From: (Chad Larson) Subject: SRU: Change Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 06:54:35 GMT Well all, after lots of thought I'm sending this out. Comments are encouraged, however, flames are not. "Ah, perfection.", Millicent says, raising the piece of paper to her eye to examine it, "I wish I had a magnifying glass. It would make easier to see if these are okay." She had spent some time with her new copier, trying to get the colors just right. She had about given up when it finally looked right. "Hopefully, no one will be able to tell that this is counterfeit.", she says, gleefully. Giving it one last look over, she decides that it's time to test her handiwork. She hops into her car and speeds off to the mall. * * * Spells R Us? I've never seen this place before, she thinks, Oh well this is a good as place as any to see if this thing will work. She opens the door and steps in. "Hello? Is anybody here?", she calls out. An old man emerges from the back room. Hello Millicent.", the old man replies. "How do you...", Millicent starts. "Know your name?", the old man finishes, "It's rather simple really." "Mind telling me how it's done?" "Yes." "Oh kay. We all have to have secrets I guess." "Indeed. Now, do you see anything you like?" "May I look around a bit?" "Certainly, certainly. I'll be in back. Ring the bell if you need me.", he replies, pointing at a bell on the front counter. "I will, thanks." She looks around the store. Wow, look at all this stuff. I'm going to have to come back her if the old man is fooled by my counterfeit ten, she thinks. Then something catches her eye. It's a loupe, a small magnifying glass jewelers use. "I sure could use this.", she says picking it up. "Ah, an excellent choice. And only ten dollars.", the old man says behind her. "Oh, you startled me.", she says gasping, "I'll take it." She slaps her counterfeit bill on the counter. The old man takes it and puts it in the cash register. "Thank you my dear." "No problem.", Millicent replies, heading out the door. She tosses the loupe up and catches it in her hand. "Yes! The old man fell for it!", she cries, not noticing the her skin is turning a copperish color. It is also developing cracks. She takes a step forward. When her foot hits the floor it shatters. She screams and looks down. There, instead of her foot are some red disks. A wave of nausea flowing over her, she tips over and falls to the floor. Hitting the floor, her body shatters into more red disks. The wizard steps out of the door, humming to himself. Sweeping up the disks, he talks to himself, "Well, Millicent, your father always said you weren't worth a red cent. Now you're worth a thousand of them."