frink It was just another typical Friday at Spells R Us. The wizard in charge had just served another customer. As he tried to figure out how to trick that fellow, Virgil George Plover strolled by. Virgil entered the shop looking confused, wondering where the General Nutrition Center usually occupying this location had gone. Virgil was a tall man, about six foot three. He didn't have many muscles; he was mostly tall and lanky, weighing about 180 pounds. His brown hair only went down to the top of his neck, and his piercing olive-green eyes betrayed uncertainty. He wore a loose-fitting green T-shirt and baggy brown jeans held up by a black belt buckled on its innermost notch. His brown loafers looked a little scruffy, like they needed to be polished. Virgil walked up to the counter, staring at the short old man wearing a worn-out bathrobe. "Don't worry, Virgil. I can help you. Even though we specialize in magic, I can deal with your weight problem." "How did you know my name, and about my losing weight?" "Just a little something called sorcery. After all, I am a wizard. Please allow me to present my card." The old man pulled out a small business card, reading "Spells R Us, Magical Goods at Prices So Low It's Miraculous! Coming soon to an area near you, unless one's there already. Not endorsed by Good Spell-Casting Magazine." "Whoops, that doesn't belong there," the wizard sheepishly chuckled, waving his hand. The last sentence magically disappeared from the card. "Now that you've seen me use my abilities, you know that this shop is for real. Now what can I do you for?" "Well, Mr. Wizard, I have a weight problem. As you might already know, I'm almost 40. I've weighted 200 pounds for over 15 years, but two weeks ago I started losing weight. Now I'm about 20 pounds below my ideal weight. See the shirt and jeans I'm wearing now? I used to fill those perfectly. But now they're too big. Worse, I've got denim shorts at home that won't even stay up without a belt. I don't wanna have to buy a new wardrobe. Could you please help me fill out my old clothes?" "Sure, Virgil. I have just the thing for you." The old man picked up a six- pack of soda cans that said "Trim-Fast". "Drink one can of these, every day, for the next six days, right before dinner. By this date next week, I guarantee you will fill out your clothing again. Only six dollars." Virgil gave the man his money, noting he'd brought exactly six dollars in cash with him. It was almost as if the wizard had known exactly how much was in his pocket. But that didn't worry Virgil. He figured that this six bucks would save him hundreds from buying a new wardrobe. He gladly left the shop and went home. When he entered the front door, Virgil was greeted by his wife, Jean Paula Plover, nee Roberts. Jean was 38, about seven inches shorter then her husband, and wore a sky blue blouse with a khaki-styled skirt. Her thick legs were also covered by a white apron and wide periwinkle pumps. She had flowing red hair, just down to her waist. Her eyes were green like Virgil's, but a much bluer shade, more like chartreuse. While she once had a very attractive figure, she had fattened with age. By now she measured about 40-36-42, and weighed almost as much as her taller husband. Her breasts filled a rather chubby B-cup. "Where have you been?" Jean asked her mate. "Dear, I found the strangest little shop, and they sold me a dietary supplement like I've never seen before." Virgil told her about the bizarre shop, showing her the card and the Trim-Fast. "Wow, that is strange. I could use a visit there myself. I've been gaining weight for several years, and my figure's been shot to hell. I can't wear those sexy outfits you got me last year for our tenth anniversary. Let's face it, Virgil. We're getting older, and I could certainly use a Fountain of Youth. If only we'd had children I'd feel better, but alas, my irregular periods and tiny womb have rendered me impregnable." "Oh, well. I hope these new 'Trim-Fast' treatments allow me to gain those twenty pounds back. Here's to a better future." "To us," Jean chimed. She toasted Virgil's Trim-Fast shake with a glass of tomato juice. Virgil took a sip, and almost grimaced at the taste. A rather quaint flavor, almost like a chocolate milk shake drenched in peanut oil. He wasn't bothered by it as much as the strange sensation that started coursing through his body. He could feel himself shrinking an inch. His arms and legs also got shorter and more compact. He felt little bumps swell under his nipples, as if he were developing small, A-cup breasts. His waist was already skinnier than the rest of his torso, but it shrank slightly in size while his hips and butt expanded a couple inches each. His hair fell down to his shoulders, and turned into a light brownish hue, as if his hair had been peroxided. He also felt a small loss in muscle tone, and his face softened as his cheek bones and nose altered their appearance. Worst of all, he felt his cock and balls both shrink, to about a third of their original size. "Damn!" Virgil yelled. "The Trim-Fast didn't work. If anything, it made me even lighter. And more ladylike to boot! I didn't ask for a feminine appearance. That wizard swindled me!" "Well, I'm gonna have to give him a stern talking to," Jean replied haughtily. "Nobody treats my husband like a chump!" That night, Virgil and Jean discussed the changes in Virgil's appearance. Although it was hard for them to accept, Virgil eventually realized how nice it might be to fully appreciate what his wife goes through every day. They made mad passionate love before falling asleep. Saturday morning, Jean Paula Roberts Plover entered the Spells R Us shop. She could see the little weirdo smiling in his bathrobe. Jean wondered how Virgil could ever be conned by such a slick huckster. "Hold it right there, Jean Plover! I am not a huckster, I'm a magician." "But how did you know-" "I just told you, I'm a magician. I also know you're upset at me selling a dietary supplement to your husband that not only worsened his weight loss, but feminized him. Don't worry, dear, I've got the solution to your problem right here." The old man held up a small prescription bottle, like you would find in a pharmacy. "There are five pills in this bottle. Take one pill a day, at the same time Virgil sips his dietary shake. You should probably wash your pills down with tomato juice, your favorite beverage. When both of you finish your dietary aids, you should be pleased at the results. And because of your anger and skepticism, the pills are on the house. I'm sorry, but since you didn't save the receipt from Virgil's purchase, you can't return it." Jean was indeed skeptical about the pills, but the wizard's mention of her favorite beverage made her wonder if this guy might be for real. Never mind the fact that Virgil hadn't been given a receipt for a refund. At first she would have just punched the guy in the face and ran out of the shop; now, however, she was more willing to believe him, and accepted the pills without question. She left the shop, and returned home to her husband. Saturday afternoon was fairly uneventful. Jean and Virgil followed their usual daily routine, buying food and cleaning the house. While they were shopping, they discovered that nobody noticed Virgil's altered appearance. In fact, everybody treated them as if Virgil had been like this for years. Even Virgil's clothes had magically altered to match his new shape; although his old shorts would now have been able to stay up without a belt, they'd hug his hips, and look ridiculously large on his smaller body. Virgil weighed himself, discovering his "crash diet" had caused him to lose five more pounds. He was worried about what future changes might be in store. That evening, right after dinner, Virgil drank his second Trim-Fast shake as Jean downed her first pill. Virgil noticed the changes in himself first. He dropped another two inches; now he was down to an even six feet. His hair fell down to his ribcage, and turned totally blonde. His fingernails grew about half an inch, and got slightly pointed. His breasts grew another cup size, as his waist collapsed another two inches and his hips jutted out another inch. He felt nearly all the fat on his stomach melt away, as his legs got skinnier, concentrating most of their weight near the top and tapering down. His penis and testicles shrank down to the size of a four- year-old boy's. His fingers turned long and slender, as they lost thickness. His voice raised an octave in range, so that he could now sing tenor without straining his chords. He lost all his facial hair; Virgil would never have to shave again. At least not his face, anyway. His muscle tone almost disappeared e! ntirely, leaving him looking like a male about to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Jean also noticed changes. She grew an inch taller. Her facial features got harder and more muscular. She also felt some red peach fuzz forming around her chin and mandible. Her hair got shorter, until it was wholly above her shoulders. Her arms and legs added extra length. Her breasts shrank a cup size, so that her boobs were smaller than Virgil's. Her waist expanded outwards, and her muscles swelled somewhat larger. Her legs put on a hefty amount of weight, and worst of all, she felt changes in her crotch. Her clitoris swelled to triple its old size, and her vaginal opening started to fuse together slightly. She could also feel her ovaries move outward, towards her now smaller cunt. She felt a strange lump forming inside her torso, as if she were developing a prostate gland. Within the space of two minutes, she knew Virgil and herself were being changed, and they were worried what might happen after their four remaining doses. Thankfully, their love of one anoth! er had not diminished, and their much smaller bodily orifices allowed for another love making session just as good as Friday's. On Sunday morning, the couple went to church, then returned home for some pot roast. While getting dressed, Jean noticed that, like Virgil, her clothes were mysteriously altered to fit her new body. At the table, Virgil discovered his appetite was much smaller than before he'd met the wizard, while Jean ate a considerably larger portion than usual. They spent the afternoon lounging around the house, though Virgil discovered football was unusually boring and Jean could no longer tolerate her needlepoint stitching. Strangely, the two ended up switching these decades-long hobbies of theirs in a single afternoon. As they sat together for their daily doses, Virgil and Jean wondered what happening. "Something strange is going on here, and I don't like it," Jean said. "Well, I've had strange things happen before, dear, but this is the strangest of them all. I'm worried we'll never be able to show ourselves in public if these changes keep up. Oh, well, let's see what another dose will do. I'm not the kind of person to cheat on my medication." "Nor I. To our relationship; may we stay together for years to come." Virgil toasted his Trim-Fast with his wife's tomato juice. As they swallowed their medications, they felt more changes happen. Virgil's body shrank another two inches; he was now five foot ten. His breasts expanded out another two cup sizes, to a rather feminine D-cup. His waist turned in another inch, as his hips expanded outward another two inches. His arms and legs no longer shortened considerably, but they did get thinner. He felt his hair sink lower, down to his waist. His fingernails grew to a length of an inch and a half. His feet got smaller, shrinking to a size 6; he'd once worn a size 12 shoe. His voice raised even further up, until his Adam's apple all but disappeared and her could now sing alto. His hair got thicker and more vibrant. And his genitals disappeared altogether. Anyone looking at Virgil now would have assumed he was a woman. Jean grew another two inches; she was now just an inch shorter than her husband. She developed more muscles, and her! breasts just about disappeared. Her clitoris grew to a length of five inches, and she felt her ovaries move out of her body into her crotch. There they stood, hidden inside a small fold of skin under the base of her elongated clit. Her voice deepened, until it was an octave lower than her husband; now SHE was the one who could sing a natural tenor voice. The prostate gland in her body grew bigger, and her Adam's apple more than doubled in size. Anyone passing by Jean would assume she was a man. "What's happening to us?" Virgil shrieked in his higher voice. "I don't know, but it feels awfully freaky," Jean replied in her huskier voice. "How will we ever be able to present ourselves in public now? I was once an attractive woman, but now I look like a feminized man. And you! You were once a macho stud, but now you're more of a husky-built woman. How will our lives ever go on?" "I don't know, Jean, but I do know I'm now unable to have sex." Virgil lowered his pants, revealing a 100% smooth crotch with no appendages or openings. "I've just gotta get back to normal with my last three doses!" "Me too, Virgil. Actually, we can have sex. You'll just have to give me a blow-job." "Yuck! I won't do it." "Will you at least give me a hand-job, dear?" Virgil sighed. "Fine, honey, I'm willing to do that. Remember, just because you now look like the man and I look like the woman doesn't mean we've actually swapped roles." Yet, he added to himself. That night, Virgil did give a couple hand-jobs to Jean. Against his better judgement, he also gave her a blow-job. He was surprised how well the sperm tasted to his taste buds, making him wonder if his inner working might be subject to change too. After a confusing night, the happily married couple fell asleep. On Monday morning, Virgil prepared for work. He discovered his clothes were now all feminine: plenty of dresses and skirts, no ties or dinner jackets. After putting on a lime green dress and white open-toed sandals, Virgil showed up at the insurance company he worked for. But his boss shocked him by saying, "You don't work here, Virginia. Where's that super-late husband of yours?" Virginia? Husband? This is getting too weird, Virgil thought to himself. Apparently we HAVE switched roles. He called Jean, telling her that since she now wore the pants in the family, she would be the bread- winner, while Virgil would be cleaning the house and doing other chores of the home-maker. Jean agreed, not knowing what else to do. Twenty minutes later, she showed up for work in a brown T-shirt, black pants, a red-and-white-striped tie, and a checked sports jacket. Virgil went home to take care of the house. To their surprise, Jean worked effortlessly, as if she'd been in the insurance business for years, while Virgil did the chores as if he'd been cleaning house for awhile. Around 2 in the afternoon, when the house was clean enough for Virgil, he tried applying makeup and giving himself new hairstyles. Even though he'd never tried this before, he found himself working with the skill and ease of a woman his age. Virgil realized that since we probably WAS a w! oman his age, it only made sense he'd acquired the knowledge of one as well. When Jean got home from work, the couple discussed their days. Virgil asked, "How did you do your job, dear?" Jean replied, "As well as you would have. I noticed the ladies around me, and I thought some of them rather pretty. But you know I'll never cheat on you, honey. And I see you've mastered the feminine arts of beauty." "Yes, I have. And I've developed this rather strange compulsion to buy clothes and shoes every time I pass a clothing or shoe store at the mall. Come to think of it, my emotional awareness has been heightened ever since I started taking those silly dietary shakes. What's going on, sweetie? Everyone's treating us as if I'm the wife, and you're the husband." "But we are, Virgil! Just look at our bodies." Virgil had to agree. After fixing meatloaf for dinner, Virgil told Jean that this would be a good time to take the next dose of their magical diets. He figured that, since he didn't want to be this sexless creature he now was, he may as well complete his transition to womanhood, even if he didn't relish the thought. After Virgil downed his fourth Trim-Fast, he noticed a new opening on his crotch. He'd seen Jean's so many times, but having one on himself was a new sensation, like he'd never had before. He was now a complete, physically attractive woman. His breasts grew to F-cup size. He shrank one last inch, down to five foot six. His skin lost several wrinkles, and his body generally seemed to get younger; Virgil figured he was now biologically about 30. Jean felt some changes in herself after swallowing the third pill. Her penis about doubled in length, and her testicles enlarged accordingly. She gained more muscles, so that she could now out-press Arnold Swartzenagger. She grew several more inches in height; she was now taller than Virgil, about six foot two. She also estimated she now weighed about 250 pounds, twice as much as her transformed husband. Her figure was now that of a champion weight- lifter, and she also felt her youth restored about ten years. Like Virgil, she now had the body of a 30 year old. As the two of them sat down to dinner, they discussed their days, then the latest changes in their bodies. "What do you think, Jean darling?" "I love them! Now I have your dream body, you have mine, and we're younger to boot! Why don't we go to bed early tonight and explore our new bodies." "Sounds like a plan to me." They did all their old sex games, only reversing the roles. Virgil loved the new sensations coursing through his body, and Jean discovered just how pleasurable having something between her legs could be. After several pleasurable releases from both of them, they fell asleep. On Tuesday, Jean dressed for work while Virgil prepared for another day of shopping and house-sitting. The same magic changing their bodies also changed their wardrobe to match. They discovered that they'd now been married for five years, and everyone was treating them as if they'd never been a member of the gender opposite their current appearance. Then again, who could blame them? Nobody would believe that "Virginia" had ever been male, or that "Gene" had ever been female. Even their drivers licenses were labeled with those names. Now the couple was fully prepared to undergo the remaining changes, so they each took their next dose. Virgil noticed his already-overgrown breasts gain another cup size or two. His body also regressed down to 25. And he also felt an effect in his own mind; he started remembering things that had never happened, while forgetting other things that had happened. Jean felt similar changes in her body, growing one last inch to six foot three, Virgil's old height. She also noticed her body get more youthful to match Virgil's, and felt similar changes in her memories. The two settled down to another wonderful love-making session before falling asleep. Wednesday was confusing for the younger couple. People called them "Gene Roberts" and "Virginia Plover", as if they hadn't yet married. And both of them had memories of things that had never happened, like Virgil sleeping at slumber parties and his difficult puberty, and Jean playing football and visiting night clubs. Both felt disoriented and confused, although thinking of the last doses of their strange dietary supplements made them feel better. Hopefully, they would clear things up and return everything to normal. The last week had been strange, and time had passed so slowly for them; Wednesday in particular felt like a century to the two of them. Still, they made it through the day and returned home. "So, Jean, I mean Gene, how was your day at work?" "Confusing, Virginia, I mean Virgil. Half the day I couldn't even remember my own name, whatever it is. And when people said hi to me, I didn't know how to introduce myself!" "Me too. Why don't we just take the last doses of our funny medicine and get it over with." "I'm with you, dear fiancee." Virgil drank his last Trim-Fast as Jean washed her last pill down with tomato juice. There were no apparent physical changes, but both felt their memories alter to fit their new life. After spending a couple minutes dizzy and confused, the couple embraced themselves as if nothing unusual had ever happened. "Gene, darling, don't forget our wedding tomorrow!" "Of course, Virginia. After all, ever since I was the captain of the high- school football team, and you were the head cheerleader, we've always loved each other. We have plenty of plans. And I'm gonna have to stay with my brother's tonight; we can't see each other before the ceremony, after all!" "Good point, snookums. I'll see you at the church at noon!" That night, Gene had an extra-special bachelor party, although he made sure not to cheat on his darling Virginia. The bride-to-be spent the night flipping through her high school yearbook, realizing what a lucky gal she was. Her 46-26-38 body quivered with excitement. Gene was soooo much fun to cuddle, and her GG-sized babies sure got his attention. But he also loved the 130-pound beauty behind those breasts, just like she cared for her hulky, 270-pound dreamboat. She fell asleep, nervous but prepared for the following day. Gene turned in late but happy at getting married to the cutest girl in school. Thursday was the big day. Virginia wore a radiant white gown, complete with a five-foot train. Gene was dressed to the nines in a snappy tuxedo. As the young couple marveled at the magic of the moment, the minister got to the vows. "Do you, Virginia Georgia Plover, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to love, honor, and cherish, for the rest of your natural life, till death do you part?" "How could I not? I do." "And do you, Gene Paul Roberts, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to love, honor, and cherish, for the rest of your natural life, till death do you part?" "Absolutely. I do." "I now pronounce you man and wife. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Gene Roberts. Gene, you may now kiss the bride." The two locked in a passionate embrace. The crowd cheered. The reception afterwards was a blast, and the two left for a Hawaii honeymoon. They saw many sights and experienced many thrills, most of them in their hotel bedroom. After Gene went back to his insurance company job, Virginia consulted the doctor and discovered she was pregnant. Nine months later she gave birth to a boy she wanted to name George Virgil Roberts for some reason unknown to her. After all, there were no Virgils or Georges in the Plover family or the Roberts family. She planned to have five more kids with her handsome husband, and raise a family of happy, healthy children. And with the love of her life at her side, nothing could stop them. Virginia started breast-feeding baby George, and she knew that she would enjoy feeding her children their mother's milk. She sighed in pleasure. The wizard just chuckled. "I hope you newlyweds take better care of your new bodies - and lives - than you did with the old ones." THE END