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Measure your life by its donation, Not duration

Martial Arts Today Sansei Goju Ryu in North Carolina. 
Florida International University-North Karate Program in North Campus
Empty Hand Dojo Empty Hand Dojo, Miami
Collegian Dojo Collegian Dojo, Miami
Florida International University Karate Florida International University (FIU) students can find very usefull information on our Karate program.
Sansei Goju Ryu Page 2 Another World Sansei Goju Ryu information site.
Warrior Arts Sensei Alessandro's Warrior Arts page. 
Sensei Philip Sakornsin Sensei Philip Sakornsin great and inspiring lifetime story and findings in the art of Karate-Do. 
Kardio Kombat Lisa Gaylord, Sensei 
Goju Ryu Net Sansei Goju-Ryu Net Information Site.
South Africa Sansei Goju Ryu in South Africa
Venezuela Sansei Goju Ryu in Venezuela
New York Sansei Goju Ryu in New York
New Jersey Sansei Goju Ryu in New Jersey
Arizona Sansei Goju Ryu in Phoenix, Arizona
Puerto Rico Sansei Goju Ryu in Puerto Rico
Kenshokai Sansei Goju Ryu in Japan
Double Dragon Renshi Arthur DeBuc's Web page in Virginia and Massachussets.
Renshi Valentine Renshi Jimmy Valentine's Virginia Site. The site provides information about Sansei Goju-Ryu and Karate in Virginia.


The ownership of   all pictures and material related to the Hombu Dojo (Vaalpark) belongs to the publisher of this website. Permission to use any of this information can be obtained from Johan Reyneke. Permission to use any of this material for non commercial use will not be withheld.

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