Advancement of India in the realms of Science

(This essay was written when I was a eleventh standard student in 1974.The reference section is not professional. This essay won the 2nd prize in a State level Essay Competition held by Ramakrishna Mission –Narendrapur, W. Bengal, India. I think that if I have written the Essay today some of the material would have been presented differently and that perspective has also changed in some cases. A lot more of material was needed to be added.)


"Science is what happens around you all the time. Life is made better, dreams become realities, errors get amended. You are a part of it. As a scientist. Or as a beneficiary. Sometimes there is terror. Life is wiped out or manipulated. In the genes, embryos in the test tubes. You worry. Or things happen far away on the moon or mars on the Orion Nebula. Yet you want to know because you are involved. Science has a hundred field."1

Indian philosophy contrary to the popular belief, is not against development of science (Scio = knowledge). India follows the path – "not wealth nor of sword – but intellect – intellect chastened "2.

The entomological meaning of Upanishads (UPA + NI + SADA) is knowledge. Thus India with it’s search for knowledge in ancient times was much progressive.

In metallurgy and other spheres Indian talents have enriched this universe. It was the first to use the concept of Sunya (zero), decimal and Calculus (in some form). The "Susruta Samhita" a comprehensive treatise of surgery was written by Susruta. " Operations for Hydroceles, reduction of Hernia and ruptures and setting of fractures " – have not changed since Susruta first performed them in 1000 BC. Again Kanada was the first to introduce in some form the concept of atom, long before John Dalton. In all spheres India then was on the top.

But at the beginning of the middle age foreign conquerors came to India. They totally smashed our rich scientific heritage. The modern age of India began with the defeat of Sirajdaulla in 1757. But modern age of Indian science started in the later part of nineteenth century with the " great experimenter" – Sir J. C. Bose3.

Jagadish Chandra Bose made great contributions to physics by his works on electro–magnetic radiation and still more to Bio–Physics by introducing quantitative measurement techniques in the field of Zoology and Botany. In many ways he can be compared with Swami Vivekananda; for they were the two (later followed by Tagore) who made the world aware of the talent of the " black – native Indians". He founded the Bose Institute. To follow Bose was Acharya P. C. Ray. He made, besides his works on chemistry significant contributions to the development of Indian Science. He brought to light the works of ancient Indian genii. Then came C.V. Raman, celebrated for his discovery of " Raman effect" in 1928, which earned him the Fellowship of the " Royal Society " and the Nobel Prize in 1930. An age of illumination next to follow their suit were the genii of Meghnad Saha, Homi Jehangir Bhabha , Satyendra Nath Bose …..etc. Satyen Bose is well known now for the joint statistical theory of his and Einstein’s and for his researches on the " Unified field theory". Like Raman Effect he is well known in science for his " Bosons". Another personality to be honoured for playing the pivotal role in Indian Science’s development is Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee the vice-chancellor of Calcutta University at that time.

Today there are many Indian scientists, but it is sad to observe that a large fraction of them do their research works abroad, Why is this "brain drain"? We must as we shall proceed with this essay notice that – progress in science is sometimes narrowly interpreted as progress in scientific research, not as putting science to work. The application of scientific knowledge in practice makes a nation strong and wealthy.

Indian atomic energy programs began in 1945 with the establishment of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (T.I.F.R) by Bhabha. The Institute does research on nuclear science and mathematics. In August 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (Trombay), was established. The atomic power stations at Rana Pratap Sagar, Madras, the Heavy Water Plant at Nangel, Rana Pratap Sagar, Tuticorin, Baroda were constituted. Atomic Mineral Division (Delhi), High Altitude Research Center (Gulmarg), Uranium Corporation (Jaduguda), Variable Energy Cyclotron Center (Calcutta), Reactor Research Center (Madras), Seismic Station (Gauribidnaur), Rare Earth plant (Alwaye) and Nuclear Fuel Complex (Hyderabad) are contributing to the progress of India in the field of Nuclear Energy.

The first Asian reactor Apsara at Trombay was established in 1956. Today India possesses the reactors named CIRUS, ZERLINA etc. After all, we are today proud of becoming the sixth nuclear nation with the nuclear blast this year.

However, we must acknowledge that India is a husbandry-based country. Its development necessarily comes through agriculture. Today more fertilisers are used; Hybrid and many types of new seeds and relay cropping systems are introduced to bring the green revolution. The development of "Sharbati Sonora" wheat variety by Dr. M.S. Swaminathan and NP700, NP800, NP809 etc. varieties by Dr. B.P. Pal are instances of progress of agro-science. Experiments on growing paddy on cement beds were successful. This technique can be utilised in deserts of Rajasthan. Indirect means of supplying plants with Nitrogen from the atmospheric Nitrogen in place of nitrogenous fertilisers (which are been imported) was invented. Utilisations of difference of photosynthesis rates of plants to breed high yield cropping plant are under research.

The exploration of the outer space started in India about a century ago. A solar physics observatory was started at Kodaikonal in 1899. This laboratory made significant contributions to astro-physics. The researches of Meghnad Saha and S Chandrasekhar on stellar atmosphere contributed much to Astrophysics. Today Bose Institute, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Indian Institute of science (Bangalore), Bhabha Atomic Research Center (Trombay) are responsible to a great extent for progress of space research in India.

The Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (T.E.R.L.S) was established in Kerala. T.E.R.L.S. today has UN sponsorship and an advisory panel consisting of India, France, U.S.A., USSR, Scientific groups from India, France, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., West Germany and Japan have been taking part in experiments at T.E.R.L.S. Now a satellite launching system too is being developed at Shriharikotta in Andhra Pradesh. India will shortly launch a satellite from Russian Station.

Electronics Technology is a fast changing one. Integrated Circuits (ICs), Field Effect Transistors (F.E.T.), Silicon Planar transistors etc are tools of modern techniques are already being introduced in India, all by ourselves. Today we have reached a high standard of sophistication and are competing with the west in this field. Computers and cyclone warning systems are being developed and produced here. The " Ultra High Frequency Multi-Channel Radio Relay Link" for Indian Oil ltd. By Bharat Electronics Ltd. is an achievement. Electronics Corporation of India undertook the electronics portion of the recent Nuclear Blast. Bharat Electronics, electronics Corporation, Central Electronics Engineering & research Institute (Pilani) are doing a great deal of developmental work in connection with Electronics in India. Introduction of Television is belated. First to get it was Delhi. The satellite which will be launched in near future will make possible to telecast programs to rural dwellers.

In the field of irrigation India, however, has progressed well. The "Ganga- Cauvery link" project or its alternative will (if feasible) bring enough water to many areas for irrigation. It will also prevent annual floods in the Ganges. Besides, it can also augment drinking water supplies along the route of the canal and provide better navigational facilities. In fact it will better navigational facilities. It will form an all India River grid system. Scientists in India are confident that Himalayan glaciers can be controlled and it will be possible for us to stop disastrous flood or the parched aridness of our North.

The whole of this universe along with India is suffering from power crisis. Indians to solve the problem began to explore its geothermal resources recently. The government formed the "Hot Spring Committee" in 1966 to examine the possibility of utilising this resource. The committee, which consisted of engineers, geologists, and geophysicists, submitted their report in 1968; India has wide scope in this field. Again M.H.D (Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics) power project is not a far cry. The government and scientist are trying to apply this resource too. Research works are going on to utilise thermonuclear power.

Indian medicines are of International standard. One significant work of Medical science is reduction of death and birth rates. In India while the birth rate dropped from a figure of 51.3 in the first decade of this century to 16 in the sixties. More Indians are becoming aware of family planning. Vasectomy and tubectomy etc. operations are gaining ground. Science progress, as people become conscious of it and also by its application to practical fields.

Challenging the developed countries Indian chemical goods are well known for their quality. Research and development works are continuing. Last year (1973) India became the fourth nation in the world to use computer typesetting for the Bombay Telephone Directory after the U.S., U.K., and Australia. An Indian newspaper has a facsimile system to bring out its edition from a neighboring city. Some revolutionary developments have started taking place in the field of plastic. The know-how has developed to such an extent that the day is not far of when India will start exporting its technical know-how.

After all I must confess India did not progress, as she should. The policies followed by government and farms were of foreign collaboration. Science, Industry and technology are interdependent in this century. We were trying to be up-to-date not beyond date. Research and development work lagged behind. Money was invested to get quick profit. Again we tried like the West to make our policy capital intensive. But for a country vastly populated as ours it should be labour intensive. Owing to too much dependence on machinery and because our Industry is city based 10% of our people have come in direct contact with science but 90% of the people are unaware of this progressing world. This polarisation of our society into affluent urban and lagging rustic hinders advancement of science. Again scientist and engineers do not get adequate support from the government. As a result eminent scientists like Dr. H. Khorana had to immigrate. Mr. Bharati developed a sophisticated and cheap process of producing steel in India. If that process were recognised in India, she could have had surplus steel. But owing to the belated recognition of the government the world right of this technique has gone to some West German firms. This belated recognition which is the characteristics of the Indian Government make us pays heavily in this fast advancing world. Sophisticated instrument must be manufactured by us and should be made readily available for development of science. But here our scientists are quite handicapped.

However future of Indian science is bright. The political affairs have changed considerably. More and more young and intelligent people are going in administrative line. Now the path of India is not of foreign collaboration, but development of science and technology of its own which is bound to happen as it inclines to make its technology and industry self-reliant. Scientist and people are trying to improve the situation.

Finally to conclude, we must realise- "India must evolve according to her own genius …There is need for learning from others but learning means independent assimilation of ideas and not mere imitation. Imitation does not lead to healthy growth, but rather to national death. In Swami Vivekananda’s conception such an imitation is unthinkable in India –"Is it possible for the Hindu race to be Russianised " Lastly let us chant – " Awake we are the Amritasya Putra". (We are the sons of the Immortal).



    1. Science Today - May 1973 ,page 7
    2. Caste, Culture and Socialism –By Swami Vivekananda
    3. Jesting Pilate – by Aldous Huxley
    4. Issues of " Science Today " – 1970-1974 (September)
    5. Issues of " Industrial and Technological Magazine "


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